Strategies for Work Zone Transportation Management Plans

Book Description

One of the ways a state department of transportation or other transportation agency can address work zone safety and other impacts is to develop and implement a Transportation Management Plan (TMP). The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Research Report 945: Strategies for Work Zone Transportation Management Plans provides a practitioner-ready guidebook on how to select and implement strategies that improve safety and traffic operations in roadway construction work zones. Supplemental materials to the report include NCHRP Web-Only Document 276: Evaluating Strategies for Work ZoneTransportation Management Plans; fact sheets on ramp meter, reversible lane, and truck restrictions; and guidebook appendices.

Evaluating Strategies for Work Zone Transportation Management Plans

Book Description

Transportation management plans (TMPs) are a set of coordinated strategies designed to help agencies achieve work zone project goals related to traffic mobility, efficient system operation, motorist and worker safety, and other operational targets. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's NCHRP Web-Only Document 276: Evaluating Strategies for Work Zone Transportation Management Plans focuses on the field evaluations that are part of NCHRP Research Report 945: Strategies for Work Zone Transportation Management Plans.

Developing and Implementing Transportation Management Plans for Work Zones

Book Description

This Guide is designed to help transportation agencies develop and implement transportation management plans (TMPs). A TMP lays out a set of coordinated transportation management strategies and describes how they will be used to manage the work zone impacts of a road project. The scope, content, and level of detail of a TMP may vary based on an agency's work zone policy and the anticipated work zone impacts of the project. The intended audience for this Guide is the persons responsible for developing TMPs. Depending on the agency's processes and procedures, this may be agency personnel and/ or contractors. Persons responsible for TMP-related policy/procedure development and revision, implementation, review, approval, and assessment will also benefit from this Guide. This document also provides support to agencies in their efforts to implement the recently updated work zone regulations. In September 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published updates to the work zone regulations at 23 CFR 630 Subpart J. The updated rule is referred to as the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (Rule) and applies to all State and local governments that receive Federal-aid highway funding. Transportation agencies are required to comply with the provisions of the Rule by October 12, 2007. The changes made to the regulations broaden the former rule to better address the work zone issues of today and the future. Growing congestion on many roads, and an increasing need to perform rehabilitation and reconstruction work on existing roads already carrying traffic, are some of the issues that have lead to additional, more complex challenges to maintaining work zone safety and mobility. To help address these issues, the Rule provides a decision-making framework that facilitates comprehensive consideration of the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zones across project development stages, and the adoption of additional strategies that help manage these impacts during project implementation. The Rule requires agencies to develop an agency-level work zone safety and mobility policy to support systematic consideration and management of work zone impacts across all stages of project development. Based on the policy, agencies will develop processes and procedures to support implementation of the policy. The third primary element of the Rule calls for the development of project-level procedures to address the work zone impacts of individual projects. This includes requirements for identifying significant projects and developing and implementing TMPs for all Federal-aid highway projects. This document is the third of four guidance documents on the Rule and contains guidance, as well as many examples of how transportation agencies have developed and implemented TMPs or similar plans.

Guidelines for Developing Transportation Management Plans in Virginia

Book Description

A transportation management plan (TMP) is a comprehensive program of traffic control, communication, operation, and demand management strategies designed to maintain acceptable levels of traffic flow in work zones. A systematic procedure and/or checklist is needed for developing plans to lessen the impact of construction projects that restore or improve highways. The purpose of this research was to establish guidelines for developing TMPs for construction projects. Three questions were addressed by the guidelines: When should a TMP be developed? How should a TMP be developed? What should be in a TMP? The Federal Highway Administration published the Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility on September 9, 2004. It facilitates the comprehensive consideration of the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zones across project development stages and the adoption of additional strategies including TMPs that help manage these impacts during project implementation. Guidelines for TMPs were derived from a draft implementation guide for the final rule with minor revisions. TMPs may consist of up to three components: (1) a temporary traffic control plan that describes traffic control measures used to facilitate road users through a work zone; (2) transportation operations strategies that will be used to ease work zone impacts; and (3) public information strategies to inform those affected by the project of the expected work zone impacts and changing conditions. At a minimum, each TMP should have a temporary traffic control plan. It is recommended that the Virginia Department of Transportation implement the guidelines developed in this study.

