Structural and Dynamics Characterization of Membrane Proteins Using Static Solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Book Description

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) provides a unique approach for structure determination and functional studies of membrane proteins in a native lipid bilayer environment. Here, polarization inversion spin exchange at magic angle (PISEMA) experiments of aligned samples were applied to study the proton channel, M2 protein transmembrane portion (M2-TMD) from influenza A virus and other intact full length membrane proteins. The challenges of membrane protein structure characterization utilizing static aligned sample, including sample preparation, sample stability induced by RF heating, PISEMA experiment set up were discussed.

Characterization of Structure and Dynamics of Membrane Proteins from Solid-state NMR

Book Description

Solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (ssNMR) spectroscopy is an essential tool for elucidating the structure, dynamics, and function of biomolecules. ssNMR is capable of studying membrane proteins in near-native lipid bilayers and is thus preferred over other biophysical techniques for characterizing the structure and dynamics of membrane proteins. This thesis primarily focuses on the study of the following membrane proteins: 1) the N-terminal ectodomain and C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of influenza A virus M2 and 2) HIV-1 glycoprotein gp4l membrane-proximal external region and transmembrane domain (MPER-TMD) in a near native membrane environment. The cytoplasmic domain of M2 is necessary for membrane scission and virus shedding. The M2(22-71) construct shows random-coil chemical shifts, large motional amplitudes, and a membrane surface-bound location with close proximity to water, indicating the post-amphipathic helix (AH) cytoplasmic domain is a dynamic random coil near the membrane surface. The influenza M2 ectodomain contains highly conserved epitopes but its structure is largely unknown. The M2(1-49) construct containing both the ectodomain and transmembrane domain exhibits an entirely unstructured ectodomain with a motional gradient in which the motion is slower for residues near the TM domain, which attributed to the formation of a tighter helical bundle in the presence of drug that should cause the more tightened C-terminal ectodomain, thereby slowing its local motions. HIV-1 virus gp4l is directly involved in virus-cell membrane fusion. However, the structural topologies of the gp4l MPER-TMD are still controversial and the biologically-relevant intrinsic conformational state of MPER has not yet been determined. In order to obtain near native structural information of gp4l, we have studied gp41 (665-704) and found a primarily a-helical conformation, membrane-anchored trimeric TMD and water-exposed membrane surface-bound MPER. Intra- and intermolecular distances measured using 19C-19F REDOR and 19F-19F CODEX revealed that MPER-TMD has a significant kink between MPER and TMD, which has aided a deeper understanding of the HIV virus entry mechanism and the design of vaccines.

Advances in Biological Solid-State NMR

Book Description

Advances in Biological NMR brings the reader up to date with chapters from international leaders of this growing field, covering the most recent developments in the methodology and applications of solid state NMR to studies of membrane interactions and molecular motions

Structural Biology in Drug Discovery

Book Description

With the most comprehensive and up-to-date overview of structure-based drug discovery covering both experimental and computational approaches, Structural Biology in Drug Discovery: Methods, Techniques, and Practices describes principles, methods, applications, and emerging paradigms of structural biology as a tool for more efficient drug development. Coverage includes successful examples, academic and industry insights, novel concepts, and advances in a rapidly evolving field. The combined chapters, by authors writing from the frontlines of structural biology and drug discovery, give readers a valuable reference and resource that: Presents the benefits, limitations, and potentiality of major techniques in the field such as X-ray crystallography, NMR, neutron crystallography, cryo-EM, mass spectrometry and other biophysical techniques, and computational structural biology Includes detailed chapters on druggability, allostery, complementary use of thermodynamic and kinetic information, and powerful approaches such as structural chemogenomics and fragment-based drug design Emphasizes the need for the in-depth biophysical characterization of protein targets as well as of therapeutic proteins, and for a thorough quality assessment of experimental structures Illustrates advances in the field of established therapeutic targets like kinases, serine proteinases, GPCRs, and epigenetic proteins, and of more challenging ones like protein-protein interactions and intrinsically disordered proteins

Solid State NMR Spectroscopy for Biopolymers

Book Description

‘‘Biopolymers’’ are polymeric materials of biological origin, including globular, membrane, and fibrous proteins, polypeptides, nucleic acids, po- saccharides, lipids, etc. and their assembly, although preference to respe- ive subjects may be different among readers who are more interested in their biological significance or industrial and/or medical applications. Nevert- less, characterizing or revealing their secondary structure and dynamics may be an equally very important and useful issue for both kinds of readers. Special interest in revealing the 3D structure of globular proteins, nucleic acids, and peptides was aroused in relation to the currently active Structural Biology. X-ray crystallography and multidimensional solution NMR sp- troscopy have proved to be the standard and indispensable means for this purpose. There remain, however, several limitations to this end, if one intends to expand its scope further. This is because these approaches are not always straightforward to characterize fibrous or membrane proteins owing to extreme difficulty in crystallization in the former, and insufficient spectral resolution due to sparing solubility or increased effective molecular mass in the presence of surrounding lipid bilayers in the latter.

