The Stochastic Mortality Modeling and the Pricing of Mortality/longevity Linked Derivatives

Book Description

The Lee-Carter mortality model provides the very first model for modeling the mortality rate with stochastic time and age mortality dynamics. The model is constructed modeling the mortality rate to incorporate both an age effect and a period effect. The Lee-Carter model provides the fundamental set up currently used in most modern mortality modeling. Various extensions of the Lee-Carter model include either adding an extra term for a cohort effect or imposing a stochastic process for mortality dynamics. Although both of these extensions can provide good estimation results for the mortality rate, applying them for the pricing of the mortality/ longevity linked derivatives is not easy. While the current stochastic mortality models are too complicated to be explained and to be implemented, transforming the cohort effect into a stochastic process for the pricing purpose is very difficult. Furthermore, the cohort effect itself sometimes may not be significant. We propose using a new modified Lee-Carter model with a Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) Lévy process along with the Esscher transform for the pricing of mortality/ longevity linked derivatives. The modified Lee-Carter model, which applies the Lee-Carter model on the growth rate of mortality rates rather than the level of iv mortality rates themselves, performs better than the current mortality rate models shown in Mitchell et al (2013). We show that the modified Lee-Carter model also retains a similar stochastic structure to the Lee-Carter model, so it is easy to demonstrate the implication of the model. We proposed the additional NIG Lévy process with Esscher transform assumption that can improve the fit and prediction results by adapting the mortality improvement rate. The resulting mortality rate matches the observed pattern that the mortality rate has been improving due to the advancing development of technology and improvements in the medical care system. The resulting mortality rate is also developed under a martingale measure so it is ready for the direct application of pricing the mortality/longevity linked derivatives, such as q-forward, longevity bond, and mortality catastrophe bond. We also apply our proposed model along with an information theoretic optimization method to construct the pricing procedures for a life settlement. While our proposed model can improve the mortality rate estimation, the application of information theory allows us to incorporate the private health information of a specific policy holder and hence customize the distribution of the death year distribution for the policy holder so as to price the life settlement. The resulting risk premium is close to the practical understanding in the life settlement market.

Longevity Risk Modeling, Securities Pricing and Other Related Issues

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This dissertation studies the adverse financial implications of "longevity risk" and "mortality risk", which have attracted the growing attention of insurance companies, annuity providers, pension funds, public policy decision-makers, and investment banks. Securitization of longevity/mortality risk provides insurers and pension funds an effective, low-cost approach to transferring the longevity/mortality risk from their balance sheets to capital markets. The modeling and forecasting of the mortality rate is the key point in pricing mortality-linked securities that facilitates the emergence of liquid markets. First, this dissertation introduces the discrete models proposed in previous literature. The models include: the Lee-Carter Model, the Renshaw Haberman Model, The Currie Model, the Cairns-Blake-Dowd (CBD) Model, the Cox-Lin-Wang (CLW) Model and the Chen-Cox Model. The different models have captured different features of the historical mortality time series and each one has their own advantages. Second, this dissertation introduces a stochastic diffusion model with a double exponential jump diffusion (DEJD) process for mortality time-series and is the first to capture both asymmetric jump features and cohort effect as the underlying reasons for the mortality trends. The DEJD model has the advantage of easy calibration and mathematical tractability. The form of the DEJD model is neat, concise and practical. The DEJD model fits the actual data better than previous stochastic models with or without jumps. To apply the model, the implied risk premium is calculated based on the Swiss Re mortality bond price. The DEJD model is the first to provide a closed-form solution to price the q-forward, which is the standard financial derivative product contingent on the LifeMetrics index for hedging longevity or mortality risk. Finally, the DEJD model is applied in modeling and pricing of life settlement products. A life settlement is a financial transaction in which the owner of a life insurance policy sells an unneeded policy to a third party for more than its cash value and less than its face value. The value of the life settlement product is the expected discounted value of the benefit discounted from the time of death. Since the discount function is convex, it follows by Jensen's Inequality that the expected value of the function of the discounted benefit till random time of death is always greater than the benefit discounted by the expected time of death. So, the pricing method based on only the life expectancy has the negative bias for pricing the life settlement products. I apply the DEJD mortality model using the Whole Life Time Distribution Dynamic Pricing (WLTDDP) method. The WLTDDP method generates a complete life table with the whole distribution of life times instead of using only the expected life time (life expectancy). When a life settlement underwriter's gives an expected life time for the insured, information theory can be used to adjust the DEJD mortality table to obtain a distribution that is consistent with the underwriter projected life expectancy that is as close as possible to the DEJD mortality model. The WLTDDP method, incorporating the underwriter information, provides a more accurate projection and evaluation for the life settlement products. Another advantage of WLTDDP is that it incorporates the effect of dynamic longevity risk changes by using an original life table generated from the DEJD mortality model table.

