Standing to Enforce European Union Law before National Courts

Book Description

Access to court has long been recognised as an essential element of a Union based on the rule of law. This book asks, how can Member States ensure that their rules on standing guarantee that right? The book answers this question by analysing the requirements of EU law from two angles: first, the effective protection of Union rights; second, the effectiveness of Union law per se. With detailed case law examination, the book formulates an autonomous Union law doctrine of standing based on the principle of effective judicial protection. It then goes further, setting out an effectiveness test of Member States' enforcement mechanisms, to ensure that EU law is rendered operative in practice. This is a rigorous study on a question of immense importance.

Private Enforcement of EU Law Before National Courts

Book Description

Private Enforcement of EU Law before National Courts successfully illustrates how legal actions brought by private parties can be instrumental in strengthening compliance with EU law. Through a detailed examination of selected EU legislation across the fields of procurement, intellectual property rights, consumer protection, and competition law, Folkert Wilman compares various remedies and procedures in which private parties have been utilised in the redress of grievances under EU law. An essential reference work for practicing lawyers acting before domestic courts in matters of EU Law, this timely publication offers new insights into private enforcement as a supplementary enforcement instrument, and offers clarity on how such a tool impacts on contractual remedies, procedural issues and the role of judicial review.

Preliminary References to the Court of Justice of the European Union and Effective Judicial Protection

Book Description

The preliminary reference procedure under Article 267 TFEU is the keystone of the EU judicial system and its legal order. Based on a dialogue between the Court of Justice and national courts, it is strictly linked to the protection of the rights that individuals derive from EU law. This book focuses on this procedure from the perspective of the right to effective judicial protection, in light of Article 19(1), second subparagraph, TEU and Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. It explores the level of protection that is ensured to individuals in order to access to the Court of Justice through preliminary references on the validity of EU acts and on the interpretation of EU law. The book offers a threefold perspective on preliminary references, through an analysis of the case law of the Court of Justice itself, of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to Article 6(1) ECHR, and of the constitutional courts of Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain, where the national courts’ refusals to refer can lead to the violation of national constitutional rights. It further investigates the obligations for Member States and national courts in the framework of the preliminary reference procedure and how the right to effective judicial protection affects them. The examination outlines the implications that could flow from the recognition of a right for individuals to have a question referred to the ECJ, as part of the right to effective judicial protection under EU law, in particular its nature and its enforcement. Building upon the existing system of sanctions for the violations of the obligation to submit a preliminary question, the book advances some proposals to rethink the current system of remedies.

Infringement Proceedings in EU Law

Book Description

Infringement proceedings constitute a signi¬ficant proportion of proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union and play a key role in the development of EU law. Their immediate purpose is to obtain a declaration that a Member State has, by its conduct, failed to ful¬l an obligation under the EU Treaties. The aim is to bring that conduct and its effects to an end and, ultimately, to eliminate infringements across the Union. This book – the ¬first comprehensive and detailed full-length work in English on infringement proceedings under Articles 258-260 TFEU – provides not only an in-depth discussion on the role and function of infringement proceedings within the EU legal order, but also a critical assessment of the procedures as they currently stand, complete with proposals for future changes. Recognizing that Member States’ compliance with EU law is an integral part of the task of ensuring the rule of law throughout the Union, the author thoroughly explains the functioning of infringement proceedings, their requirements and related policies, including issues such as: – the Commission’s discretion to bring a case before the Court; – the author of the infringement, including national courts or private entities; – Member States’ procedural and substantive defences; – the different procedures under Articles 258, 259 and 260(2) and (3) TFEU; – rights of private parties; – interim measures; – ¬financial sanctions; – Member States’ liability; and – the roles played by the European Parliament and the Ombudsman. Particular attention is devoted to rules that have not yet been fully interpreted, or where the current interpretation or application of the rules seems problematic. The book tackles, in particular, whether infringement proceedings, as they stand, constitute an appropriate means of ensuring observance by Member States’ authorities of the EU acquis, and, if not, what reforms should be implemented in order to achieve this in the future. Such a detailed and in-depth examination of this fundamental procedure of EU law will be of great and long-lasting interest to EU and Member State administrators, legal practitioners and academics. Luca Prete is currently a référendaire (Legal Secretary) for Advocate General Wahl at the Court of Justice of the European Union, on secondment from the Legal Service of the European Commission. He is also a member of the Centre for European Law of the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He has published several articles in the fi¬eld of EU law and is a regular speaker at EU law seminars and conferences.

