The Economic Structural Adjustment Programme

Book Description

Analyses the origins and assesses the impact of Zimbabwe's economic structural adjustment programme (ESAP) between 1990 and 1995. Includes chapters on economic development, educational and health policies in the country for the period 1980-1990.

Land Reform Under Structural Adjustment in Zimbabwe

Book Description

This study represents a first systematic effort to document Zimbabwe "s new land uses during the years of economic crisis, the role of the state in promoting them, the differentiation associated with them, not only between black and white farmers, but also among them, and the implications of all these for the political economy of the Zimbabwean land question. The fact that some of the new land uses avoid redistribution of clearly under-utilised large scale commercial farms suggests that the Zimbabwean land question will remain a live political issue for a long time.

Macroeconomic and Structural Adjustment Policies in Zimbabwe

Book Description

The policy relevant analysis of this volume examines nearly twenty years of Zimbabwe's macroeconomic and structural adjustment experiences since independence. Part One analyses the impact on economic growth, inflation, employment and labour markets. Part Two deals with financial liberalization, and the financial turmoil and currency crisis experienced in the wake of reforms. Part Three examines trade liberalization and its impact on investment and income distribution. Part Four gives sectoral perspectives on the agricultural, manufacturing and health sectors.

The Impact of Structural Adjustment Programmes on the Public Health Sector: The Case of Zimbabwe

Book Description

Structural Adjustment Programmes of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) were implemented as part of aid conditionality in Africa and Latin America since the 1980s. There is a wide range of literature critical of SAPs. Several debates have focused on whether the failure of SAPs was a result of the inherent weaknesses of the IMF/ WB sponsored structural adjustment or whether it was caused by structural failures of policy implementation within the African continent. The author uses the Zimbabwean case to analyze the impact of SAPs on social service sectors, in particular the public health sector.

Structural Adjustment and the Working Poor in Zimbabwe

Book Description

Presents three studies which examine the relationship between structural adjustment and changes in the social conditions of the working poor in Zimbabwe between 1990 and 1994. Includes a survey of conditions faced by formal sector workers in 18 larger-scale industrial companies in 1993, a survey of the trading patterns, consumption and intra- and interhousehold relationships of 174 urban women traders in 1992 and 1993, and a study of changes in health and health services among 327 urban households and 300 households in a peasant farming area in 1992.

Structural Adjustment and Women Informal Sector Traders in Harare, Zimbabwe

Book Description

Most attempts to study the informal sector have tended to emphasize uniformity of experiences. Where an effort has been made to develop a more nuanced understanding, the assumption has always been that people move from lower to higher level activities that coincide with increased opportunities for accumulation. This report challenges both notions. Drawing on the experiences of women informal sector traders in Harare, Zimbabwe, and using a longitudinal study approach, the authors document differentiation within the sector amidst generalized decline in working and living conditions. Far from being a site of accumulation, the authors show that the informal sector during the era of adjustment is a site of bare survival in which people work ever longer hours for ever-diminishing incomes on which many competing claims are made within and outside the household.

Structural Adjustment, Reconstruction and Development in Africa

Book Description

First published in 1997, this volume is intended to make a contribution to both the literature and the contentious debate on the relationship between structural adjustment and reconstruction and development in Africa, as seen from the multidisciplinary perspective of academics and practitioners working in Africa on African development problems and issues. The implementation of structural adjustment in Africa has spawned a considerable, and still on-going, debate with vociferous advocates on both sides of the issue, particularly with respect to the efficacy of structural adjustment programmes (SAPs) as an antidote to Africa’s development crisis. This book contributes to that debate with a rich mixture of analytical views and ideas covering a wide range of countries and sectors on the role and impact of structural adjustment programmes on the process of reconstruction and development in Africa.