Statistical Evaluation of Additive Effectiveness in Asphalt Paving Mixtures

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Asphalt pavements are susceptible to moisture damage. One of the procedures to eliminate or minimize the damage is to treat the asphalt paving mixtures with an antistripping agent such as hydrated lime or other commercially available antistripping additives. Statistical analysis is essential to evaluate the effectiveness of various treatments in asphalt mixtures. This paper summarizes a research study to evaluate the effectiveness of asphalt treatments utilizing statistical pairwise comparisons. The approach is to use the boiling test results to do the statistical comparison.

Quality and Statistics

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A Mechanistic Evaluation of Modified Asphalt Paving Mixtures

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The main purpose of this study was to facilitate decisions concerning the effectiveness of modifiers in mitigating pavement distress and improving long-term overall pavement performance in actual field conditions, by utilizing short-term laboratory results and a mathematical prediction model. The modifiers investigated were carbon black, neoprene latex, and polymer modified asphalt (STYRELF). The statistical general linear model (GLM) and the Fisher least significant difference (LSD) were used for the analysis of data. The results of the study indicate that the effect of the modifier on the paving mixture properties was insignificant at low temperatures (down to -17 degrees C), but significant at high temperatures (up to 60 degrees C) where the synergistic effect of the modifier on the paving mixture was pronounced. The VESYS IIIA pavement performance prediction model was utilized to assess the effects, if any, of the modifier on the pavement's overall performance. All the modifiers improve, to some degree, the overall pavement performance.