An Introduction to Neuroendocrinology

Book Description

This book is designed as an introductory text in neuroendocrinology; the study of the interaction between the brain and endocrine system and the influence of this on behaviour. The endocrine glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus and their interactions and hormones are discussed. The action of steroid and thyroid hormone receptors and the regulation of target cell response to hormones is examined. The function of neuropeptides is discussed with respect to the neuroendocrine system and behaviour. The neuroimmune system and lymphokines are described and the interaction between the neuroendocrine and neuroimmune systems discussed. Finally, methods for studying hormonal influences on behaviour are outlined. Each chapter has review and essay questions designed for advanced students and honours or graduate students with a background in neuroscience, respectively.

Steroid Hormone Receptors: Basic and Clinical Aspects

Book Description

The past few years have witnessed the emergence of steroid hormones as the wonder molecules which generate as much discussion in the scientific literature as they do in a typical living room. This transition has been a result of the tremendous public and scientific interest in the normal functioning of the hor mones as well their suggested involvement in several clinical conditions. In the recent past, notable scientific and technological advances have been made in the areas of contraception and regulation of fertility. Steroid receptors are the indis pensable mediators of hormonal responses and are complex protein molecules which appear to exist in association with other, yet undefined, proteins and/or factors. Receptors for vitamin D, retinoic acid and the thyroid hormones share structural similarities with steroid receptors, and the roster of this superfamily is still expanding. While our knowledge of the diversity and magnitude of steroid effects has advanced, the precise mode of steroid hormone action has alluded investigators. This volume brings together an international team of prominent investigators who discuss their most recent work on the basic and clinical aspects of steroid/nuclear receptors. The contributions represent updated versions of the invited presentations made at The Second Meadow Brook Conference on Steroid Receptors in Health and Disease. I am grateful to my colleagues on the Scientific Committee: Etienne Baulieu, Jack Gorski, Benita Katzenellenbogen, David Toft and James WittJiff, who provided the vision and guidance in formulating an out standing program.

Steroid Receptors in Health and Disease

Book Description

During the last two decades, progress in steroid hormone research has resulted in the development of new approaches to contraception as well as diagnosis and treatment of endocrine disorders and cancers. Although significant advances have been made in the purification, characterization, immunochemistry and molecular biology of steroid receptors, the precise molecular mechanism of steroid hormone action has remained obscure. This book captures the detailed presentations made at the first conference on Steroid Receptors in Health and Disease held at Meadow Brook Hall, Oakland University in the fall of 1987. The purpose of this international con ference was to facilitate scientific exchange toward a better understand ing of the mode of action of steroid hormones. The scientific sessions consisted of poster presentations and state-of-the-art lectures, the latter of which make up this volume. The first chapter is meant to provide the reader with a more general background of the topics covered in the book, as well as to discuss certain theme-related issues that are either not yet well-established or accepted or are in the stage of infancy. It is hoped that this volume will serve as a useful treatise for students and investigators interested in basic and clinical aspects of biological regulation by steroid hormones. A task of this magnitude could not have been undertaken without the encouragement, advice and continued generous assistance of the members of the scientific committee. I am gratefully indebted to Drs.

Steroid Hormone Receptor Systems

Book Description

The papers in this volume were presented at the Symposium on Steroid Hormone Receptor Systems held October 18-20, 1978, at the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury, Mass. The meeting was organized to review, discuss, and disseminate new knowledge about the regulation and function of the receptor proteins which mediate estrogen, progestin, glucocorticoid, and androgen action. The symposium brought together leading scientists whose interests span the spectrum of biological organization. On this occasion, Drs. Elwood V. Jensen and Etienne E. Baulieu were honored as recipients of the Tenth Annual Gregory Pincus l1emorial Award for their pioneering studies of steroid hormone receptors. The material covered in this book focuses on the molecular mechanisms which control receptor site availability and function. The topics discussed include recent work on receptor antibodies, antiestrogen action, receptor heterogeneity, nuclear binding and processing of receptor, receptor activation and inactivation mechan isms, interactions between receptor systems, influence of biological rhythms, membrane binding sites, and the evolution of steroid-bind ing proteins. Although studies on steroid receptors have led to the development of new approaches for cancer therapy and contraception, much remains to be discovered in this rapidly expanding field. Hope fully, this book will provide added impetus to the quest for a full understanding of steroid receptor systems by drawing attention to the unresolved questions yet to be answered. Hhile the book is intended primarily for those interested in hormone action, it should be of value to a more general audience including cell, molecular, and developmental biologists.

