Stresses Induced Around Mine Development Workings by Undercutting and Caving, Climax Molybdenum Mine, Colorado (in Two Parts).

Book Description

Stresses induced by block-caving mining were estimated from in-place measurements of strain or deformation in rock and concrete around mine openings. The four types of gages used for measurements in the Climax Molybdenum mine during 1959-61 were Whittemore gage, Carlson strain meter,2 Valore strain cell, and Climax extensometer. Gage performance in the laboratory was evaluated by stressing instrumented rock and concrete specimens in a universal testing machine and by comparing measurements taken by the gages and a standard gage. Gage performance in the mine was evaluated by comparing measurements taken during an 18-month test. The Whittemore gage, Carlson strain meter, and the Climax extensometer proved suitable for the investigation; the Valore strain cell, effective in the laboratory tests, gave erratic measurements in the mine.