Structural, mechanical, tribological properties and thermal stability of fluorinated amorphous carbon films deposited by pecvd

Book Description

Neste trabalho são apresentados os efeitos nas propriedades mecânicas, estruturais e tribológicas da incorporação de flúor em filmes de carbonoamorfo hidrogenados depositados por Deposição na Fase Vapor Assistidopor Plasma . A estabilidade térmica de filmes de carbono amorfo fluoradostambém foi estudada. Os filmes foram depositados a partir de uma misturados gases C2H2 e CF4 com uma tensão de autopolarização de -350V. Amistura de gases da deposição foi variada de uma concentração de 0% até90% de CF4. A estabilidade térmica foi verificada em filmes depositadoscom 50% de C2H2 e 50% de CF4 na atmosfera precursora. Os filmes foramsubmetidos a temperaturas variando de 200oC a 600oC por 30 minutos. Aspropriedades mecânicas, estruturais e tribológicas dos filmes foram estudadoscom o uso de técnicas nucleares (retroespalhamento de Rutherford e Detecçãopor recuo elástico), espectroscopia Raman, espectroscopia de fotoelétronsinduzida por raios-X, perfilometria (tensão interna), nanoindentação (dureza), de microscopia de força atômica e de ângulo de contato. Os resultados obtidosmostraram que a incorporação de flúor produzem filmes com as propriedadesindo em direção às propriedades do Teflon. Os filmes ricos em flúor são menosdensos, mais macios, mais hidrofóbicos e tem um menor coeficiente de atrito doque filmes de carbono amorfo hidrogenados. O tratamento térmico realizadomostrou que os filmes são estáveis a temperaturas de até 300oC. A partirdesta temperatura os filmes sofreram perda de flúor e mudanças nas suaspropriedades indicando a formação de uma estrutura mais grafítica.

Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings

Book Description

Diamond-like carbons (DLCs) display a number of attractive properties that make them versatile coating materials for a variety of applications, including extremely high hardness values, very low friction properties, very low gas permeability, good biocompatibility, and very high electrical resistivity, among others. Further research into this material is required to produce hydrogen-free DLC films and to synthesize it together with other materials, thereby obtaining better film properties. Diamond-Like Carbon Coatings: Technologies and Applications examines emerging manufacturing technologies for DLCs with the aim of improving their properties for use in practical applications. Discusses DLC coatings used in mechanical, manufacturing, and medical applications Details recent developments in the novel synthesis of DLC films Covers advances in understanding of chemical, structural, physical, mechanical, and tribological properties for modern material processing Highlights methods to yield longer service life Considers prospects for future applications of emerging DLC technologies This work is aimed at materials science and engineering researchers, advanced students, and industry professionals.

Nitrogen incorporation into amorphous fluorinated carbon films

Book Description

As propriedades tribológicas de revestimentos de carbono usados em discos rígidos magnéticos foram de enorme importância para o contínuo aumento da densidade de informação armazenada nos mesmos. As características mecânicas e estruturais de filmes de carbono amorfo também foram indispensáveis para o desenvolvimento de revestimentos que atendessem às especificações dodesenvolvimento destes dispositivos: alta dureza e densidade, além de baixo coeficiente de atrito e alta resistência ao desgaste. Neste trabalho são apresentados osefeitos da incorporação de nitrogênio em filmes de carbono fluorado (a-C:H:F) depositados pela técnica de deposição por vapor químico assistido por plasma. As propriedades mecânicas e estruturais foram investigadas com o uso das técnicas nucleares (retroespalhamento Rutherford, detecção de recuo elástico, reação nuclear), espectroscopia de fotoelétrons induzidos por raios-X, medidas de tensão interna (por perfilometria), espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho, espectroscopia Raman, microscopia de força atômica e medidas de ângulo de contato. Foi depositada umasérie de filmes onde foi variada a pressão de N2 em uma atmosfera precursora de CH4-CF4 (1:2) (PN2 = 0% até 60%). A tensão de autopolarização foi fixada em 350V. Os resultados obtidos mostram que as propriedades dos filmes são controladas pela incorporação de nitrogênio que chega a 20 at.%. Identificou-se um decaimento na taxa de deposição com o incremento da pressão parcial de N2, e um sensíveldecaimento na concentração de flúor. O filme fica menos tensionado, o que pode resultar em uma melhoria na adesão. Entretanto, o ângulo de contato diminui, resultando em um aumento no coeficiente de atrito. Novos estudos procurandoaumentar simultaneamente as concentrações de F e N são sugeridos.