Molecular Biology of Steroid and Nuclear Hormone Receptors

Book Description

Intracellular Receptors: New Instruments for a Symphony of Signals In the late eighteenth century, it was proposed on theoretical grounds that each of the body's organs, beginning with the brain, must be "a factory and laboratory of a specific humor which it returns to the blood", and that these circulating signals "are indispensable for the life of the whole" (Bordeu 1775). During the nineteenth cen tury, some remarkable physiological experiments revealed the actions of humoral factors that affected the for and function of multiple tissues, organs and organ sys tems within the body (Berthold 1849); much later, the chemical and molecular na ture of some of those factors was determined. Against this deep historical backdrop of the founding studies of intercellular signaling, molecular biology sprang into existence a mere forty years ago, rooted in the revelation of regulable gene expression in bacteria. But contemporaneous with those classical analyses of transcriptional regulation of the lactose operon, the mod em era of signal transduction was inaugurated by the identification of cAMP as a second messenger -- an intracellular mediator of hormonal activation of glycogen catabolism (Sutherland and RaIl 1960). Later in that same decade, it emerged that cAMP is a critical signal not only in metazoans, but even in bacteria, where it serves an analogous function as a critical switch that activates expression of genes re quired for catabolism of complex carbon sources, including those of the lactose operon.

Steroid Receptor Methods

Book Description

A distinguished team of principal investigators and their associates describe in step-by-step detail a cross-section of the latest research techniques available for studying the endocrine system. As a basis for sophisticated biochemical analysis of receptor properties, the contributors provide methods for the production and purification of a variety of receptors, including progesterone, glucocorticoid, and androgen. Other protocols allow the reader to experiment with DNA binding characteristics, hormone binding assays, and the use of combinatorial chemistry for drug discovery. A series of novel methods utilizing the latest advances in immunochemistry, yeast two-hybrid screening, and fluorescence are included for the detection and analysis of a variety of cellular proteins that influence steroid receptor effectiveness.

The Identities of Membrane Steroid Receptors

Book Description

Cheryl S. Watson University o/Texas Medical Branch Cellular steroid action has been thoroughly studied in the nuclear compartment. However, nuclear steroid receptor mechanisms have been unable to explain some of the rapid activities of steroids, partiCUlarly those which occur in a time frame of seconds to minutes [reviewed in (1;2)]. Based on these and other considerations, an alternative membrane-associated receptor form was long ago proposed to exist (3). Others interpret the location of the steroid receptors mediating these rapid effects as peri membrane or cytoplasmic. New experimental tools have been brought to bear on the topic of receptors for steroids which mediate non-genomic actions, and thus investigative activity and focus regarding this type of steroid receptor has recently increased significantly. However, there may be multiple answers to the question "how do steroids mediate rapid nongenomic effects?" Steroid actions initiated at the cell membrane can impinge on important phases in the lifespan of a cell: proliferation, migration, differentiation, and release of hormones or neurotransmitters functioning as signals to other cells.

Localization Of Putative Steroid Receptors

Book Description

These volumes represent the "state-of-the-art" in morphological methods for detection of steroid receptors. In Volume I we have attempted to collect current available methods and experimental approahes which might be useful in solving present enigmas. The background and recent advances presented are intended to stimulate further experimentation and new innovations, and spur clinical trials by all investigators with an interest in steroid hormones, cell biology, and clinical oncology.

Nuclear Hormone Receptors

Book Description

An overview of the supergene family made up of those nuclear hormone receptors which recognize thyroid and steroid hormones, vitamen D and retinoic acid and which are characterized by their ability to bind both ligands and the genes which respond to them.

Steroid Hormone Receptors

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