Strengthening Nuclear Nonproliferation

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This book examines the components of the nuclear non-proliferation regime and policies which have been suggested as means to strengthen it. It discusses alternatives that might lower the likelihood of further proliferation and help reduce the nuclear arms and capabilities of proliferant states.

Strengthening U.S.-Russian Cooperation on Nuclear Nonproliferation

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Strengthening U.S.-Russian Cooperation on Nuclear Nonproliferation: Recommendations for Action offers the consensus findings and recommendations of a joint committee established by the U.S. National Academies and the Russian Academy of Sciences to identify methods of improving the ongoing cooperation between the two nations in this area. The report finds that the best way to realize the enormous potential of the U.S.-Russian relationship on nuclear nonproliferation is to reinvigorate the relationship between the two governments as a true partnership. It recommends that the U.S. and Russia establish a Joint High-Level Commission of government and non-government experts to assess their cooperation and devise a strategic plan for moving forward. It suggests that the Senior Interagency Group that was recently established by the two presidents be empowered to carry out this strategic plan. The report then examines three issue areas, making specific recommendations in each: law and taxation, program organization and management, and scientific and technical cooperation.

Nuclear Nonproliferation

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A key mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy through its Technical Cooperation (TC) program, which provides equipment, training, fellowships, and other services to its member states. The U.S. provides approx. 25% of the TC program's annual budget. This report addresses the: (1) extent to which the U.S. and IAEA have policies limiting member states' participation in the TC program on the basis of nuclear proliferation and related concerns; (2) extent to which the U.S. and IAEA evaluate and monitor TC projects for proliferation concerns; and (3) any limitations and challenges in IAEA's mgmt. of the TC program. Includes recommendations. Charts and tables.

Nuclear Nonproliferation

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The International Atomic Energy Agency's (IAEA) safeguards system has been a cornerstone of U.S. efforts to prevent nuclear weapons proliferation since the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was adopted in 1970. IAEA has strengthened its safeguards system & increased efforts to combat nuclear terrorism by helping countries secure nuclear & radioactive material & facilities. This report: (1) identifies the steps IAEA has taken to strengthen safeguards; (2) assesses the challenges in implementing strengthened safeguards; (3) identifies U.S. financial support for safeguards; & (4) describes IAEA's efforts to help secure nuclear material & facilities. Includes recommendations. Illustrations.

Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime

Book Description

Nuclear technology has long been recognized as capable of both tremendous benefits and tremendous destruction. With this in mind, countries have devised international arrangements intended to promote peaceful nuclear applications while preventing the spread of materials, equipment, and technologies useful for producing nuclear weapons. Today, however, it is clear that this global nonproliferation regime is falling short. North Korea withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) in 2003 and has since tested two nuclear devices. Iran, while still a party to the NPT, has developed the capacity to enrich significant amounts of uranium; many believe it is seeking to build nuclear weapons or at least attain the ability to do so. In addition, there is the challenge of facilitating the expansion of nuclear energy, something that could help reduce carbon emissions, while preventing countries from using related technologies for military purposes. Finally, the prevalence of nuclear materials only intensifies the fear that terrorist groups could acquire them through theft or a deliberate transfer from a state.Given these challenges, it is fitting that nuclear issues are near the top of today's foreign policy agenda. President Barack Obama organized a nuclear security summit in April to discuss ways to secure nuclear materials and reduce the threat of terrorism, and NPT signatories will gather in May for the five-yearly NPT review conference. The United States and Russia have reached a successor agreement calling for further reductions in their nuclear arsenals. And the United States and others continue to pursue both sanctions and negotiations with the aim of limiting Iran's nuclear capabilities.In this Council Special Report, Paul Lettow examines the shortcomings of the nonproliferation regime and proposes a comprehensive agenda to shore it up. He first explores the challenges facing current arrangements, chief among them the spread of enrichment and reprocessing technologies needed to produce fissile material. Lettow then makes a variety of recommendations. First, he calls for tighter sanctions on Iran with the goal of dissuading it from continuing its nuclear advances and discouraging others from following Tehran's path. To combat the spread of enrichment and reprocessing, the report urges the United States to lead nuclear suppliers in developing a system that would allow the sale of relevant equipment and technology only to countries that meet demanding criteria. As regards a potential multilateral nuclear fuel bank, the report argues for limiting participation to states that have a strong nonproliferation record and agree not to make their own nuclear fuel. Lettow further recommends a larger budget, more authority, and various policy changes for the International Atomic Energy Agency so that it can better detect dangerous violations of nonproliferation agreements. Finally, he urges a series of steps in the United Nations Security Council to punish violators and deal with countries that seek to withdraw from the NPT while in noncompliance with their obligations.Strengthening the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime provides an authoritative look at today's nuclear-related concerns and what can be done to address them. With its thoughtful analysis and comprehensive recommendations, it makes a strong contribution on a subject of vital importance. And given the challenges now testing the nonproliferation regime, as well as the issue's prominence in the foreign policy debate, the report could not come at a better time.

Legal Framework for Strengthening Nuclear Security and Combating Nuclear Terrorism

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New international approaches to strengthening nuclear security and combating the threat of nuclear terrorism have been introduced throughout the first decade of the 21st century. The adoption of new and revised mandatory international legal instruments, as well as other non-binding initiatives and voluntary mechanisms, have led to improved security measures in this critical area, but there is still a need for substantive and procedural arrangements to be significantly strengthened.This book is a collection of the presentations and deliberations of participants at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop held in Vienna, Austria in January 2010. The workshop was attended by over 100 international experts from more than 20 countries, and the papers presented here summarize current understanding of, and approaches to, the legal framework for nuclear security and counterterrorism. The book will be of interest to all governments, international organizations, researchers and practitioners worldwide who are involved in securing nuclear materials and preventing nuclear terrorism

Nuclear Nonproliferation

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Nuclear Non-proliferation

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This book examines the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Act of 1978 and other stringent non-proliferation laws that seek to tighten U.S. nuclear export criteria and strengthen the international non-proliferation regime. It juxtaposes efforts of nuclear managers with those of reformers who remain intent on strengthening safeguards to prevent horizontal proliferation. Dr. Beckman looks at the development of the Atoms for Peace program, the mindset that grew up along with it, and the shifts in congressional thought about the promise and problems of the peaceful nuclear fuel cycle.