String Theory In Curved Space Times, A Collaborative Research Report

Book Description

The main goal and impact of modern string theory is to provide a consistent quantum theory of gravity. This book provides an updated collection of original new developments and fundamental research in string theory in connection with gravity and physics at the Planck energy scale.Topics treated in this volume by pioneering researchers in the field include: classical and quantum string dynamics in strong gravitational fields, space-time singularities, black holes and cosmological backgrounds; particle and string scattering at the Planck energy scale; string cosmology and its observational consequences; the new features of multistrings and of quantum particle transmutation for strings in curved spacetimes.The book deals with (i) the several new methods developed to solve the highly nonlinear string dynamics in curved spactimes: approximative perturbative methods, asymptotic expansions, exact local expansions and exact global (over the whole world sheet) string solitonic solutions, (ii) the string energy momentum tensor and the equation of state for the string matter, the stretching of the string size in spacetimes with event horizons and near spacetime singularities, (iii) the canonical and semiclassical quantization of strings in curved spacetimes and the physical effects found for: the mass spectrum, structure of levels, scattering amplitudes, number operator and particle transmutation.

String Theory Research Progress

Book Description

String theory is a model of fundamental physics whose building blocks are one-dimensional extended objects called strings, rather than the zero-dimensional point particles that form the basis for the standard model of particle physics. The phrase is often used as shorthand for Superstring theory, as well as related theories such as M-theory. By replacing the point-like particles with strings, an apparently consistent quantum theory of gravity emerges. Moreover, it may be possible to 'unify' the known natural forces (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear) by describing them with the same set of equations. Studies of string theory have revealed that it predicts higher-dimensional objects called branes. String theory strongly suggests the existence of ten or eleven (in M-theory) space-time dimensions, as opposed to the usual four (three spatial and one temporal) used in relativity theory.

Mathematical Reviews

Book Description

String Gravity and Physics at the Planck Energy Scale

Book Description

The contemporary trends in the quantum unification of all interactions including gravity motivate this Course. The main goal and impact of modern string theory is to provide a consistent quantum theory of gravity. This, Course is intended to provide an updated understanding of the last developments and current problems of string theory in connection with gravity and the physics at the Planck energy scale. It is also the aim of this Course to discuss fundamental problems of quantum gravity in the present-day context irrespective of strings or any other models. Emphasis is given to the mutual impact of string theory, gravity and cosmology, within a deep a well defined programme, which provides, in addition, a careful interdisciplinarity. Since the most relevant new physics provided by strings concerns the quantization of gravity, we must, at least, understand string quantization in curved space-times to start. Curved space-times, besides their evident relevance m classical gravitation, are also important at energies of the order of the Planck scale. At the Planck energy, gravitational interactions are at least as important as the rest and can not be neglected anymore. Special care is taken here to provide the grounds of the different lines of research in competition (not just only one approach); this provides an excellent opportunity to learn about the real state of the discipline, and to learn it in a critical way.

Quantum Mechanics in Curved Space-Time

Book Description

Quantum mechanics and quantum field theory on one hand and Gravity as a theory of curved space-time on the other are the two great conc- tual schemes of modern theoretical physics. For many decades they have lived peacefully together for a simple reason: it was a coexistence wi- out much interaction. There has been the family of relativists and the other family of elementary particle physicists and both sides have been convinced that their problems have not very much to do with the problems of the respective other side. This was a situation which could not last forever, because the two theoretical schemes have a particular structural trait in common: their claim for totality and universality. Namely on one hand all physical theories have to be formulated in a quantum mechanical manner, and on the other hand gravity as curved space-time influences all processes and vice versa. It was therefore only a question of time that physically relevant domains of application would attract a general int- est, which demand a combined application of both theoretical schemes. But it is immediately obvious that such an application of both schemes is - possible if the schemes are taken as they are. Something new is needed which reconciles gravity and quantum mechanics. During the last two de- des we are now doing the first steps towards this more general theory and we are confronted with fundamental difficulties.