Strata and Time

Book Description

This Special Publication explores the relationship between the preserved strata of the rock record and the passage of time. It covers the controls on preservation of strata in the record, through the qualitative and statistical properties of statigraphic data, to the implications for analysis, interpretation, modelling and prediction.


Book Description

"The story starts with William Smith's early years, from apprentice to surveyor for hire, and from publication of his groundbreaking 1815 geological strata map to imprisonment for debt. Smith's 1799 geological map of Bath and table of strata, his first strata map of England and Wales, published in 1801, and photographs of some of Smith's collection of 2,000 fossils illustrate the tale. The remainder of the book is organized into four parts, each beginning with four sheets from Smith's hand-colored, 1815 strata map, accompanied by related geological cross sections and county maps (1819-24), and followed by sections of Sowerby's fossil illustrations (1816-19), organized by strata. Interleaved between the sections are essays by scholars that focus on the people and industries that benefited from the knowledge imparted by Smith's work. Concluding the volume are reflections on Smith's later years as an itinerant geologist and surveyor, plagiarism by a rival, receipt of the first Wollaston Medal in recognition of his achievements, and the influence of his geological mapping and biostratigraphical theories on the sciences, which culminated in the establishment of the modern geological timescale"--

Time- and Strata-Bound Ore Deposits

Book Description

The problem of time-and strata-bound formation of ore deposits has during the past decade become one of the most debated topics in cur rent international discussion. Due to the amazing results of modern mineral exploration and world-wide geophysical research, the mutual relationship between the complex geological history pf a crustal seg ment and the development of distinct metallogenic provinces (ore belts) has received much interest. Reviewing the earth's history in this light one can now recognize metallogenic epochs even of global range which document the existence of world-wide time-bound ore enrich ments. The knowledge of these metallogenetic processes has been growing step by step for several decades. It began with simple observations and sceptic interpretations, which at first threw heretical spot lights on to the edifices of the prevailing theories on granitic differentiation as the favoured source of ore deposits. It was obvious that the new ideas at first referred to ore enrichments in sedimentary sequences, nowadays summarized under the term strata-bound, and mainly interpreted as stratiform or sedimentary ore deposits. Moreover, the modern term "strata-bound" also includes ore mineralizations which are bound to distinct units of layered (intrusive or extrusive) igneous complexes as a general descriptive term without genetical restriction! Albert Maucher is one of the representatives of the initial era who discussed these genetical questions critically in the decade before the 2nd World War.

The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit

Book Description

Reviews the evidence underpinning the Anthropocene as a geological epoch written by the Anthropocene Working Group investigating it. The book discusses ongoing changes to the Earth system within the context of deep geological time, allowing a comparison between the global transition taking place today with major transitions in Earth history.

International Stratigraphic Guide

Book Description

Tectonic Setting of Faulted Tertiary Strata Associated with the Catalina Core Complex in Southern Arizona

