State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2013

Book Description

In almost every country in the world, minorities and indigenous peoples suffer greater ill-health and receive poorer quality of care than other segments of the population. They die younger, face higher rates of disease and struggle more to access health services compared to the rest of the population. This year's edition of State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples presents a global picture of the health issues experienced by minorities and indegenous communities, features country profiles and case studies, and makes recommendations for addressing these key issues.

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012

Book Description

Natural resource development projects such as logging and dams, oil and mineral extraction and large-scale agriculture have been successful in generating vast revenues across the globe. But at what cost to minorities and indigenous peoples?In its flagship annual publication, State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2012, MRG documents hundreds of case studies about marginalized groups who have been adversely affected by exploitation of the resources found on, or under, their ancestral lands. It also considers land rights around the world.

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2014

Book Description

Across the world, minorities and indigenous peoples are disproportionately exposed to hatred. From intimidation and verbal abuse to targeted violence and mass killing, this hatred often reflects and reinforces existing patterns of exclusion. The impacts also extend beyond the immediate effects on individual victims to affect entire communities - in the process further marginalizing them from basic services, participation and other rights. This year's edition of State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples highlights how hate speech and hate crime, though frequently unreported or unacknowledged, continue to impact on every aspect of their lives. The volume also documents many of the initiatives being taken to promote positive change and the different ways that governments, civil society and communities can strengthen protections for minorities and indigenous peoples. An exploration of key issues such as hate crime and hate speech, as well as ways to counter their prevalence. The dynamics of targeted attacks and hate speech in conflict situations, as well as the particular vulnerability of minority and indigenous women. A global examination of the legal standards in the area of hate crime legislation. Interviews and case studies from minorities and indigenous communities, including examples of grassroots organizations working to improve their protection and representation. Overviews of the human rights context for minorities and indigenous peoples in every major world region. Peoples under Threat 2014 - MRG's unique statistical analysis and ranking of the vulnerability of minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide. An invaluable reference for policy makers, academics, journalists and everyone who is interested in the human rights situation of minorities and indigenous peoples around the world.

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2009

Book Description

‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.’ Nelson Mandela Education for all is a goal that has been reaffirmed by states the world over many times in the last decade. It is meant to be achieved by 2015. But as this book clearly shows, a quality education is not reaching the world’s most vulnerable communities: minorities and indigenous peoples.In Central Africa, the great majority of indigenous Batwa and Baka have not had access even to primary education. In South Asia, Dalit girls are prevented from pursuing their education not just because of poverty, but through discrimination and sexual violence. In many countries in Europe, Roma children continue to be placed in segregated classes or in special schools for those with learning disabilities, just because of their ethnicity. In Latin America, millions of indigenous and African descendant children, instead of being in school, work in fields and plantations, in the mines, or at home.In a unique collaboration with UNICEF, Minority Rights Group International reports on what minority and indigenous children around the world face in their struggle to learn. State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2009 profiles the programmes that are being developed to help them – from better bilingual education to meeting the needs of nomadic populations – giving examples of what works and why. It describes efforts to overcome exclusion so that education is available, accessible, acceptable and adaptable for minorities and indigenous peoples, and shows how far there is still to go.It includes: - An analysis of available statistics that show that minorities and indigenous peoples are the most likely to suffer discrimination and exclusion in education worldwide. - First-hand accounts of the difficulties and challenges facing minority and indigenous children in every major world region. - Coverage of the key issues for promoting the right to education, including overcoming the double discrimination faced by minority and indigenous girls, the need to collect data by ethnicity, and the importance of bilingual or plurilingual education. - A unique statistical analysis and ranking of Peoples under Threat 2009. State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples is an invaluable reference for policy makers, academics, journalists and everyone who is interested in the conditions facing minorities and indigenous peoples around the world.

State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2016

Book Description

The unique cultures of minorities and indigenous peoples worldwide – spanning a wide variety of customs and practices – are under threat. This year’s edition of State of the World’s Minorities and Indigenous Peoples highlights the impact of land dispossession, forced assimilation and other forms of discrimination on the most fundamental aspects of their identity, including language, art, traditional knowledge and spirituality. But while the effects of this attrition can be devastating, minority and indigenous cultures have also been critical in strengthening communities and providing activists with a platform to fight for their rights. As this volume illustrates, ensuring that the cultural freedoms of minorities and indigenous peoples are protected is essential if their other rights are also to be respected.

State of the World's Minorities and Indigenous Peoples 2011

Book Description

This is a look at the key developments during 2004-5 affecting the human rights and security of ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities and indigenous peoples. The text provides an objective analysis of how minorities and indigenous peoples are treated around the globe.

Minority and Indigenous Rights in the International Development Goals

Book Description

The impact of discrimination against minorities and indigenous peoples must be factored into strategies for reaching the International Development Goals (IDGs). In all regions ofthe world, minorities and indigenous peoples are among the poorest ofthe poor, and often lack the political influence to overcome their marginalization. They should therefore be the prime beneficiaries of the international efforts to halve poverty and to improve human development. There is a risk, however, that the IDGs could be said to have been ‘achieved’ for a country, yet their impact on minorities and indigenous peoples could have been negative, as resources are diverted to majority groups. The IDGs can best be met if minorities and indigenous peoples are at the centre of poverty reduction strategies. Ensuring that programmes address the particular inequalities faced by minorities and indigenous peoples will yield more effective development projects, fewer barriers to economic participation, a stronger voice for minority and indigenous communities, and good conditions for conflict prevention. Governments and multilateral and bilateral development agencies need to immediately review their IDG policies to ensure that the rights and needs of minorities and indigenous peoples are taken fully into consideration. They must ensure minorities and indigenous peoples’ participation in the development of programmes aimed at meeting the IDGs for 2015. They also need to move beyond the limited set ofindicators used to measure progress towards the goals, to include a regular assessment ofwhether minority and indigenous communities are benefiting equally from development programmes. Please note that the terminology in the fields of minority rights and indigenous peoples’ rights has changed over time. MRG strives to reflect these changes as well as respect the right to self-identification on the part of minorities and indigenous peoples. At the same time, after over 50 years’ work, we know that our archive is of considerable interest to activists and researchers. Therefore, we make available as much of our back catalogue as possible, while being aware that the language used may not reflect current thinking on these issues.

Development, Minorities and Indigenous Peoples: A Case Study and Evaluation of Good Practice

Book Description

Compiles extracts of relevant articles from human rights instruments. Presents definitions, including that of the ILO Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169). Summarizes experiences made in the SUBIR (Sustainable Uses for Biological Resources) project in Ecuador. Appends evaluation guidelines for projects impacting on minorities and indigenous peoples.