Structural Evolution of the Maynard Lake Fault Within the Left-lateral Pahranagat Shear Zone, Nevada, USA

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The Pahranagat shear zone (PSZ) contains three ENE-striking left-lateral strike-slip faults: The Arrowhead Mine fault (AMF), Buckhorn fault (BF), and Maynard Lake fault (MLF) from north to south. This shear zone lies along the boundary between the northern and central Basin and Range physiographic sub-provinces (NBR-CBR). In addition, this zone is positioned SW of a regional strike-slip zone, the Caliente-Enterprise zone (CEZ), and surrounded by extensional domains with differences in timing and magnitude of extension. Hence, understanding the development of the PSZ, particularly the MLF, is essential to better understanding tectonic evolution of the boundary zone between the northern and central Basin and Range including the formation of strike-slip zones, geometry of structures, timing of deformation, and kinematic history. The knowledge of structural development of the western MLF, which has the largest offset of all faults within the PSZ, is needed to increase the understanding of the development of a major strike-slip zones within the NBR-CBR boundary. Key aspects in the development include the timing of deformation, heterogeneous deformation along strike-slip zones such as strike-slip duplex formation, and possibility of strain transfer locally between faults and regionally between extensional domains. The western extent of the MLF, geometry of the MLF, and occurrence of reverse faults within the MLF zone were unclear prior to this study. In this study, a new 1:12000 scale map of the western MLF and northwestern part of the Sheep Range provides data on the formation of strike-slip zones, timing of deformation, kinematic history, and geometry of structures. I used a well-documented regional stress field measurement for the area, as well as my own observations of fault strike orientation, map cross-cutting relationships, the attitude of beds and compaction foliations from ash-flow tuffs, and contractional features such as folds, to analyze the kinematic compatibility and timing of deformation for the PSZ including the MLF zone. The data and analysis show that the MLF is a sinistral strike-slip fault that transfers strain between two extended regions separated by a less extended region south of the MLF. This transfer zone, the PSZ and MLF, represents the SW continuation of the larger strike-slip zone, CEZ, in the vicinity of the NBR-CBR boundary. In addition, at least three stages of deformation were documented for the MLF zone; (1) Pliocene to Quaternary (2) middle-Miocene to Pliocene (3) early-middle Miocene.

The Sundance Fault

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Ongoing detailed mapping at a scale of 1:240 of structural features within the potential repository area indicates the presence of several previously unrecognized structural features. Minor north-trending west-side-down faults occur east and west of the Ghost Dance fault and suggest a total width of the Ghost Dance fault system of nearly 366 m (1200 ft). A zone of near-vertical N30° - 40°W - trending faults, at least 274 m (900 ft) wide, has been identified in the northern part of our study area and may traverse across the proposed repository area. On the basis of a preliminary analysis of available data, we propose to name this zone the ''Sundance fault system'' and the dominant structure, occurring near the middle of the zone, the ''Sundance fault.'' Some field relations suggest left-stepping deflections of north-trending faults along a preexisting northwest-trending structural fabric. Other field observations suggest that the ''Sundance fault system'' offsets the Ghost Dance fault system in an apparent right lateral sense by at least 52 m (170 ft). Additional detailed field studies, however, are needed to better understand structural complexities at Yucca Mountain.

Kinematics and Timing of the Miocene-Quaternary Deformation in Nellis Dunes Recreational Area, Nevada

