State of the States on Crime and Justice

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State of the States on Crime and Justice

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State of the States on Crime and Justice

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State Criminality

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State crimes are historically and contemporarily ubiquitous and result in more injury and death than traditional street crimes such as robbery, theft, and assault. Consider that genocide during the 20th century in Germany, Rwanda, Darfur, Albania, Turkey, Ukraine, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and other regions claimed the lives of tens of millions and rendered many more homeless, imprisoned, and psychologically and physically damaged. Despite the gravity of crimes committed by states and political leaders, until recently these harms have been understudied relative to conventional street crimes in the field of criminology. Over the past two decades, a growing number of criminologists have conducted rigorous research on state crime and have tried to disseminate it widely including attempts to develop courses that specifically address crimes of the state. Referencing a broad range of cases of state crime and international institutions of control, State Criminality provides a general framework and survey-style discussion of the field for teaching undergraduate and graduate students, and serves as a useful general reference point for scholars of state crime.

State of the States on Crime and Justice

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State of the States on Crime and Justice

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Criminal Justice at the Crossroads

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Over the past forty years, the criminal justice system in the United States has engaged in a very expensive policy failure, attempting to punish its way to public safety, with dismal results. So-called "tough on crime" policies have not only failed to effectively reduce crime, recidivism, and victimization but also created an incredibly inefficient system that routinely fails the public, taxpayers, crime victims, criminal offenders, their families, and their communities. Strategies that focus on behavior change are much more productive and cost effective for reducing crime than punishment, and in this book, William R. Kelly discusses the policy, process, and funding innovations and priorities that the United States needs to effectively reduce crime, recidivism, victimization, and cost. He recommends proactive, evidence-based interventions to address criminogenic behavior; collaborative decision making from a variety of professions and disciplines; and a focus on innovative alternatives to incarceration, such as problem-solving courts and probation. Students, professionals, and policy makers alike will find in this comprehensive text a bracing discussion of how our criminal justice system became broken and the best strategies by which to fix it.

Criminal Justice System

Book Description

This manual contains the standards for reform in the management and operation of the criminal justice system, focusing on planning, education, and information systems. Planning for resource allocation is one of the most important functions that a criminal justice agency performs. The 1968 Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act required the creation of state criminal justice planning agencies and the development of annual state comprehensive plans as a contingency for state participation in federal criminal justice funding. In the initial section of this volume, the National Advisory Commission points out the need for additional planning at the metropolitan and regional levels, and indicates the necessity for quantifying performance objectives. It also stresses participation in the planning process by criminal justice agencies, government departments and private citizens. The Commission recommends the development of state integrated multiyear planning and the establishment of criminal justice coordinating councils by all major cities and counties. Other areas of concern to the Commission, in addition to management and budget planning, include systems analysis, information systems, evaluation, personnel training, and criminal code revision. These and other commission proposals appear in the form of specific standards and recommendations -- nearly 70 in all -- that spell out in detail what the segments of the criminal justice system-the police, courts, and correctional agencies can do to upgrade and modernize many of their functions. This manual is a reference work for the practitioner as well as the interested layman.