East African Community Law

Book Description

East African Community Law provides a comprehensive and open-access text book on EAC law. Written by leading experts, including the president of the EACJ, national judges, academics and practitioners, it provides the most complete overview to date of this increasingly important field. Uniquely, the book also provides a systematic comparison with EU law. EU companion chapters provide concise overviews of EU law and its development, offering valuable inspiration for the application and further development of EAC law. The book has been written for all practitioners, judges, civil servants, academics and students faced with questions of EAC law. It discusses institutional, substantive and jurisdictional issues, including the nature of EAC law, free movement and competition law as well as the reception of EAC law in Partner States.

Remedies and Procedures before the EU Courts

Book Description

Finding one's way amongst the myriad of provisions that govern the system of remedies and the proceedings before the three constituent courts of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) presents a major challenge to European practitioners. It is crucial to possess a reliable, thorough guide to the relevant statutory provisions and rules of procedure – such a guide as this book, written by one of Europe's foremost jurists, provides. For every kind of case and any situation likely to arise, it clearly explains which rules apply and how to proceed. It is fully up to date, covering the renewed rules of procedure of the Court of Justice, the General Court, and the Civil Service Tribunal, as well as updated provisions and practice directions. From foundations and principles to specifi c rules on evidence, damages, failure to act, preliminary rulings, interim measures, and much more, the book covers all essential elements of CJEU procedure, including the following: – division of competences between the Union courts; – admissibility; – rules regarding anonymity; – practice rules for the implementation of rules of procedure; – service of documents; – setting and extension of time limits, hearings, witnesses, and experts; – deposit and recovery of sums; – rules applying to the chamber system; – assignment of cases; – application of competition rules, rules on state aid, and rules on trade protection; – rules in cases concerning intellectual property rights; – rules in actions brought on the basis of an arbitration agreement; – rules governing access to documents; – delimitation of jurisdiction between the CJEU and national courts; – expedited procedures; and – scope of the rules on costs. Each chapter ends with a list of further readings. Any lawyer seeking appropriate remedies in any case before the CJEU will benefi t enormously from this book, whether used as a hands-on manual in particular cases or absorbed over time. It is sure to serve as an essential resource for many years to come.

Standing to Enforce European Union Law before National Courts

Book Description

Access to court has long been recognised as an essential element of a Union based on the rule of law. This book asks, how can Member States ensure that their rules on standing guarantee that right? The book answers this question by analysing the requirements of EU law from two angles: first, the effective protection of Union rights; second, the effectiveness of Union law per se. With detailed case law examination, the book formulates an autonomous Union law doctrine of standing based on the principle of effective judicial protection. It then goes further, setting out an effectiveness test of Member States' enforcement mechanisms, to ensure that EU law is rendered operative in practice. This is a rigorous study on a question of immense importance.

National Courts and the Application of EU Law

Book Description

This book presents the case law of Polish courts, namely the Supreme Court, administrative courts and the Constitutional Tribunal, in which the principles of EU law have been successfully applied. It discusses how Polish courts apply principles of consistent interpretation, primacy and direct effect of EU law in their daily adjudicating practice in order to ensure effet utile of EU law, resulting in effective protection of individuals' rights derived from the EU legal order. The book explores the legal nature of these principles and, in particular, the requirement that national rules that are found to be incompatible with legally binding and enforceable EU law should be disapplied by the domestic courts. It explains Polish courts’ reasoning concerning the inseparable relationship between the principle of primacy of EU law and the remedy of disapplication of national law. As the guidelines provided for the national courts by the Court of Justice of the European Union are often quite vague, the work will be important and useful for academics and practitioners from different European jurisdictions to observe the manner in which these principles of EU law are applied in jurisdictions other than their own.

Fundamental Rights in International and European Law

Book Description

In this book various perspectives on fundamental rights in the fields of public and private international law are innovatively covered. Published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague, the collection reflects the breadth and scope of the Institute’s research activities in the fields of public international law, EU law, private international law and international and European sports law. It does so by shedding more light on topical issues – such as drone warfare, the fight against terrorism, the international trade environment nexus and forced arbitration – that can be related to the theme of fundamental rights, which runs through all these four areas of research. Points of divergence and areas of common ground are uncovered in contributions from both staff members and distinguished external authors, having long-standing academic relations with the Institute. The Editors of this book are all staff members of the T.M.C. Asser Instituut, each of them representing one of the areas of research the Institute covers.

European Law Essentials

Book Description

The European Union enjoys the competence to make laws in a wealth of areas, from environmental protection to agricultural policy. This competence is the result of many years of building and promoting European-level co-operation and integration. European Law Essentials explores the legal development of the EU. It introduces the background history of the union, then moves on to look at membership, institutions, community law, supremacy, direct effect, state liability, preliminary rulings and judicial review, and finishes by looking to the future of law in the EU. End-of-chapter summaries flag up the essential facts and essential cases, and the book includes tables of cases, statues and European legislation.