Properties of Amorphous Carbon

Book Description

World experts in amorphous carbon have been drawn together to produce this comprehensive commentary on the current state and future prospects of amorphous carbon, a highly functional material. Amorphous carbon has a wide range of properties that are primarily controlled by the different bond hybridisations possible in such materials. This allows for the growth of an extensive range of thin films that can be tailored for specific applications. Films can range from those with high transparency and which are hard and diamond-like, through to those which are opaque, soft and graphitic-like. Application areas including field emission cathodes, MEMs, electronic devices, medical and optical coatings are now close to market.

Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Carbon Films I

Book Description

This book presents the status quo of the structure, preparation, properties and applications of tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C) films and compares them with related film systems. Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon films (ta-C) combine some of the outstanding properties of diamond with the versatility of amorphous materials. The book compares experimental results with the predictions of theoretical analyses, condensing them to practicable rules. It is strictly application oriented, emphasizing the exceptional potential of ta-C for tribological coatings of tools and components.

New Tribological Ways

Book Description

This book aims to recapitulate old information's available and brings new information's that are with the fashion research on an atomic and nanometric scale in various fields by introducing several mathematical models to measure some parameters characterizing metals like the hydrodynamic elasticity coefficient, hardness, lubricant viscosity, viscosity coefficient, tensile strength .... It uses new measurement techniques very developed and nondestructive. Its principal distinctions of the other books, that it brings practical manners to model and to optimize the cutting process using various parameters and different techniques, namely, using water of high-velocity stream, tool with different form and radius, the cutting temperature effect, that can be measured with sufficient accuracy not only at a research lab and also with a theoretical forecast. This book aspire to minimize and eliminate the losses resulting from surfaces friction and wear which leads to a greater machining efficiency and to a better execution, fewer breakdowns and a significant saving. A great part is devoted to lubrication, of which the goal is to find the famous techniques using solid and liquid lubricant films applied for giving super low friction coefficients and improving the lubricant properties on surfaces.

Synthesis, Characterization, and Molecular Dynamics Analysis of Ultrathin Amorphous Carbon Films

Book Description

Increasing demands for high magnetic storage capacity have led to the increase of the recording area density by more than 100,000 times over the past 30 years. Among all the approaches considered to increase the area density, reducing the magnetic spacing is an effective solution that directly impacts the thickness and quality of the carbon overcoat. One of the methods of carbon overcoat deposition is chemical vapor deposition, which uses carbon-containing precursor gases as the source of carbon radicals and atoms to form the carbon overcoat. The produced carbon film is characterized by high hydrogen content (20%-50%), depending on the carbon-to-hydrogen ratio of the precursor gas and process parameters. Because of the hydrogen content, CVD-deposited hydrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:H) deposited by CVD exhibit density of 1.7-2.2 g/cm3, which is much lower than the density (~3 g/cm3) of hydrogen-free amorphous carbon (a-C) films deposited by filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA). The superior nanomechanical/tribological properties of FCVA-deposited a-C films have been widely-reported; however, most studies have examined relatively thick (tens of nanometers) a-C films, while current demands require much thinner films of thickness in the range of 1-4 nm. FCVA-deposited a-C films overcoats are desirable protective overcoats for HDDs provided they can maintain their demonstrated high quality even for thickness as low as 1 nm. In this dissertation, an in-depth study of the structure of FCVA-deposited a-C films deposited on silicon was carried out using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and analytical electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). Both low- and high (core)-loss EELS spectra of Si and C were analyzed to determine the elemental content and through-thickness structure of ~20-nm-thick a-C films. Calculations of atomic carbon hybridization based on EELS spectra were used to track the film structure evolution. The average content of carbon hybridization in the top few nanometers of the a-C film, determined from EELS analysis, was found to be ~50%, much less than 73% of the bulk film. This multilayer structure was also validated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). Results indicate that the minimum thickness of a-C films deposited by the FCVA method under conditions of optimum substrate bias ( -100 V) should be equal to 3-3.5 nm, which is the total thickness of the buffer and surface layers. The effects of other important FCVA process parameters on film growth were also investigated to explore the prospect of further decreasing the a-C film thickness. The incidence angle effect of energetic C+ ions bombarding onto the growing film surface was studied in terms of the deposition rate, topography, and film structure. Cross-section TEM measurements combined with Monte Carlo (T-DYN) simulations revealed that the deposition yield (rate) is independent of the ion fluence but varies with the incidence angle according to a relationship derived from sputtering theory. XPS and atomic force microscopy (AFM) studies were also performed to examine carbon hybridization and film topography. The optimum incidence angle for FCVA deposition was found equal to 45o. A relatively new technology that shows potential for further breakthroughs in magnetic recording is heat-assisted magnetic recording (HAMR). This technology utilizes a tightly focused laser beam to heat and temporarily reduce the coercivity of magnetic nanodomains below that of the magnetic field applied by the magnetic head. Impulsive laser heating (typically