Book Description

Mid-Tertiary strata exposed as tilted homoclines along the flanks of the San Pedro trough and across broad uplands north of the Catalina core complex are assigned to the following formations, each of which includes informal local members and facies: (a) Mineta Formation, mid-Oligocene redbeds including both conglomeratic fluvial and finer-grained lacustrine deposits; (b) Galiuro Volcanics, including lavas and domes, air-fall and ash-flow tuffs, and intercalated volcaniclastic strata of late Oligocene to earliest Miocene age; (c) Cloudburst Formation, also of late Oligocene and earliest Miocene age but including a sedimentary upper member of conglomeratic strata as well as a volcanic lower member correlative with part of the Galiuro Volcanics; and (d) San Manuel Formation, composed of lower Miocene alluvial fan and braidplain deposits that display contrasting clast assemblages in different areas of exposure. Generally correlative Oligocene-Miocene strata exposed south of the Catalina core complex are assigned to the Pantano Formation, which contains similar lithologic components. Less-deformed Neogene strata of post-mid-Miocene basin fill are assigned to the Quiburis Formation along the San Pedro trough, but stratigraphic equivalents elsewhere lack adequate nomenclature. High benchlands mantled by paleosols mark the highest levels of Neogene aggradation. Successive stages of subsequent erosional dissection are recorded by multiple terrace levels incised into basin fill. Key exposures of syntectonic mid-Tertiary sedimentary sequences in several local subareas reveal typical structural and stratigraphic relationships. Multiple fault blocks expose pre-Tertiary bedrock overlain by tilted mid-Tertiary strata confined to intervening half-grabens. Bounding syndepositional faults dip southwest and associated homoclines dip northeast. Fanning dips and buttress unconformities reflect progressive tilt and burial of eroding fault blocks. Dips of block-bounding faults are inversely proportional to the ages of the faults. Steeper dips for younger faults suggest either progressive erosion of successive listric faults or progressive rotation of successive planar faults. Uniformly moderate to steep dihedral angles between fault surfaces and offset homoclinal bedding imply that the faults dipped more steeply near the surface when syntectonic mid-Tertiary strata were subhorizontal. Although the inference of listric faulting best links apparent strands of the Catalina detachment system, the alternate interpretation of rotational normal faulting is compatible with local structural relationships including tilt of porphyry copper orebodies. Within the San Pedro trough, multiple homo clines of mid-Tertiary strata are exposed locally in tilt-blocks exhumed by Neogene erosion from beneath nearly flat-lying basin fill of the Quiburis Formation. Faults bounding the mid-Tertiary exposures include backtilted strands of the Catalina detachment system, somewhat younger listric or rotational normal faults, and steeper basin-range normal faults that display offsets both synthetic and antithetic to the flanks of the San Petro trough. In Cienega Gap, flanking the Tucson Basin, multiple tilt-blocks of the Pantano Formation form part of the upper plate of the Catalina detachment system. Initial construction of alluvial fans by generally westward paleoflow was followed by ponding of lacustrine environments along the foot of secondary breakaway scarps that also generated massive megabreccia deposits. In summary, syntectonic Oligocene to Miocene sedimentation succeeded a prominent pulse of polymodal mid-Tertiary volcanism and was coeval with mylonitic deformation and detachment faulting along the flank of the Catalina core complex. The headwall rupture for the detachment system migrated westward from an initial position along the range front of the Galiuro Mountains. After mid-Miocene time, accumulation and subsequent dissection of essentially undeformed basin fill was accompanied by basin-range block faulting. The most challenging structural issue is whether fault strands of the Catalina detachment system are interconnected or are disconnected rotational segments.

The Age of the Earth

Book Description

A synthesis of all that has been postulated and is known about the age of the Earth

Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

Book Description

This fully revised and updated edition introduces the reader to sedimentology and stratigraphic principles, and provides tools for the interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks. The processes of formation, transport and deposition of sediment are considered and then applied to develop conceptual models for the full range of sedimentary environments, from deserts to deep seas and reefs to rivers. Different approaches to using stratigraphic principles to date and correlate strata are also considered, in order to provide a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of sedimentology and stratigraphy. The text and figures are designed to be accessible to anyone completely new to the subject, and all of the illustrative material is provided in an accompanying CD-ROM. High-resolution versions of these images can also be downloaded from the companion website for this book at:

Principles of Archaeological Stratigraphy

Book Description

This book is the only text devoted entirely to archaeological stratigraphy, a subject of fundamental importance to most studies in archaeology. The first edition appeared in 1979 as a result of the invention, by the author, of the Harris Matrix--a method for analyzing and presenting the stratigraphic sequences of archaeological sites. The method is now widely used in archaeology all over the world. The opening chapters of this edition discuss the historical development of the ideas of archaeological stratigraphy. The central chapters examine the laws and basic concepts of the subject, and the last few chapters look at methods of recording stratification, constructing stratigraphic sequences, and the analysis of stratification and artifacts. The final chapter, which is followed by a glossary of stratigraphic terms, gives an outline of a modern system for recording stratification on archaeological sites. This book is written in a simple style suitable for the student or amateur. The radical ideas set out should also give the professional archaeologist food for thought. Covers a basic principle of all archaeological excavations Provides a data description and analysis tool for all such digs, which is now widely accepted and used Gives extra information