Stenographer Secretarial Assistant Hindi MCQ / स्टेनोग्राफर से

Book Description

Stenographer secretarial Assistant Hindi MCQ is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English), Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant English, computer hardware & its peripherals, CONSONANTS & ITS DIRECTION /JOINING THE CONSONANTS, long & short vowels, Describe Logograms, Grammalogues Contraction & use of 'the' /punctuation mark, Diphthong, Prepare Windows operating system on computer, finger positioning on the computer, curved hooked strokes and compound consonant, Recognize Final Hooks, Recognize Final Hooks, List the prefixes, List the suffixes, MS-Excel, Label the office layout, file & prepare MS-Power point, Demonstrate MS-PowerPoint Presentation, Create E-Mail ID, correspondence through mail, filling up online forms and documents for registration, all types of letters, notice, agenda, minutes, reports, circular & memorandum and lots more.

Stenographer Secretarial Assistant (English) MCQ

Book Description

Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) is a simple Book for ITI Engineering Course Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English), Sem- 1 & 2, Revised NSQ F-5 Syllabus in 2022, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant English, computer hardware & its peripherals, CONSONANTS & ITS DIRECTION /JOINING THE CONSONANTS, long & short vowels, Describe Logograms, Grammalogues Contraction & use of 'the' /punctuation mark, Diphthong, Prepare Windows operating system on computer, finger positioning on the computer, curved hooked strokes and compound consonant, Recognize Final Hooks, Recognize Final Hooks, List the prefixes, List the suffixes, MS-Excel, Label the office layout, file & prepare MS-Power point, Demonstrate MS-PowerPoint Presentation, Create E-Mail ID, correspondence through mail, filling up online forms and documents for registration, all types of letters, notice, agenda, minutes, reports, circular & memorandum and lots more.

Stenographer Secretarial Assistant

Book Description

Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) is a simple e-Book for ITI Engineering Course Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) , Sem- 1 & 2, Revised Syllabus in 2018, It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant English, computer hardware & its peripherals, CONSONANTS & ITS DIRECTION /JOINING THE CONSONANTS, long & short vowels, Describe Logograms, Grammalogues Contraction & use of ‘the’ /punctuation mark, Diphthong, Prepare Windows operating system on computer, finger positioning on the computer, curved hooked strokes and compound consonant, Recognize Final Hooks, Recognize Final Hooks, List the prefixes, List the suffixes, MS-Excel, Label the office layout, file & prepare MS-Power point, Demonstrate MS-PowerPoint Presentation, Create E-Mail ID, correspondence through mail, filling up online forms and documents for registration, all types of letters, notice, agenda, minutes, reports, circular & memorandum and lots more.

Stenographer Secretarial Assistant

Book Description

Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) is a Book for ITI Engineering Course Stenographer secretarial Assistant (English) , It contains objective questions with underlined & bold correct answers MCQ covering all topics including all about safety and environment, use of Stenographer Secretarial Assistant English, computer hardware & its peripherals, CONSONANTS & ITS DIRECTION /JOINING THE CONSONANTS, long & short vowels, Describe Logograms, Grammalogues Contraction & use of 'the' /punctuation mark, Diphthong, Prepare Windows operating system on computer, finger positioning on the computer, curved hooked strokes and compound consonant, Recognize Final Hooks, Recognize Final Hooks, List the prefixes, List the suffixes, MS-Excel, Label the office layout, file & prepare MS-Power point, Demonstrate MS-PowerPoint Presentation, Create E-Mail ID, correspondence through mail, filling up online forms and documents for registration, all types of letters, notice, agenda, minutes, reports, circular & memorandum and lots more.

Stenographer Secretarial Assistant Hindi MCQ

Book Description

स्टेनोग्राफर सेक्रेटरीअल असिस्टंट हिंन्दी MCQ आईटीआई इंजीनियरिंग पाठ्यक्रम के लिए एक सरल ई-पुस्तक है आशुलिपिक सचिवीय सहायक (अंग्रेजी) , में संशोधित NSQF सिलेबस, इसमें रेखांकित और बोल्ड सही उत्तरों के साथ वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न शामिल हैं MCQ सुरक्षा और पर्यावरण के बारे में सभी विषयों को कवर करता है, स्टेनोग्राफर सचिवीय सहायक अंग्रेजी का उपयोग, कंप्यूटर हार्डवेयर और इसके परिधीय, व्यंजन और इसकी दिशा / व्यंजन, लंबे और छोटे स्वरों में शामिल होना, लॉगोग्राम, व्याकरण का वर्णन करना, 'द' / विराम चिह्न का संकुचन और उपयोग, डिप्थॉन्ग, कंप्यूटर पर विंडोज ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम तैयार करना, कंप्यूटर पर उंगली की स्थिति, घुमावदार हुक स्ट्रोक और मिश्रित व्यंजन , अंतिम हुक को पहचानें, अंतिम हुक को पहचानें, उपसर्गों की सूची बनाएं, प्रत्ययों की सूची बनाएं, एमएस-एक्सेल, कार्यालय लेआउट को लेबल करें, एमएस-पावर पॉइंट को फाइल करें और तैयार करें, एमएस-पावरपॉइंट प्रेजेंटेशन प्रदर्शित करें, ई-मेल आईडी बनाएं, मेल के माध्यम से पत्राचार करें, पंजीकरण के लिए ऑनलाइन फॉर्म और दस्तावेज भरना, सभी प्रकार के पत्र, नोटिस, एजेंडा, मिनट, रिपोर्ट, परिपत्र और ज्ञापन और बहुत कुछ।


Book Description

The Stenographer-Secretary Passbook(R) prepares you for your test by allowing you to take practice exams in the subjects you need to study.

Test of Reasoning

Book Description

A Life in Diplomacy

Book Description

An insider's account of the personalities and policies that shaped Indian diplomacy Former foreign secretary, Maharajakrishna Rasgotra joined India's external affairs ministry when Jawaharlal Nehru, Girija Shankar Bajpai, Sardar Patel were—with a mix of pragmatism and hope—creating the foreign policy of the newly independent nation. This was taking place as the Cold War slid into the subcontinent and complex relationships with India's neighbours—China, Pakistan and Nepal—were taking shape. Looking back on those crucial years with a discerning eye for the interplay of personalities—Nehru, Krishna Menon, or S. Radhakrishnan, for instance—Rasgotra assesses their influence on events and their impact on the evolution of Indian diplomacy. For over three decades Rasgotra's assignments took him to Nepal, Britain and France, among other countries, as well as twice to the United States. His account of Nixon and Kissinger, and the mix of truculence and persuasion in their dealings with Mrs Gandhi in the run up to the 1971 Bangladesh war, sheds new light on the events of that time. His tenure as foreign secretary covered a period of great change and A Life in Diplomacy provides a ringside view of the beginnings of ethnic violence in Sri Lanka, the last years of the Cold War, the negotiations on the formation of SAARC, Mrs Gandhi's assassination and the Bhopal gas disaster. This is a compelling, authoritative account of a personal and professional journey; a reflective look at the leaders, events and forces that formed relations between India and the world over fifty years.