Biological NMR Spectroscopy

Book Description

This book presents a critical assessment of progress on the use of nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to determine the structure of proteins, including brief reviews of the history of the field along with coverage of current clinical and in vivo applications. The book, in honor of Oleg Jardetsky, one of the pioneers of the field, is edited by two of the most highly respected investigators using NMR, and features contributions by most of the leading workers in the field. It will be valued as a landmark publication that presents the state-of-the-art perspectives regarding one of today's most important technologies.

Development of Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy for Membrane Proteins

Book Description

Atomic-resolution membrane protein structures can be determined by solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and the unique advantage of the approach is that membrane proteins reside in near-native lipid bilayer environment at physiological pH and temperature, which minimizes the potential distortions of the protein structure caused by the environment. Here, the full-length mercury transporter protein, MerF, is the focus of the structural studies, and the protein is an essential part of the bacterial mercury detoxification system that has been exploited as a potential engineering target for mercury bioremediation strategies. The backbone structures of the full-length MerF are determined in two environments, (i) magnetically aligned bicelles by oriented-sample (OS) solid-state NMR and (ii) proteoliposome by rotationally aligned (RA) solid-state NMR; and notably, both environments provide the planar lipid bilayer environment for the protein. The structural study of MerF in aligned bicelle has initially been challenging for the OS solid-state NMR, and consequently, methods have been developed to tackle the two major obstacles, the spectral resolution and resonance assignments. New pulse sequence, MSHOT-Pi4/Pi, has demonstrated a reduction of the 1H resonance line width by more than a factor of two, a significant improvement in spectral resolution. New resonance assignment method, Dipolar Coupling Correlated Isotropic Chemical Shift (DCCICS) Analysis, has been developed that is able to transfer resonance assignment from isotropic NMR methods to OS solid-state NMR spectra. The combined usage of several resonance assignment strategies and special tactics, such as applying DCCICS to the new high-resolution proton-evolved local field experiments for terminal and loop residues, has resulted in the complete assignment of all backbone immobile residues of the full-length MerF protein in magnetically aligned bicelle. Meanwhile, RA solid-state NMR is developed in the lab as a new method that combines the strength of magic-angle-spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR in obtaining resonance assignment and the concept of molecular alignment from OS solid-state NMR in obtaining angular restraints. In applying to the structural study of MerF, the method is further incorporated with multi-contact cross polarization and sequential backbone "walk" with three three-dimensional experiments, and the first structure of full-length MerF is determined with the method. In comparison to the previously determined structure of the truncated MerF (MerFt), the full-length structure reveals that the protein truncation has caused large conformational rearrangement at a place more than ten residues away from the truncation site, which serves as an example to demonstrate the importance of studying the full-length unmodified proteins by structural biologists. Additionally, the structure reveals that both mercury-binding sites are located at the intracellular side of the membrane, hinting at the observation of a conformation that allows intramolecular transfer of mercury ions. Subsequently after the complete assignment of MerF in OS solid-state NMR, the MerF structure determined by RA solid-state NMR is further improved by incorporating additional angular restraints from OS solid-state NMR and by the new treatment of dihedral restraints derived from the experimental study of C-terminal dynamics. Lastly, as a side project, the theoretical foundation of MSHOT-Pi4 pulse sequence is further explored. The observation that the pulse sequence selectively improves the resolution of membrane protein samples but not of standard single crystal sample has been analytically generalized as the principle of "motion-adapted" pulse sequence, where it is found that the interference between sample's spatial rotational motion and the radio-frequency pulse rotation in the quantum spin space is the cause of the selectivity. As a related endeavor, the mechanisms of dilute spin exchange and the magic-angle 1H spin-lock pulses have been analyzed theoretically and demonstrated in standard and biological samples. Mixed-order proton-relay mechanism is proposed to be the main contributor to dilute spin exchange in stationary aligned sample, and once more, the difference of pulse performance between standard and biological samples is observed that may be a consequence of several causes including sample motion. In conclusion, the development of various methods in OS and RA solid-state NMR are likely to find their usage in future structural studies of membrane proteins; the theoretical principle of motion-adapted property opens up new avenue to develop pulse sequences for membrane protein samples; and the atomic-resolution backbone structures of MerF contribute information for structural biologist and for the mechanistic study of mercury transportation.

Membrane Protein Structure Determination

Book Description

Membrane proteins, representing nearly 40% of all proteins, are key components of cells involved in many cellular processes, yet only a small number of their structures have been determined. Membrane Protein Structure Determination: Methods and Protocols presents many detailed techniques for membrane protein structure determination used today by bringing together contributions from top experts in the field. Divided into five convenient sections, the book covers various strategies to purify membrane proteins, approaches to get three dimensional crystals and solve the structure by x-ray diffraction, possibilities to gain structural information for a membrane protein using electron microscopy observations, recent advances in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and molecular modelling strategies that can be used either to get membrane protein structures or to move from atomic structure to a dynamic understanding of a molecular functioning mechanism. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular BiologyTM series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Comprehensive and easy to use, Membrane Protein Structure Determination: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal reference for scientists seeking to further our knowledge of these vital and versatile proteins as well as our overall understanding of the complicated world of cell biology.