Stochastic Differential Systems, Stochastic Control Theory and Applications

Book Description

This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEMS, STOCHASTIC CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS is the proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1986-87 IMA program on STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. We are grateful to the Scientific Committee: Daniel Stroock (Chairman) WendeIl Flerning Theodore Harris Pierre-Louis Lions Steven Orey George Papanicolaou for planning and implementing an exciting and stimulating year-long program. We es pecially thank WendeIl Fleming and Pierre-Louis Lions for organizing an interesting and productive workshop in an area in which mathematics is beginning to make significant contributions to real-world problems. George R. Seil Hans Weinberger PREFACE This volume is the Proceedings of a Workshop on Stochastic Differential Systems, Stochastic Control Theory, and Applications held at IMA June 9-19,1986. The Workshop Program Commit tee consisted of W.H. Fleming and P.-L. Lions (co-chairmen), J. Baras, B. Hajek, J.M. Harrison, and H. Sussmann. The Workshop emphasized topics in the following four areas. (1) Mathematical theory of stochastic differential systems, stochastic control and nonlinear filtering for Markov diffusion processes. Connections with partial differential equations. (2) Applications of stochastic differential system theory, in engineering and management sci ence. Adaptive control of Markov processes. Advanced computational methods in stochas tic control and nonlinear filtering. (3) Stochastic scheduling, queueing networks, and related topics. Flow control, multiarm bandit problems, applications to problems of computer networks and scheduling of complex manufacturing operations.

Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications

Book Description

Stochastic Differential Equations and Applications, Volume 1 covers the development of the basic theory of stochastic differential equation systems. This volume is divided into nine chapters. Chapters 1 to 5 deal with the basic theory of stochastic differential equations, including discussions of the Markov processes, Brownian motion, and the stochastic integral. Chapter 6 examines the connections between solutions of partial differential equations and stochastic differential equations, while Chapter 7 describes the Girsanov’s formula that is useful in the stochastic control theory. Chapters 8 and 9 evaluate the behavior of sample paths of the solution of a stochastic differential system, as time increases to infinity. This book is intended primarily for undergraduate and graduate mathematics students.

Stochastic Differential Equations

Book Description

The first paper in the volume, Stochastic Evolution Equations by N V Krylov and B L Rozovskii, was originally published in Russian in 1979. After more than a quarter-century, this paper remains a standard reference in the field of stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs) and continues to attract attention of mathematicians of all generations, because, together with a short but thorough introduction to SPDEs, it presents a number of optimal and essentially non-improvable results about solvability for a large class of both linear and non-linear equations.

Stochastic Controls

Book Description

As is well known, Pontryagin's maximum principle and Bellman's dynamic programming are the two principal and most commonly used approaches in solving stochastic optimal control problems. * An interesting phenomenon one can observe from the literature is that these two approaches have been developed separately and independently. Since both methods are used to investigate the same problems, a natural question one will ask is the fol lowing: (Q) What is the relationship betwccn the maximum principlc and dy namic programming in stochastic optimal controls? There did exist some researches (prior to the 1980s) on the relationship between these two. Nevertheless, the results usually werestated in heuristic terms and proved under rather restrictive assumptions, which were not satisfied in most cases. In the statement of a Pontryagin-type maximum principle there is an adjoint equation, which is an ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the (finite-dimensional) deterministic case and a stochastic differential equation (SDE) in the stochastic case. The system consisting of the adjoint equa tion, the original state equation, and the maximum condition is referred to as an (extended) Hamiltonian system. On the other hand, in Bellman's dynamic programming, there is a partial differential equation (PDE), of first order in the (finite-dimensional) deterministic case and of second or der in the stochastic case. This is known as a Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation.

Continuous-time Stochastic Control and Optimization with Financial Applications

Book Description

Stochastic optimization problems arise in decision-making problems under uncertainty, and find various applications in economics and finance. On the other hand, problems in finance have recently led to new developments in the theory of stochastic control. This volume provides a systematic treatment of stochastic optimization problems applied to finance by presenting the different existing methods: dynamic programming, viscosity solutions, backward stochastic differential equations, and martingale duality methods. The theory is discussed in the context of recent developments in this field, with complete and detailed proofs, and is illustrated by means of concrete examples from the world of finance: portfolio allocation, option hedging, real options, optimal investment, etc. This book is directed towards graduate students and researchers in mathematical finance, and will also benefit applied mathematicians interested in financial applications and practitioners wishing to know more about the use of stochastic optimization methods in finance.

Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory

Book Description

This text for upper-level undergraduates and graduate students explores stochastic control theory in terms of analysis, parametric optimization, and optimal stochastic control. Limited to linear systems with quadratic criteria, it covers discrete time as well as continuous time systems. The first three chapters provide motivation and background material on stochastic processes, followed by an analysis of dynamical systems with inputs of stochastic processes. A simple version of the problem of optimal control of stochastic systems is discussed, along with an example of an industrial application of this theory. Subsequent discussions cover filtering and prediction theory as well as the general stochastic control problem for linear systems with quadratic criteria. Each chapter begins with the discrete time version of a problem and progresses to a more challenging continuous time version of the same problem. Prerequisites include courses in analysis and probability theory in addition to a course in dynamical systems that covers frequency response and the state-space approach for continuous time and discrete time systems.