Teachers Under Pressure

Book Description

Our education system has undergone a process of enormous and rapid change, and all too often teachers have found that insufficient support has been offered to help them cope with this. As a result, most teachers now find that they experience stress of one sort or another at some point during their careers. As a direct reaction to this, the National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) have commissioned a comprehensive study of the issue of teacher stress. This book reports on the findings of that study, and the implications this has not only for teachers, but also for the pupils they teach. Cary Cooper and Cheryl Travers' book: * helps to identify which teachers are currently at risk of stress * explores how teacher's problems vary according to where they work, their grade, whether they are male or female and the age range they teach * suggests ways in which the problems of teachers can be helped * suggests preventative action to minimise stress and maximise educational experience

Teacher Stress, Job Performance and Self Efficacy Among Women Teachers

Book Description

Within the context of occupational stress, teacher stress has undoubtedly become an area of major interest to researchers throughout the world. In this era, when this problem has been recognized all over the world, it is the need of the time to identify dimensions of this problem in other parts of the world. The present research is an attempt to explore the phenomenon of teacher stress and its effects on job performance and self efficacy. The findings of this research help to extend our knowledge from west to the other countries i.e., Pakistan by shedding light on sources, manifestations, and outcomes of stress among women teachers who are relatively facing more problems at workplaces. The identification of stress in teachers may help researchers to develop some global intervention program to improve the mental health of teachers and as a consequence, job performance. The findings of this research may contribute significantly in helping to improve the role of socialization in the construction of our beliefs about our jobs and ourselves. The implications of research are many and varied, and are useful for Researchers, Educationist, Mental health Professionals, and Policy makers.

0ccupational Stress And Women Teachers

Book Description

Stress is a multidimensional and a complex phenomenon, which is influenced by personal, situational and structural factors. Especially stress in teaching is a multi level phenomenon that results in unpleasant negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, depression etc. Prolonged occupational stress in teaching has been found to result in both mental and physical ill health, ultimately having deleterious effect on teacher's professional efficiency. Stress influences all people including women teachers at one time or the other. The aim of this study was to reveal that how the occupational stress among the women teachers get affected with reference to types of school and some personal variable. This study could be used to create awareness among the schools to prevent loosing effective teachers and it would be helpful to follow an early intervention program on the stress management for their teachers.

Teacher Burnout

Book Description

This booklet presents articles that deal with identifying signs of stress and methods of reducing work-related stressors. An introductory article gives a summary of the causes, consequences, and cures of teacher stress and burnout. In articles on recognizing signs of stress, "Type A" and "Type B" personalities are examined, with implications for stressful behavior related to each type, and a case history of a teacher who was beaten by a student is given. Methods of overcoming job-related stress are suggested in eight articles: (1) "How Some Teachers Avoid Burnout"; (2) "The Nibble Method of Overcoming Stress"; (3) "Twenty Ways I Save Time"; (4) "How To Bring Forth The Relaxation Response"; (5) "How To Draw Vitality From Stress"; (6) "Six Steps to a Positive Addiction"; (7)"Positive Denial: The Case For Not Facing Reality"; and (8) "Conquering Common Stressors". A workshop guide is offered for reducing and preventing teacher burnout by establishing support groups, reducing stressors, changing perceptions of stressors, and improving coping abilities. Workshop roles of initiator, facilitator, and members are discussed. An annotated bibliography of twelve books about stress is included. (FG)

The Nurturing Teacher

Book Description

The Nurturing Teacher tackles the concerns of stressed teachers. Whether from nurturance suffering (stress related to caring for students) or from the piles of paperwork yet to be tackled, this text helps the reader sort through the causes of stress, the emotional, physical and social reactions to stress and how one can begin to plan a stress management plan. The book includes a historical overview of feminist education, the perception of caring teachers in the media and a look at emotional labor and the impact on the teacher.