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The kinematics and origin of transfer, accommodation and strike-slip zones is of paramount significance in understanding continental extension. The Las Vegas Valley Shear Zone (LVVSZ) is a NW-striking right-lateral fault system in the central Basin and Range province. Despite its prominence among the structures of the region and its role in the regional tectonic development, little is understood about its eastern portion. The inadequately constrained trace of the LVVSZ along its eastern part contributes largely to the ambiguity of the time activity and role of the LVVSZ. The eastern part of LVVSZ lies in Nellis Dunes Recreational Area (NDRA), north of Frenchman Mountain. The area exposes structures, the red sandstone unit, the Muddy Creek Formation, the Las Vegas Formation and the Quaternary deposits. Previous mapping showed different structural configurations in the NDRA and suggested that the area under the NDRA formed as a pull-apart basin between the LVVSZ in the northern part of the area and the Munitions fault that lies to the south and bounds the northern end of the Frenchman Mountain block. However, some structural geometries are inconsistent with the regional pull-apart basin model of Nellis basin. Folds, Thrust Faults and Normal Faults developed in different areas in NDRA. Each part is dominated by distinct compressional and extensional orientations. In this study, I collected and analyzed more detailed data and suggested a deformation model consistent with the entire fold and fault geometries. Large scale mapping (1:8,000) documented complex structural geometries and kinematics. Structural analysis showed that the area exhibits three different deformations. 1) The NW-striking LVVSZ developed in Miocene-Pliocene in the middle part of the area and stopped moving before the Quaternary. 2) In the Quaternary, a NE- oriented left-lateral accommodation zone developed in the middle part of the area overprinting the LVVSZ deformation. 3) The northern end of the Frenchman Mountain fault curves to the NE forming a left lateral fault splay in the southern part of NDRA.

New Insights Into Strain Accumulation and Release in the Central and Northern Walker Lane, Pacific-North American Plate Boundary, California and Nevada, USA

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The Walker Lane is a 100 km-wide distributed zone of complex transtensional faulting that flanks the eastern margin of the Sierra Nevada. Up to 25% of the total Pacific-North American relative right-lateral plate boundary deformation is accommodated east of the Sierra Nevada, primarily in the Walker Lane. The results of three studies in the Central and Northern Walker Lane offer new insights into how constantly accumulating plate boundary shear strain is released on faults in the Walker Lane and regional earthquake hazards. This research is based on the collection and analysis of new of geologic and geodetic datasets. Two studies are located in the Central Walker Lane, where plate boundary deformation is accommodated on northwest trending right-lateral faults, east-northeast trending left-lateral faults, and north trending normal faults. In this region, a prominent set of left-stepping, en-echelon, normal fault-bounded basins between Walker Lake and Lake Tahoe fill a gap in Walker Lane strike slip faults. Determining how these basins accommodate shear strain is a primary goal of this research. Paleoseismic and neotectonic observations from the Wassuk Range fault zone in the Walker Lake basin record evidence for at least 3 Holocene surface rupturing earthquakes and Holocene/late Pleistocene vertical slip rates between 0.4-0.7 mm/yr on the normal fault, but record no evidence of right-lateral slip along the rangefront fault. A complementary study presents new GPS velocity data that measures present-day deformation across the Central Walker Lane and infers fault slip and block rotation rates using an elastic block model. The model results show a clear partitioning between distinct zones of strain accommodation characterized by (1) right-lateral translation of blocks on northwest trending faults, (2) left-lateral slip and clockwise block rotations between east and northeast trending faults, and (3) right-lateral oblique normal slip with minor clockwise block rotations on north trending faults. Block model results show that a component of right-lateral slip in the normal-fault bounded basins is required to adequately fit the GPS data. New GPS data from the Northern Walker Lane constrains present-day slip rates on the Mohawk Valley, Grizzly Valley, and Honey Lake fault zones. Block model results predict right-lateral slip rates of 2.2 ± 0.2 mm/yr for the Mohawk Valley fault and 1.1 ± 0.4 mm/yr for the Honey Lake fault. The GPS data do not require slip on the Grizzly Valley fault, although right-lateral slip rates up to 1.2 mm/yr are allowed without increasing the block model misfit. The present-day distribution of slip between the Honey Lake and Mohawk Valley faults is opposite that predicted by latest Quaternary and Holocene geologic slip rate estimates. A temporally variable Wallace-type strain release model that includes 104-year timescale variations in fault slip rate could reconcile both datasets.