Start Here! Fundamentals of Microsoft .NET Programming

Book Description

Grasp the basic concepts that drive all Microsoft .NET-based languages—and prepare yourself to learn .NET programming. If you have absolutely no previous experience, no problem—simply start here! This ebook provides the foundation for all other .NET programming language books in the Start Here! series. You’ll explore programming concepts and techniques with clear explanations, easy-to-follow examples, and exercises. It’s the perfect reference for understanding how computer programs work. Delve into object-oriented concepts such as properties, methods, and events Discover what multiprocessing is—and how it’s changing computing Examine how programs store data in files, object stores, and databases Explore controls, such as labels, text boxes, menus, and scroll bars Learn how programming environments help you design and run programs Get an extensive glossary of key programming terms

Start Here! Learn Microsoft Visual Basic 2012

Book Description

Ready to learn Microsoft Visual Basic? Start Here! Learn the fundamentals of modern programming with Visual Basic 2012—and begin building your first Windows 8 apps for the desktop. If you have absolutely no previous experience with Visual Basic, no problem—simply start here! This book introduces must-know concepts and techniques through easy-to-follow explanations, examples, and exercises. Here’s where you start learning Visual Basic Learn the fundamentals of programming with Visual Basic Discover how to to bind controls to data Design and interact with user interfaces built with XAML Build and debug complete applications Learn the basics of Windows 8 application design Find out how to deliver your applications to the Windows Store

Start Here! Build Windows 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript

Book Description

Ready to learn Windows 8 programming? Start Here! Learn the fundamentals of Windows 8 programming—and begin creating apps for desktops, laptops, tablets, and other devices. If you have previous experience with HTML5 and JavaScript—simply start here! This book introduces must-know concepts and getting-started techniques through easy-to-follow explanations, examples, and exercises. Here’s where you start learning Windows 8 app development Build on your knowledge of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript Create photo and media galleries with built-in HTML widgets Interact with the system through live tiles, contracts, and view state detection Store and access data on the local device and via the Internet Access webcam, GPS, and other sensors embedded in the device Create your first programs and publish them to the Windows Store

Start Here! Learn Microsoft Visual C# 2010

Book Description

Ready to learn programming? Start Here! Learn the fundamentals of modern programming with Visual C# 2010—and begin building your first apps for the desktop and web. If you have absolutely no previous experience, no problem—simply start here! This book introduces must-know concepts and techniques through easy-to-follow explanations, examples, and exercises. Here’s where you start learning Visual C# Learn how an application performs tasks by tracing its code Query and manipulate application data with LINQ Access web services with REST and SOAP Build simple apps with Windows Presentation Foundation Explore rich Internet apps with Microsoft Silverlight Find and fix errors by debugging your applications Put it all together by creating your first programs

Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#

Book Description

The free book "Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C#" is a comprehensive computer programming tutorial that teaches programming, logical thinking, data structures and algorithms, problem solving and high quality code with lots of examples in C#. It starts with the first steps in programming and software development like variables, data types, conditional statements, loops and arrays and continues with other basic topics like methods, numeral systems, strings and string processing, exceptions, classes and objects. After the basics this fundamental programming book enters into more advanced programming topics like recursion, data structures (lists, trees, hash-tables and graphs), high-quality code, unit testing and refactoring, object-oriented principles (inheritance, abstraction, encapsulation and polymorphism) and their implementation the C# language. It also covers fundamental topics that each good developer should know like algorithm design, complexity of algorithms and problem solving. The book uses C# language and Visual Studio to illustrate the programming concepts and explains some C# / .NET specific technologies like lambda expressions, extension methods and LINQ. The book is written by a team of developers lead by Svetlin Nakov who has 20+ years practical software development experience. It teaches the major programming concepts and way of thinking needed to become a good software engineer and the C# language in the meantime. It is a great start for anyone who wants to become a skillful software engineer. The books does not teach technologies like databases, mobile and web development, but shows the true way to master the basics of programming regardless of the languages, technologies and tools. It is good for beginners and intermediate developers who want to put a solid base for a successful career in the software engineering industry. The book is accompanied by free video lessons, presentation slides and mind maps, as well as hundreds of exercises and live examples. Download the free C# programming book, videos, presentations and other resources from Title: Fundamentals of Computer Programming with C# (The Bulgarian C# Programming Book) ISBN: 9789544007737 ISBN-13: 978-954-400-773-7 (9789544007737) ISBN-10: 954-400-773-3 (9544007733) Author: Svetlin Nakov & Co. Pages: 1132 Language: English Published: Sofia, 2013 Publisher: Faber Publishing, Bulgaria Web site: License: CC-Attribution-Share-Alike Tags: free, programming, book, computer programming, programming fundamentals, ebook, book programming, C#, CSharp, C# book, tutorial, C# tutorial; programming concepts, programming fundamentals, compiler, Visual Studio, .NET, .NET Framework, data types, variables, expressions, statements, console, conditional statements, control-flow logic, loops, arrays, numeral systems, methods, strings, text processing, StringBuilder, exceptions, exception handling, stack trace, streams, files, text files, linear data structures, list, linked list, stack, queue, tree, balanced tree, graph, depth-first search, DFS, breadth-first search, BFS, dictionaries, hash tables, associative arrays, sets, algorithms, sorting algorithm, searching algorithms, recursion, combinatorial algorithms, algorithm complexity, OOP, object-oriented programming, classes, objects, constructors, fields, properties, static members, abstraction, interfaces, encapsulation, inheritance, virtual methods, polymorphism, cohesion, coupling, enumerations, generics, namespaces, UML, design patterns, extension methods, anonymous types, lambda expressions, LINQ, code quality, high-quality code, high-quality classes, high-quality methods, code formatting, self-documenting code, code refactoring, problem solving, problem solving methodology, 9789544007737, 9544007733

Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programming Fundamentals

Book Description

This book will help you acquire solid knowledge and many practical hands-on programming skills. It is intended for beginners. The selection of topics is designed to help you learn the fundamentals of Visual Basic .NET programming and Visual Studio .NET development tools. Each chapter in this book is accompanied by a relevant lab project that will allow you consolidate your knowledge and practice your new skills.

Beginning Visual C# 2010

Book Description

Update to Wrox's leading C# book for beginners Get ready for the next release of Microsoft's C# programming language with this essential Wrox beginner's guide. Beginning Microsoft Visual C# 2010 starts with the basics and brings you thoroughly up to speed. You'll first cover the fundamentals such as variables, flow control, and object-oriented programming and gradually build your skills for Web and Windows programming, Windows forms, and data access. Step-by-step directions walk you through processes and invite you to "Try it Out," at every stage. By the end, you'll be able to write useful programming code following the steps you've learned in this thorough, practical book. The C# 4 programming language version will be synonymous with writing code with in C# 2010 in Visual Studio 2010, and you can use it to write Windows applications, Web apps with ASP.NET, and Windows Mobile and Embedded CE apps Provides step-by-step instructions for mastering topics such as variables, flow controls, and object-oriented programming before moving to Web and Windows programming and data access Addresses expressions, functions, debugging, error handling, classes, collections, comparisons, conversions, and more If you've always wanted to master Visual C# programming, this book is the perfect one-stop resource. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

Programming Fundamentals Using Microsoft Visual Basic. NET

Book Description

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Programming Chapter 2: Decision Making Chapter 3: Repetition and Arrays Chapter 4: Windows Applications and Function Procedures Appendices A: Flowcharting and Pseudocode B: Exploring the Visual Basic .NET IDE and Debugging C: General Forms of Common Visual Basic .NET Statements, Data Types, and Naming Conventions D: Programming Fundamentals Best Practices

Microsoft Azure Essentials - Fundamentals of Azure

Book Description

Microsoft Azure Essentials from Microsoft Press is a series of free ebooks designed to help you advance your technical skills with Microsoft Azure. The first ebook in the series, Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure, introduces developers and IT professionals to the wide range of capabilities in Azure. The authors - both Microsoft MVPs in Azure - present both conceptual and how-to content for key areas, including: Azure Websites and Azure Cloud Services Azure Virtual Machines Azure Storage Azure Virtual Networks Databases Azure Active Directory Management tools Business scenarios Watch Microsoft Press’s blog and Twitter (@MicrosoftPress) to learn about other free ebooks in the “Microsoft Azure Essentials” series.

Discrete and Continuous Simulation

Book Description

When it comes to discovering glitches inherent in complex systems—be it a railway or banking, chemical production, medical, manufacturing, or inventory control system—developing a simulation of a system can identify problems with less time, effort, and disruption than it would take to employ the original. Advantageous to both academic and industrial practitioners, Discrete and Continuous Simulation: Theory and Practice offers a detailed view of simulation that is useful in several fields of study. This text concentrates on the simulation of complex systems, covering the basics in detail and exploring the diverse aspects, including continuous event simulation and optimization with simulation. It explores the connections between discrete and continuous simulation, and applies a specific focus to simulation in the supply chain and manufacturing field. It discusses the Monte Carlo simulation, which is the basic and traditional form of simulation. It addresses future trends and technologies for simulation, with particular emphasis given to .NET technologies and cloud computing, and proposes various simulation optimization algorithms from existing literature. Includes chapters on input modeling and hybrid simulation Introduces general probability theory Contains a chapter on Microsoft® ExcelTM and MATLAB®/Simulink® Discusses various probability distributions required for simulation Describes essential random number generators Discrete and Continuous Simulation: Theory and Practice defines the simulation of complex systems. This text benefits academic researchers in industrial/manufacturing/systems engineering, computer sciences, operations research, and researchers in transportation, operations management, healthcare systems, and human–machine systems.