Stir Up the Gift

Book Description

Do you know why you were created? Have you been introduced to the gifts of God within you? Do you feel you are an intricate part of the global church? If not, it is time for you to seek God for His great purpose in your life. Your gifts are needed to further establish God's Kingdom in the earth. May God speak to you within the pages of this book and propel you to walk into your assigned destiny. Allow Him to STIR UP THE GIFT within you for His glory!

2 Timothy MacArthur New Testament Commentary

Book Description

These study guides, part of a set from noted Bible scholar, John MacArthur, take readers on a journey through biblical texts to discover what lies beneath the surface, focusing on meaning and context, and then reflecting on the explored passage or concept. With probing questions that guide the reader toward application, as well as ample space for journaling, The MacArthur Bible Studies are invaluable tools for Bible students of all ages. This work on Second Timothy is part of a New Testament commentary series which has as its objective explaining and applying Scripture, focusing on the major doctrines, and how they relate to the whole of the Bible. This passage-by-passage study of the Epistle of 2 Timothy follows John MacArthur's orientation toward explanation and exposition rather than overly-academic concentration on linguistics, theology, or homiletics.

A Life Ablaze

Book Description

Keep Your Fire Burning In A Life Ablaze, author Rick Renner offers an on-time message that is crucial for every Christian in this end-time season of the Church. Ricks thought-provoking questions at the outset will echo in the readers heart with each turn of a page: Do you struggle to keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in your heart with the same fiery intensity as the early days of your walk with Jesus? Do you feel like only a few glowing embers remain and even those are growing cold? If you are on fire for God, are you eager to know how you can stay ablaze for Jesus until He comes again? If any of these questions describes you, its time to stoke the fire within so it never stops burning brightly in your heart! Rick will enlighten you with key insights from Gods Word on the kinds of spiritual fuel you must have to stay spiritually ablaze. Not one of these fuels is optional all are necessary to fulfill your God-given purpose on this earth. A Life Ablaze will ignite and encourage you to burn red-hot as you do your part to fulfill Gods great plan for such a time as this!

Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion

Book Description

The Bible reveals that conversion is a process that begins with God's calling, followed by repentance, baptism and the receiving of the Holy Spirit—finally climaxing with the return of Jesus Christ, when the dead in Christ are resurrected to immortality and given eternal life. That is the ultimate transformation, being changed from a mortal to an immortal being! Inside this Bible study aid: - Praying for a Right Spirit and New Attitude - We Must Change Our Way of Thinking - What Is Sin? - What's Wrong With Our Human Nature? - What's So Bad About Sin? - Must We Obey God's Commandments? - Why Be Baptized? - The Holy Spirit: God's Transforming Power - Why Can't Theologians Explain the Trinity Doctrine? - Is the Holy Spirit a Person? - A High Priest Eager to Help Us - Growing to Spiritual Maturity - Why Bible Study Is Necessary for Spiritual Growth - How to Stir Up God's Spirit - The Prayer God Will Hear - Repentance Must Be With Faith - Does God Set Conditions on His Gift of Eternal Life?

Smith Wigglesworth Only Believe

Book Description

Dare to experience the power of God today. God confirmed Smith Wigglesworth’s ministry through powerful signs and wonders, including the creative formation of missing limbs and the disappearance of cancerous growths. His words continue to provide spiritual, financial, emotional, and physical healing as they inspire and build faith. Answering God’s call, Smith Wigglesworth took God at His Word with dramatic results. Sight was restored to the blind, hearing to the deaf, health to the diseased, and mental wholeness to the insane. Even several who were dead were brought back to life. Do you want to be used by God to do the miraculous? Like Wigglesworth, you will find that you will receive power to: Defeat fear, depression, and temptation. Receive the Master’s healing touch. Take authority over Satan. Be an effective soulwinner. Lay hold of impossibility and make it reality. As you explore these truths, you will connect with God’s glorious power, cast out doubt, build up your faith, and see impossibilities turn into realities. Your prayer life will be transformed as you experience the joy of seeing powerful results in your life and when you minister to others.

Spirit Life Training

Book Description

Spirit Life Training is a workout program jammed full of proven, successful strategies to align your spirit, soul, and body to release the life and power that God put inside you. With exciting mind and body exercises designed to biblically align and strengthen your body, emotions, memory, intellect, imagination, and will, your recreated spirit self will rise up and express the rejuvenated and refreshed life of abundance God intended for you. Everything you need to overcome in this life you have received in seed form at the point of salvation. Spirit Life Training is the process of discovering, strengthening, and releasing this treasure God has given you.

Stir Up the Gifts

Book Description

Please meet Mr. Kearse and the love of his life, Mrs. Bettsie, who both love and serve the Lord and will continue to do so no matter what. God bless you all and Mrs. Bettsie, my baby.

The Gift of Wonder

Book Description

Can you imagine a God who dances with shouts of joy, laughs when you laugh, loves to play, and invites us to join the fun? In this book Christine Sine invites us to pay attention to childlike characteristics that have the power to reshape us, with fresh spiritual practices that engage all our senses and help us embrace the wonder and joy that God intends for us.

The Gifts and Calling of God

Book Description

Gain a better understanding of the different gifts and callings and the degrees of God's anointing.