Steps for Developing a School Emergency Management Plan. Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management. Volume 2

Book Description

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools strongly encourages schools and school districts to develop emergency management plans within the context of the four phases of emergency management: prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. In addition, schools should collaborate closely with police, fire and emergency services personnel and community partners (e.g., public and mental health professionals) who can assist with the development of plans that address a wide range of crises. The steps presented in this issue of "Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management" will help to guide schools and school districts in developing comprehensive, multihazard emergency management plans. (Contains 1 figure and 2 resources.) [This publication was funded by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education under contract with Caliber Associates, Inc.].

Updating and Maintaining School Emergency Management Plans. Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management. Volume 2

Book Description

"Helpful Hints" offers a quick overview of school emergency preparedness topics that are frequently the subject of inquiries. Developing and implementing comprehensive, multi-hazard emergency management plans is an ongoing process that must be consistently reinforced and strengthened. Opportunities for reviewing, strengthening and updating emergency management plans can be found in the implementation of the elements described in this issue of "Helpful Hints," namely: conduct emergency exercises, collaborate with community partners, focus on sustainability, and conduct evaluations consistently. The contents of this document are not prescriptive best practices for every school or school district, but rather suggestions to consider in a school or district's emergency management efforts. A brief list of resources is also included. [This document was published by the Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS).].

Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management

Book Description

"Helpful Hints" offers a quick overview of school emergency preparedness topics that are frequently the subject of inquiries. The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools strongly encourages schools and school districts to develop emergency management plans within the context of the four phases of emergency management: prevention-mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. In addition, schools should collaborate closely with police, fire and emergency services personnel and community partners (e.g., public and mental health professionals) who can assist with the development of plans that address a wide range of crises. This issue of "Helpful Hints" suggests ten steps that will help to guide schools and school districts in developing comprehensive, multihazard emergency management plans. These steps are: (1) align planning and procedures with federal, state and local efforts; (2) conduct assessments; (3) establish and institutionalize the Incident Command System (ICS); (4) develop policies and protocols; (5) establish communication plans; (6) create a student-parent-reunification plan; (7) stock emergency go-kits and supplies; (8) provide training to faculty and staff; (9) design and conduct functional emergency exercises; and (10) publish and disseminate the plan. [This document was published by the Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS).].

Public School Emergency Preparedness and Crisis Management Plan

Book Description

Written in accordance with the President's 2003 homeland security directive and the Department of Education's guidelines, and in response to the ever-present threats facing our school systems, this book helps schools and institutions develop a comprehensive emergency response plan. This book outlines programs and procedures that can be applied to any school system to address hazard mitigation and prevention, emergency preparedness and response, and recovery and restoration of school functions to an effective learning environment. It describes specific actions and assigns responsibilities and response roles to district and individual school staff emergency teams, cooperating agencies, and community response partners that have agreed to share responsibilities and resources as defined in this plan. This book also outlines, in the event of an emergency involving response by fire and/or law enforcement, the district/school site personnel who should establish an Incident Command System-based response organization in accordance with procedures outlined in the National Incident Management System. In addition, the authors predetermine, to the extent possible, operational procedures across any U.S. school system and cooperating governmental, private, and volunteer agencies for responding to and recovering from any and all types of natural, human, or technology-based emergencies that may occur within school system operations or outside the jurisdiction of the school system but nonetheless cause/could cause collateral impact to school system operations. Contents examine emergency notification and immediate actions; concept of operations, including first key actions, partnering with community agencies, and the initial briefing; crisis management team action checklists; response resources, including personnel, response team partners, emergency evacuation/receiving facilities, and emergency equipment and supplies; emergency response flip charts for principals, teachers, secretaries, and custodians; district incident-specific response protocols, covering 29 scenarios from accidents to weapons situations; and general response procedures for clean up, communications, cost accounting, tracking students and personnel. Appendices include training and exercises, forms, sample communications and letters, examples of status boards, and a stakeholder management plan.

Components of Comprehensive School and School District Emergency Management Plans. Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management. Volume 2

Book Description

"Helpful Hints" offers a quick overview of school emergency preparedness topics that are frequently the subject of inquiries. This issue describes and contains a checklist that can assist schools and school districts in developing a new emergency management plan or refreshing their current one. To use the checklist, individuals should consider the extent to which the school or school district's emergency management plan does each of the activities listed and check the appropriate box. These activities include prevention-mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. [This document was published by the Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS).].

Developing and Maintaining Emergency Operations Plans

Book Description

Comprehensive Preparedness Guide (CPG) 101 provides guidelines on developing emergency operations plans (EOP). It promotes a common understanding of the fundamentals of risk-informed planning and decision making to help planners examine a hazard or threat and produce integrated, coordinated, and synchronized plans. The goal of CPG 101 is to make the planning process routine across all phases of emergency management and for all homeland security mission areas. This Guide helps planners at all levels of government in their efforts to develop and maintain viable all-hazards, all-threats EOPs. Accomplished properly, planning provides a methodical way to engage the whole community in thinking through the life cycle of a potential crisis, determining required capabilities, and establishing a framework for roles and responsibilities. It shapes how a community envisions and shares a desired outcome, selects effective ways to achieve it, and communicates expected results. Each jurisdiction's plans must reflect what that community will do to address its specific risks with the unique resources it has or can obtain.

Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning

Book Description

Meant to aid State & local emergency managers in their efforts to develop & maintain a viable all-hazard emergency operations plan. This guide clarifies the preparedness, response, & short-term recovery planning elements that warrant inclusion in emergency operations plans. It offers the best judgment & recommendations on how to deal with the entire planning process -- from forming a planning team to writing the plan. Specific topics of discussion include: preliminary considerations, the planning process, emergency operations plan format, basic plan content, functional annex content, hazard-unique planning, & linking Federal & State operations.

Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans

Book Description

Each school day, our nation's schools are entrusted to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for approximately 55 million elementary and secondary school students in public and nonpublic schools. In collaboration with their local government and community partners, schools can take steps to plan for these potential emergencies through the creation of a school Emergency Operations Plan (school EOP). It is recommended that planning teams responsible for developing and revising school EOPs use this document to guide their efforts. It is recommended that districts and individual schools compare existing plans and processes against the content and processes outlined in this guide. The guide is organized in four sections: (1) the principles of school emergency management planning; (2) a process for developing, implementing, and continually refining a school EOP with community partners (e.g., first responders and emergency management personnel) at the school building level; (3) a discussion of the form, function, and content of school EOPs; and (4) "A Closer Look," which considers key topics that support school emergency planning, including addressing an "active shooter," school climate, psychological first aid, and information-sharing. The Departments issuing this guidance are providing examples of good practices and matters to consider for planning and implementation purposes. The guidance does not create any requirements beyond those included in applicable law and regulations, or create any additional rights for any person, entity, or organization. This guide replaces "Practical Information on Crisis Planning: A Guide for Schools and Communities" (January 2007) (ED498806), which has been rescinded.

Guide for Developing High-quality School Emergency Operations Plans

Book Description

Each school day, our nation's schools are entrusted to provide a safe and healthy learning environment for approximately 55 million elementary and secondary school students in public and nonpublic schools. Families and communities expect schools to keep their children and youths safe from threats (human-caused emergencies such as crime and violence) and hazards (natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and accidents). In collaboration with their local government and community partners, schools can take steps to plan for these potential emergencies through the creation of a school Emergency Operations Plan (school EOP). Lessons learned from school emergencies highlight the importance of preparing school officials and first responders to implement emergency operations plans. By having plans in place to keep students and staff safe, schools play a key role in taking preventative and protective measures to stop an emergency from occurring or reduce the impact of an incident. Although schools are not traditional response organizations, when a school-based emergency occurs, school personnel respond immediately. They provide first aid, notify response partners, and provide instructions before first responders arrive. They also work with their community partners, i.e., governmental organizations that have a responsibility in the school emergency operations plan to provide a cohesive, coordinated response. Community partners include first responders (law enforcement officers, fire officials, and emergency medical services personnel) as well as public and mental health entities. We recommend that planning teams responsible for developing and revising school EOPs use this document to guide their efforts. It is recommended that districts and individual schools compare existing plans and processes against the content and processes outlined in this guide. To gain the most from it, users should read through the entire document prior to initiating their planning efforts and then refer back to it throughout the planning process. The guide is organized in four sections: 1. The principles of school emergency management planning; 2. A process for developing, implementing, and continually refining a school EOP with community partners (e.g., first responders and emergency management personnel) at the school building level; 3. A discussion of the form, function, and content of school EOPs; 4."A Closer Look," which considers key topics that support school emergency planning, including addressing an active shooter, school climate, psychological first aid, and information-sharing. This guide replaces "Practical Information on Crisis Planning: A Guide for Schools and Communities" (January 2007), which is rescinded.

Helpful Hints for School Emergency Management

Book Description

"Helpful Hints" offers a quick overview of school emergency preparedness topics that are frequently the subject of inquiries. The Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools (OSDFS) encourages schools to consider emergency management in the context of its four phases: mitigation and prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery. The preparedness phase involves developing policies and protocols for multiple hazards, establishing an Incident Command System (ICS), conducting training and exercises, and ensuring necessary resources are available should an emergency occur in school. One suggested activity for enhancing school preparedness is the creation of emergency supply kits--or, emergency "go-kits." "Go-kits" are portable and should contain a stockpile of essential emergency supplies. "Go-kits" often come in the form of backpacks or buckets that can be easily carried out of a school in case of an emergency. They can have such items as a clipboard containing (1) lists of all students, including students with special needs and descriptions of needs (i.e., medical issues, prescription medicines, dietary needs) and marked confidential; (2) school personnel; (3) school emergency procedures; and (4) key contact information for the district crisis team. The "Go-kit" should also contain: (5) a parent-student reunification plan; (6) a whistle; (7) a hat or brightly vest for visibility and leadership identification; (8) a battery-operated flashlight and batteries; (9) a utility turn off procedures; (10) an emergency communication device; and (11) a first-aid kit with instructions. [This document was published by the Emergency Response and Crisis Management (ERCM) Technical Assistance (TA) Center, and funded by the Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools at the U.S. Department of Education.].