Work Zone Public Information and Outreach Strategies

Book Description

This document is meant to help transportation agencies plan and implement effective public information and outreach campaigns for work zones. The focus of this document is not on project selection and design, but on the travel impacts of a work zone – such as lane closings, new traffic patterns, and traffic delay – and available travel alternatives (e.g., different routes and travel modes). This document provides information and strategies for developing public information and outreach campaigns for specific work zones, rather than general work zone education and safety campaigns. It is primarily designed for personnel in transportation agencies responsible for planning and operating highway work zones and those responsible for public relations and public information. It will also be of interest to transportation policy makers, work zone contractors, consultants, public relations firms, and emergency responders. This document also provides support to agencies in their efforts to implement the recently updated work zone regulations. In September 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published updates to the work zone regulations at 23 CFR 630 Subpart J. The updated rule addresses the use of public information and outreach as a work zone management tool. The updated rule is referred to as the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (Rule) and applies to all State and local governments that receive Federal-aid highway funding. Transportation agencies are required to comply with the provisions of the Rule by October 12, 2007. The changes made to the regulations broaden the former rule to better address the work zone issues of today and the future. Growing congestion on many roads, and an increasing need to perform rehabilitation and reconstruction work on existing roads already carrying traffic, are some of the issues that have lead to additional, more complex challenges to maintaining work zone safety and mobility. To help address these issues, the Rule provides a decision-making framework that facilitates comprehensive consideration of the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zones across project development stages, and the adoption of additional strategies that help manage these impacts during project implementation. The Rule requires agencies to develop an agency-level work zone safety and mobility policy to support systematic consideration and management of work zone impacts across all stages of project development. Based on the policy, agencies will develop processes and procedures to support implementation of the policy. The third primary element of the Rule calls for the development of project-level procedures to address the work zone impacts of individual projects. This includes requirements for identifying significant projects and developing and implementing transportation management plans (TMPs) for all projects. For significant projects, the TMP must include public information and outreach strategies to inform those affected by the project of expected work zone impacts and changing conditions. This document is the second of four guidance documents on the Rule and contains guidance, as well as many examples of work zone public information and outreach campaigns used by transportation agencies.

Work Zone Impacts Assessment

Book Description

This Guide is designed to help transportation agencies develop and/or update their own procedures for assessing and managing the work zone impacts of their road projects throughout the different program delivery stages. Understanding work zone impacts is critical to developing effective work zone transportation management plans (TMPs) that provide for safety, mobility, and quality in maintaining, rehabilitating, and rebuilding the nation's highways. The primary intended audience for this Guide is transportation agency staff, including technical staff (planners, designers, construction/traffic engineers, highway/safety engineers, etc.); management and executive-level staff responsible for setting policy and program direction; field staff responsible for building projects and managing work zones; and staff responsible for assessing performance in these areas. This document also provides support to agencies in their efforts to implement the recently updated work zone regulations. In September 2004, the FHWA published updates to the work zone regulations at 23 CFR 630 Subpart J. The updated rule is referred to as the Work Zone Safety and Mobility Rule (Rule) and applies to all State and local governments that receive Federal-aid highway funding. Transportation agencies are required to comply with the provisions of the Rule by October 12, 2007. The changes made to the regulations broaden the former Rule to better address the work zone issues of today and the future. The Rule provides a decision-making framework that facilitates comprehensive consideration of the broader safety and mobility impacts of work zones across project development stages, and the adoption of additional strategies that help manage these impacts during project implementation. The Rule requires agencies to develop an agency-level work zone safety and mobility policy to support systematic consideration and management of work zone impacts across all stages of project development. Based on the policy, agencies will develop processes and procedures to support implementation of the policy. These include procedures that address work zone impacts assessment, work zone data, work zone training, and process reviews. The Rule also calls for the development of project-level procedures to help agencies assess and manage the work zone impacts of individual projects. While the Rule does not require a specific work zone impacts assessment process/procedure, it recommends that agencies develop and implement systematic procedures to assess work zone impacts in project development, and to manage safety and mobility during project implementation. This document is the last of four guidance documents developed on the Rule, and provides a general approach for conducting work zone impacts assessment and management, as well as many examples of the approaches currently being used by transportation agencies.

Development of Performance Assessment Guidelines for Virginia's Work Zone Transportation Management Plans

Book Description

As America's roadways are becoming more congested and in need of maintenance and repair, management of traffic through work zones is a major issue for state departments of transportation. To assist states with this challenge, in 2004, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) published its "Final Rule on Work Zone Safety and Mobility," which mandated that state DOTs develop transportation management plans (TMPs) for all federally funded roadway construction projects. The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) now requires TMPs for all projects, regardless of funding source. Part of federal and Virginia TMP requirements are to monitor and assess traffic impacts, including a post-construction evaluation of the TMP. Currently, TMPs are not being assessed following individual construction projects, and VDOT does not yet have a formally established process to assess TMP performance throughout its districts and regions. The purpose of this project was to develop a set of guidelines to assist VDOT's work zone personnel and contractors with evaluating TMP performance. The research methodology examines existing literature on work zone evaluation strategies. Thirty state DOTs, as well as personnel within VDOT, were surveyed to explore TMP assessment practices. Finally, two work zone case studies from within the Commonwealth of Virginia were examined. The results of this research effort were used to develop Guidelines for TMP Performance Assessment, with aid and review from a VDOT Performance Assessment Task Group. While these new requirements may add up-front costs to project engineering, VDOT will benefit by having a methodology in place to identify and measure successful strategies to manage safety and mobility impacts from work zones.