Statistics of the Galaxy Distribution

Book Description

Over the last decade, statisticians have developed new statistical tools in the field of spatial point processes. At the same time, observational efforts have yielded a huge amount of new cosmological data to analyze. Although the main tools in astronomy for comparing theoretical results with observation are statistical, in recent years, cosmologis

Mapping the Universe

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Evolution of the Galaxy Distribution in Large Cosmological Surveys

Book Description

The main objective of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between the dark and the luminous part of the Universe. Within the standard cosmological model framework, we will use galaxies as our probes to study the matter distribution in the Universe and its evolution. In order to achieve this goal, we use statistical tools to characterize the way objects are distributed in the sky. We model our measurements using a phenomenological description: the ``halo model''. However, to make robust estimations, we need to have access to a large amount of data which is made possible by the use of photometric redshift surveys. First, we look at the redshift dependence of the hierarchical amplitudes of the galaxy distribution up to order 5 using a wide photometric survey, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey (CFHTLS), from present day up to intermediate redshifts. We interpret these measurements in the perturbation theory framework. We found that in the weakly non-linear regime, our measurements are marginally consistent with the predictions. However, these latter slightly over-predict our measurements, which suggests the existence of higher-order bias terms. Using the halo model, we also showed that the position of the transition between the non-linear and the weakly non-linear regime is fully compatible with theoretical expectations. Then, using two-point statistics on data from the UltraVISTA-COSMOS survey, we investigate the way galaxy clustering depends on the stellar mass and the redshift beyond a redshift of one. We found that, on average, samples with higher stellar mass thresholds have higher mean clustering amplitude meaning that rarer populations are more strongly clustered. We also interpreted these measurements in the context of the halo model. Furthermore, we consider the stellar mass to halo mass ratio and follow the evolution of the peak in this quantity up to redshift z \sim ~2 trying to interpret it in terms of galaxy formation. We showed that, for the full sample, M_{h}^{peak} shifts progressively to higher halo masses at higher redshifts, an effect known as ``anti-hierarchical''. Finally, we summarize our main results and present some of our future projects.

The Distribution of the Galaxies

Book Description

This topical volume examines one of the leading problems in astronomy - how galaxies cluster in our Universe. This book, first published in 2000, describes gravitational theory, computer simulations and observations related to galaxy distribution functions. It embeds distribution functions in a broader astronomical context, including other exciting contemporary topics such as correlation functions, fractals, bound clusters, topology, percolation and minimal spanning trees. Key results are derived and the necessary gravitational physics provided to ensure the book is self-contained. Throughout the book, theory, computer simulation and observation are carefully interwoven and critically compared. The book also shows how future observations can test the theoretical models for the evolution of galaxy clustering at early times in our Universe. This clear and authoritative volume is written at a level suitable for graduate students, and will be of key interest to astronomers, cosmologists, physicists and applied statisticians.

In Search of Empty Places

Book Description

We investigate several techniques to identify voids in the galaxy distribution of matter in the universe. We utilize galaxy number counts as a function of apparent magnitude and Wolf plots to search a two- or three-dimensional data set in a pencil-beam fashion to locate voids within the field of view. The technique is able to distinguish between voids that represent simply a decrease in density as well as those that show a build up of galaxies on the front or back side of the void. This method turns out to be primarily useable only at relatively short range (out to about 200 Mpc). Beyond this distance, the characteristics indicating a void become increasingly difficult to separate from the statistical background noise. We apply the technique to a very simplified model as well as to the Millennium Run dark matter simulation. We then compare results with those obtained on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.

Data Analysis in Cosmology

Book Description

The amount of cosmological data has dramatically increased in the past decades due to an unprecedented development of telescopes, detectors and satellites. Efficiently handling and analysing new data of the order of terabytes per day requires not only computer power to be processed but also the development of sophisticated algorithms and pipelines. Aiming at students and researchers the lecture notes in this volume explain in pedagogical manner the best techniques used to extract information from cosmological data, as well as reliable methods that should help us improve our view of the universe.