Steady-State Problems of Nonlinear Electro-Magneto-Thermo-Elasticity

Book Description

This paper studies the steady-state behavior of solids that can sustain mechanical, electromagnetic, and thermal effects. The authors examine a class of boundary-value problems for a quasilinear system of functional differential equations that is derived from a very general model for such materials. They propose a physically reasonable constitutive theory which leaves this system amenable to modern methods of partial differential equations. The principal assumption is a modified version of the strong ellipticity condition. Part I proves existence results for the general system under some special physical assumptions (rigidity and hyperelasticity). The formulation admits non-local interactions caused by the magnetic 'self-field' generated by the deformed, conducting body. Part II shows the existence and regularity of solutions of a system of functional ordinary differential equations arising from a semi-inverse problem in a more comprehensive physical situation. Keywords: Smooth solutions; Polyconvex energy functions; Electro-elastic coupling; Magneto-elastic coupling; Conducting rods; Thermo-elastic coupling. (Author).

Analysis and Thermomechanics

Book Description

This book presents a collection of papers giving the flavor of current research activities in continuum mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and the mathematical analysis related to these topics. Written by leading experts in the field, all the papers in this collection have been carefully refereed according to the standards of the "Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis."

Fracture Mechanics Of Electromagnetic Materials: Nonlinear Field Theory And Applications

Book Description

Fracture Mechanics of Electromagnetic Materials provides a comprehensive overview of fracture mechanics of conservative and dissipative materials, as well as a general formulation of nonlinear field theory of fracture mechanics and a rigorous treatment of dynamic crack problems involving coupled magnetic, electric, thermal and mechanical field quantities.Thorough emphasis is placed on the physical interpretation of fundamental concepts, development of theoretical models and exploration of their applications to fracture characterization in the presence of magneto-electro-thermo-mechanical coupling and dissipative effects. Mechanical, aeronautical, civil, biomedical, electrical and electronic engineers interested in application of the principles of fracture mechanics to design analysis and durability evaluation of smart structures and devices will find this book an invaluable resource./a

On the Static Nonlinear Theory of Electromagnetic Thermoelastic Solids

Book Description

The basic field equations, boundary conditions, and constitutive equations, necessary for the treatment of problems concerning the nonlinear, steady state behavior of elastic solids subject to large deformations, electromagnetic fields and thermal gradients, are derived. The basic equa tions are formulated to include Maxwell's equa tions, laws of conservation of mass and of energy, and principles of balance of momentum and balance of moment of momentum. The constitutive equations characterize the stress, dielectric displacement, electric current, magnetic flux density, and heat flux as analytic tpoint functions of strain, electric field, magnetic field and thermal grad ient for elastic solids displaying holohedral iso tropy with respect to mechanical, electrical, magnetic and thermal properties. (Author).

Metastability and Incompletely Posed Problems

Book Description

This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications Metastability and Incompletely Posed Problems represents the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 19R4-R5 IMA program on CONTINUUM PHYSICS AND PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EOIIATIONS. We are grateful to the Scientific Committee: ,I.L. Eri cksen D. Kinderlehrer H. Rrezis C. Dafermos for their dedication and hard work in developing an imaginative, stimulating, and productive year-long program. George R. Sell Hans Weinberger Preface Most equilibrium events in nature do not realize configurations of minimum energy. They are only metastable. Available knowledge of constitutive relations and environmental interactions may be limiterl. As a result, many configurations may he compatible with the rlata. Such questions are incompletely poserl. The papers in this volume address a wide variety of these issues as they are perceived by the material scientist and the mathematician. They represent a portion of the significant activity which has been underway in recent years, from the experimental arena and physical theory to the analysis of differential equations and computation.

Advances in Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Material Behavior

Book Description

The papers included in this volume were presented at the Symposium on Advances in the Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Material Behavior, held as part of the 1999 Joint ASME Applied Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference at Virginia Tech on June 27-30, 1999. The Symposium was held in honor of Professor Roger L. Fosdick on his 60th birthday. The papers are written by prominent researchers in the fields of mechanics, thermodynamics, materials modeling, and applied mathematics. They address open questions and present the latest development in these and related areas. This volume is a valuable reference for researchers and graduate students in universities and research laboratories.