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Co-operation Between the Sexes

Book Description

Discusses relationships between men and women and types of deviant behavior often found in sex role adjustment

What Mad Universe

Book Description

Pulp SF magazine editor Keith Winton was answering a letter from a teenage fan when the first moon rocket fell back to Earth and blew him away. But where to? Greenville, New York, looked the same, but Bems (Bug-Eyed Monsters) just like the ones on the cover of Startling Stories walked the streets without attracting undue comment. And when he brought out a half-dollar coin in a drugstore, the cops wanted to shoot him on sight as an Arcturian spy. Wait a minute. Seven-foot purple moon-monsters? Earth at war with Arcturus? General Dwight D. Eisenhower in command of Venus Sector? What mad universe was this? One thing was for sure: Keith Winton had to find out fast - or he'd be good and dead, in this universe or any other.

IRRESISTIBILMENTE - Le vie della persuasione e della manipolazione

Book Description

C'è una psicologia del persuadere e del manipolare che abbraccia e incide sulla nostra vita irresistibilmente. In lei sono impressi i temi ricorrenti della dominazione, della possibilità, del potere e dell'interesse. La sottile storia dell'influenzamento umano percorre questi cieli e così ogni suo navigatore. Chi legge,riflette e poi fa pratica con le esercitazioni consigliate alla fine, otterrà una capacità comunicativa irresistibile.Contiene saggio più esercitazioni.Roberto Solinas è psicologo-psicoterapeuta.

Italian Quarterly

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The Work of Art

Book Description

What art is--its very nature--is the subject of this book by one of the most distinguished continental theorists writing today. Informed by the aesthetics of Nelson Goodman and referring to a wide range of cultures, contexts, and media, The Work of Art seeks to discover, explain, and define how art exists and how it works. To this end, Gérard Genette explores the distinction between a work of art's immanence--its physical presence--and transcendence--the experience it induces. That experience may go far beyond the object itself.Genette situates art within the broad realm of human practices, extending from the fine arts of music, painting, sculpture, and literature to humbler but no less fertile fields such as haute couture and the culinary arts. His discussion touches on a rich array of examples and is bolstered by an extensive knowledge of the technology involved in producing and disseminating a work of art, regardless of whether that dissemination is by performance, reproduction, printing, or recording. Moving beyond examples, Genette proposes schemata for thinking about the different manifestations of a work of art. He also addresses the question of the artwork's duration and mutability.

Dalla pecia all'e-book

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The Imagined Immigrant

Book Description

Using original sources--such as newspaper articles, silent movies, letters, autobiographies, and interviews--Ilaria Serra depicts a large tapestry of images that accompanied mass Italian migration to the U.S. at the turn of the twentieth century. She chooses to translate the Italian concept of immaginario with the Latin imago that felicitously blends the double English translation of the word as "imagery" and "imaginary." Imago is a complex knot of collective representations of the immigrant subject, a mental production that finds concrete expression; impalpable, yet real. The "imagined immigrant" walks alongside the real one in flesh and rags.