Stochastic Mortality Modelling

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For life insurance and annuity products whose payoffs depend on the future mortality rates, there is a risk that realized mortality rates will be different from the anticipated rates accounted for in their pricing and reserving calculations. This is termed as mortality risk. Since mortality risk is difficult to diversify and has significant financial impacts on insurance policies and pension plans, it is now a well-accepted fact that stochastic approaches shall be adopted to model the mortality risk and to evaluate the mortality-linked securities.To be more specific, we consider a finite-state Markov process with one absorbing state. This Markov process is related to an underlying aging mechanism and the survival time is viewed as the time until absorption. The resulting distribution for the survival time is a so-called phase-type distribution. This approach is different from the traditional curve fitting mortality models in the sense that the survival probabilities are now linked with an underlying Markov aging process. Markov mathematical and phase-type distribution theories therefore provide us a flexible and tractable framework to model the mortality dynamics. And the time-changed Markov process allows us to incorporate the uncertainties embedded in the future mortality evolution.The proposed model has been applied to price the EIB/BNP Longevity Bonds and other mortality derivatives under the independent assumption of interest rate and mortality rate. A calibrating method for the model is suggested so that it can utilize both the market price information involving the relevant mortality risk and the latest mortality projection. The proposed model has also been fitted to various type of population mortality data for empirical study. The fitting results show that our model can interpret the stylized mortality patterns very well.The objective of this thesis is to propose the use of a time-changed Markov process to describe stochastic mortality dynamics for pricing and risk management purposes. Analytical and empirical properties of this dynamics have been investigated using a matrix-analytic methodology. Applications of the proposed model in the evaluation of fair values for mortality linked securities have also been explored.

Living with Ambiguity

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Mortality is a stochastic process. We have imprecise knowledge about the probability distribution of mortality rates in the future. Mortality risk, therefore, can be defined in a broad term of ambiguity. In this paper, we investigate the effects of ambiguity and ambiguity aversion on prices of mortality-linked securities. We adopt an asymmetric mortality jump model proposed by Chen et al. (2011) for mortality modeling and forecasting. Ambiguity may arise from parameter uncertainty due to a finite sample of data and inaccurate old-age mortality rates. We compare the price of a mortality bond in four scenarios: no parameter uncertainty, parameter uncertainty with a given prior distribution, parameter uncertainty with Bayesian updates, and parameter uncertainty with the smooth ambiguity preference. We use the indifference pricing approach to derive the minimum ask price and the maximum bid price, and employ the economic pricing method to compute the equilibrium price that clears the market. We reveal the connection between the indifference pricing approach and the economic pricing approach and find that ambiguity aversion has a much smaller effect on prices of mortality-linked securities than risk aversion.

Market Price of Longevity Risk for a Multi-Cohort Mortality Model with Application to Longevity Bond Option Pricing

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The pricing of longevity-linked securities depends not only on the stochastic uncertainty of the underlying risk factors, but also the attitude of investors towards those factors. In this research, we investigate how to estimate the market risk premium of longevity risk using investable retirement indexes, incorporating uncertain real interest rates using an affine dynamic Nelson-Siegel model. A multi-cohort aggregate, or systematic, continuous time affine mortality model is used where each risk factor is assigned a market price of mortality risk. To calibrate the market price of longevity risk, a common practice is to make use of market prices, such as longevity-linked securities and longevity indices. We use the BlackRock CoRI Retirement Indexes, which provides a daily level of estimated cost of lifetime retirement income for 20 cohorts in the U.S. Although investment in the index directly is not possible, individuals can invest in funds that track the index. For these 20 cohorts, we assume risk premiums for the common factors are the same across cohorts, but the risk premium of the factors for a specific cohort is allowed to take different values for different cohorts. The market prices of longevity risk are then calibrated by matching the risk-neutral model prices with BlackRock CoRI index values. Closed-form expressions and prices for European options on longevity zero-coupon bonds are derived using the model and compared to prices for standard options on zero coupon bonds. The impact of uncertain mortality on long term option prices is quantified and discussed.

Stochastic Mortality, Macroeconomic Risks, and Life Insurer Solvency

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Motivated by a recent demographic study establishing a link between macroeconomic fluctuations and the mortality index kt in the Lee-Carter model, we develop a dynamic asset-liability model to assess the impact of macroeconomic fluctuations on the solvency of a life insurance company. Liabilities in this stochastic simulation framework are driven by a GDP-linked variant of the Lee-Carter mortality model. Furthermore, interest rates and stock prices react to changes in GDP, which itself is modelled as a stochastic process. Our simulation results show that insolvency probabilities are significantly higher when the reaction of mortality rates to changes in GDP is incorporated.

Modeling Mortality Rates with the Linear Logarithm Hazard Transform Approaches

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In this project, two approaches based on the linear logarithm hazard transform (LLHT) to modeling mortality rates are proposed. Empirical observations show that there is a linear relationship between two sequences of logarithm of the forces of mortality (hazard rates of the future lifetime) for two years. The estimated two parameters of the linear relationship can be used for forecasting mortality rates. Deterministic and stochastic mortality rates with the LLHT, Lee-Carter and CBD models are predicted, and their corresponding forecasted errors are calculated for comparing the forecasting performances. Finally, applications to pricing some mortality-linked securities based on the forecasted mortality rates are presented for illustration.