Studies in Luke-Acts

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Knowable Word

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Knowable Word offers a foundation on why and how to study the Bible. Through a running study Genesis 1, this new edition illustrates how to Observe, Interpret, and Apply the Scripture-and gives the vision behind each step.

Literary Studies in Luke-Acts

Book Description

Literary Studies in Luke-Acts is a collection of essays by a group of distinguished biblical scholars who use literary-ciritcal analyses in the study of Luke-Acts. The variety of literary-critical approaches to Luke-Acts, as compiled uniquely in this volume, provides a needed resource by presenting methodological options for approaching biblical narrative texts with literary questions and considerations. Contributors include: Arthur Bellinzoni, C. Clifton Black, Darrell L. Bock, John A. Darr, William Farmer, Mikeal Parsons, Vernon Robbins, Jack Sanders, Charles Talbert, Robert Tannehill, and Victor Paul Furnish.

Reading Luke-Acts in the Pentecostal Tradition

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In this first study of its kind, noted Pentecostal Lucan scholar Martin Mittelstadt has undertaken an extensive examination of Pentecostal scholarship with an eye toward assessing the influence of Luke-Acts upon it. Beginning with Azusa Street and continuing to the present Mittelstadt: 1) traces the emergence of Pentecostal scholarship in the academic marketplace with the various responses to the catalytic the work of James D.G. Dunn, 2) examines the influence of Luke-Acts on narrative theology, missiology, healing and exorcism, the role of women, spiritual formation, and Oneness theology, and 3) identifies Pentecostal contributions in the area social ethics, peace-making, suffering and persecution, ecumenism, globalization, and post-modernity. The work concludes with observations on possibilities for future engagement and an extensive bibliography.

John the Baptist as a Rewritten Figure in Luke-Acts

Book Description

John the Baptist as a Rewritten Figure in Luke-Acts compares the Gospel of Luke’s account of John’s ministry with those of Matthew, Mark, and John to make the case for the hypertextual relationship between the synoptic gospels. The book is divided into three parts. Part I situates the Gospel of Luke within the broader context of biblical rewritings and makes the general case that a rewriting strategy can be detected in Luke, while Parts II and III combined offer a more detailed and specific argument for Luke’s refiguring of the public ministry of John the Baptist through the use of omitted, new, adapted, and reserved material. While the "two source hypothesis" typically presupposes the independence of Luke and Matthew in their rewritings of Mark and Q, Chauchot argues that Luke was heavily reliant on Matthew as suggested by the "L/M hypothesis". Approaching the Baptist figure in the synoptic gospels from a literary-critical perspective, Chauchot examines "test cases" of detailed comparative analysis between them to argue that the Gospel of Luke makes thematic changes upon John the Baptist and is best characterized as a highly creative reshaping of Matthew and Mark. Making a contribution to current research in the field of New Testament exegesis, the book is key reading for students, scholars, and clergy interested in New Testament hermeneutics and Gospel writing.

The Reading and Transformation of Isaiah in Luke-Acts

Book Description

An investigation in to where, how and why Luke interacts with Isaiah; focusing on the importance of the servant motif for Luke, in supplying the job description for Jesus' messianic mission and that of his followers.

The Acts of the Apostles

Book Description

Acts is the sequel to Luke's gospel and tells the story of Jesus's followers during the 30 years after his death. It describes how the 12 apostles, formerly Jesus's disciples, spread the message of Christianity throughout the Mediterranean against a background of persecution. With an introduction by P.D. James

Prayer and Vindication in Luke - Acts

Book Description

This is a comprehensive study of the literary function of prayer in Luke-Acts, employing narrative critical methodology and focusing on the theme's relation to Luke's historiographical aims Holmas asserts that the distribution of strategically-placed prayer notices and prayers throughout Luke-Acts serves a twofold purpose. First, it is integral to Luke's project of authenticating the Jesus-movement as accredited by Israel's God. Holmas shows that Luke presents a consistent pattern of divine affirmation and redemptionm attending the tenacious prayers of the faithful ones throughout every major phase of his narrative - in turn demonstrating continuity with the pious Israel of the past. Secondly, most importantly the 'ultimate' purpose of Luke's emphasis on prayer is didactical. In Luke's gospel Jesus summons his disciples (and implicitly his readers) to confident and persistent prayer before the Eschaton, assuring them of God's readiness to answer their entreaties. Luke's historical account as a whole provides narrative reinforcement of this affirmation. Just as God has been consistent in responding to the diligent prayers of his faithful ones in recent history, satisfying and fulfilling Israel's hopes for redemption in the Jesus movement, he will assuredly secure ultimate vindication at the end of time for those who persist in prayer. It was formerly the Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement, a book series that explores the many aspects of New Testament study including historical perspectives, social-scientific and literary theory, and theological, cultural and contextual approaches. The Early Christianity in Context series, a part of JSNTS, examines the birth and development of early Christianity up to the end of the third century CE. The series places Christianity in its social, cultural, political and economic context. European Seminar on Christian Origins and Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus Supplement are also part of JSNTS.

The Followers of Jesus as the 'Servant'

Book Description

Luke models his portrayal both of Jesus and his disciples in Luke-Acts after the human agent of the Isaianic New Exodus in Isaiah 40-66, the servant. In the Isaianic New Exodus the servant is integral to the restoration; the servant's mission being embodied is, to a great extent, how the New Exodus comes to fruition. The servant connection is at times explicit, as Jesus is identified with the servant in Luke 4:18-19 (quoting Isa 61:1-2 [with 58:6]); Luke 22:37 (citing Isa 53:12); and Acts 8:32-33 (Isa 53:7-8). Regarding the disciples, Isa 49:6 is quoted by Paul in Acts 13:47 in reference to himself and Barnabas, though a focus only on quotations is too limiting. Allusions to servant passages abound. This work argues that Luke sees Jesus fulfilling the servant role in an ultimate sense, but that his followers, modelled after him in Acts, also embody it. This can be seen in Luke's use of Isaianic servant imagery, including suffering, lack of violent response (to unjust treatment) and language in the disciples' characterization.

Studies in Luke-Acts

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