Structures On Manifolds

Book Description

Contents: Riemannian ManifoldsSubmanifolds of Riemannian ManifoldsComplex ManifoldsSubmanifolds of Kaehlerian ManifoldsContact ManifoldsSubmanifolds of Sasakian Manifoldsf-StructuresProduct ManifoldsSubmersions Readership: Mathematicians. Keywords:Riemannian Manifold;Submanifold;Complex Manifold;Contact Manifold;Kaehlerian Manifold;Sasakian Manifold;Anti-Invariant Submanifold;CR Submanifold;Contact CR Submanifold;Submersion

Riemannian Topology and Geometric Structures on Manifolds

Book Description

Riemannian Topology and Structures on Manifolds results from a similarly entitled conference held on the occasion of Charles P. Boyer’s 65th birthday. The various contributions to this volume discuss recent advances in the areas of positive sectional curvature, Kähler and Sasakian geometry, and their interrelation to mathematical physics, especially M and superstring theory. Focusing on these fundamental ideas, this collection presents review articles, original results, and open problems of interest.

Complex Manifolds and Deformation of Complex Structures

Book Description

This book is an introduction to the theory of complex manifolds and their deformations. Deformation of the complex structure of Riemann surfaces is an idea which goes back to Riemann who, in his famous memoir on Abelian functions published in 1857, calculated the number of effective parameters on which the deformation depends. Since the publication of Riemann's memoir, questions concerning the deformation of the complex structure of Riemann surfaces have never lost their interest. The deformation of algebraic surfaces seems to have been considered first by Max Noether in 1888 (M. Noether: Anzahl der Modulen einer Classe algebraischer Fliichen, Sitz. K6niglich. Preuss. Akad. der Wiss. zu Berlin, erster Halbband, 1888, pp. 123-127). However, the deformation of higher dimensional complex manifolds had been curiously neglected for 100 years. In 1957, exactly 100 years after Riemann's memoir, Frolicher and Nijenhuis published a paper in which they studied deformation of higher dimensional complex manifolds by a differential geometric method and obtained an important result. (A. Fr61icher and A. Nijenhuis: A theorem on stability of complex structures, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., U.S.A., 43 (1957), 239-241).

Homogeneous Structures on Riemannian Manifolds

Book Description

The central theme of this book is the theorem of Ambrose and Singer, which gives for a connected, complete and simply connected Riemannian manifold a necessary and sufficient condition for it to be homogeneous. This is a local condition which has to be satisfied at all points, and in this way it is a generalization of E. Cartan's method for symmetric spaces. The main aim of the authors is to use this theorem and representation theory to give a classification of homogeneous Riemannian structures on a manifold. There are eight classes, and some of these are discussed in detail. Using the constructive proof of Ambrose and Singer many examples are discussed with special attention to the natural correspondence between the homogeneous structure and the groups acting transitively and effectively as isometrics on the manifold.

Structures on Manifolds

Book Description

An Introduction to Manifolds

Book Description

Manifolds, the higher-dimensional analogs of smooth curves and surfaces, are fundamental objects in modern mathematics. Combining aspects of algebra, topology, and analysis, manifolds have also been applied to classical mechanics, general relativity, and quantum field theory. In this streamlined introduction to the subject, the theory of manifolds is presented with the aim of helping the reader achieve a rapid mastery of the essential topics. By the end of the book the reader should be able to compute, at least for simple spaces, one of the most basic topological invariants of a manifold, its de Rham cohomology. Along the way, the reader acquires the knowledge and skills necessary for further study of geometry and topology. The requisite point-set topology is included in an appendix of twenty pages; other appendices review facts from real analysis and linear algebra. Hints and solutions are provided to many of the exercises and problems. This work may be used as the text for a one-semester graduate or advanced undergraduate course, as well as by students engaged in self-study. Requiring only minimal undergraduate prerequisites, 'Introduction to Manifolds' is also an excellent foundation for Springer's GTM 82, 'Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology'.

From Differential Geometry to Non-commutative Geometry and Topology

Book Description

This book aims to provide a friendly introduction to non-commutative geometry. It studies index theory from a classical differential geometry perspective up to the point where classical differential geometry methods become insufficient. It then presents non-commutative geometry as a natural continuation of classical differential geometry. It thereby aims to provide a natural link between classical differential geometry and non-commutative geometry. The book shows that the index formula is a topological statement, and ends with non-commutative topology.

Structure and Regularity of Group Actions on One-Manifolds

Book Description

This book presents the theory of optimal and critical regularities of groups of diffeomorphisms, from the classical work of Denjoy and Herman, up through recent advances. Beginning with an investigation of regularity phenomena for single diffeomorphisms, the book goes on to describes a circle of ideas surrounding Filipkiewicz's Theorem, which recovers the smooth structure of a manifold from its full diffeomorphism group. Topics covered include the simplicity of homeomorphism groups, differentiability of continuous Lie group actions, smooth conjugation of diffeomorphism groups, and the reconstruction of spaces from group actions. Various classical and modern tools are developed for controlling the dynamics of general finitely generated group actions on one-dimensional manifolds, subject to regularity bounds, including material on Thompson's group F, nilpotent groups, right-angled Artin groups, chain groups, finitely generated groups with prescribed critical regularities, and applications to foliation theory and the study of mapping class groups. The book will be of interest to researchers in geometric group theory.

Introduction to Smooth Manifolds

Book Description

Author has written several excellent Springer books.; This book is a sequel to Introduction to Topological Manifolds; Careful and illuminating explanations, excellent diagrams and exemplary motivation; Includes short preliminary sections before each section explaining what is ahead and why

Three-dimensional Geometry and Topology

Book Description

Every mathematician should be acquainted with the basic facts about the geometry of surfaces, of two-dimensional manifolds. The theory of three-dimensional manifolds is much more difficult and still only partly understood, although there is ample evidence that the theory of three-dimensional manifolds is one of the most beautiful in the whole of mathematics. This excellent introductory work makes this mathematical wonderland remained rather inaccessible to non-specialists. The author is both a leading researcher, with a formidable geometric intuition, and a gifted expositor. His vivid descriptions of what it might be like to live in this or that three-dimensional manifold bring the subject to life. Like Poincaré, he appeals to intuition, but his enthusiasm is infectious and should make many converts for this kind of mathematics. There are good pictures, plenty of exercises and problems, and the reader will find a selection of topics which are not found in the standard repertoire. This book contains a great deal of interesting mathematics.