Stop Aging the Lazy Way

Book Description

Written by a weight loss expert and fitness champion, this book provides tips for lowering blood pressure, improving the immune system, increasing energy, and feeling and looking younger.

Build Your Financial Future the Lazy Way

Book Description

Put away money for the future? This book shows how the busy person's money can grow while he or she relaxes.

Shed Some Pounds the Lazy Way

Book Description

The owner of a weight-loss company explains how the body deals with fat, suggests supplies and equipment to keep the body lean, and provides tips to avoid the diet struggle.

Care for Your Home the Lazy Way

Book Description

This new addition to the "Lazy Way" series provides lists of toolbox necessities, plus handy short-cuts and tips designed to make a home practically maintain itself.

Get in Shape the Lazy Way

Book Description

A certified personal trainer offers a trouble-free way to tone up and build muscle without cutting into precious spare time.

Get a Better Job the Lazy Way

Book Description

Hassle-free tricks to: revitalize your resume, schmooze with success, score a satisfying salary.

Have Fun with Your Kids the Lazy Way

Book Description

Quick and easy ways to have quality time with the kids.

Keep Your Kids Busy the Lazy Way

Book Description

We know you're not lazy. In fact, you're actually very busy! After a full day of work you come home to the kids--to feed them, bathe them, and force them to do their homework. But you're starting to feel a bit guilty that your automatic response to your kids' cry of "I'm bored" is to pop in a videotape or hand them the remote.

Organize Your Stuff the Lazy Way

Book Description

A guide to organizing everything covers the home office, closets, kitchens, paperwork, bathrooms, and delegating -- Provided by publisher.