Computational Test Cases for a Clipped Delta Wing with Pitching and Trailing-Edge Control Surface Oscillations

Book Description

Computational test cases have been selected from the data set for a clipped delta wing with a six-percent-thick circular-arc airfoil section that was tested in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. The test cases include parametric variation of static angle of attack, pitching oscillation frequency, trailing-edge control surface oscillation frequency, and Mach numbers from subsonic to low supersonic values. Tables and plots of the measured pressures are presented for each case. This report provides an early release of test cases that have been proposed for a document that supplements the cases presented in AGARD Report 702.Bennett, Robert M. and Walker, Charlotte E.Langley Research CenterCOMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS; DELTA WINGS; AIRFOIL PROFILES; CONTROL SURFACES; PITCH (INCLINATION); WIND TUNNEL TESTS; UNSTEADY AERODYNAMICS; TRANSONIC FLOW; COMPUTERIZED SIMULATION; ANGLE OF ATTACK; TRAILING EDGES; MACH NUMBER; WIND TUNNEL MODELS; ATTITUDE CONTROL; OSCILLATIONS

Test Cases for a Clipped Delta Wing with Pitching and Trailing-Edge Control Surface Oscillations

Book Description

Steady and unsteady measured pressures for a Clipped Delta Wing (CDW) undergoing pitching oscillations and trailing-edge control surface oscillations have been presented in Ref I and 2. From the several hundred compiled data points, 22 static cases, 12 pitching-oscillation cases, and 12 control-surface-oscillation cases have been proposed for Computational Test Cases to illustrate the trends with Mach number, reduced frequency, and angle of attack. The planform for this wing was derived by simplifying the planform of a proposed design for a supersonic transport which is described (Ref 3) as the Boeing 2707-300. The strake was deleted. the resulting planform was approximated by a trapezoid with an unswept trailing edge, and the twist and camber were removed. In order to facilitate pressure instrumentation, the thickness was increased to 6 percent from the typical 2.1 to 3 percent for the supersonic transport. The airfoil is thus a symmetrical circular arc Section with tie 0.06 of similar planform but with a thinner airfoil of tic 0.03 was used in the flutter investigations of Ref 4 and 5, and the buffet and stall flutter investigation of Ref 6. Flutter results are also reported both for the 3 per event thick simplified wing and for a more complex SST model in Ref 7.