Vacuum Ultraviolet Photoionization And Photodissociation Of Molecules And Clusters

Book Description

This monograph reviews the recent progress in vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) photoionization and photodissociation processes. Photoionization, photoelectron, and fluorescence spectroscopic techniques have played an important role in revealing the photoionization and photodissociation dynamics of molecules in the vacuum ultraviolet region and in providing accurate energetic and spectroscopic information of ions as well as neutral molecules. The book represents the first detailed review of major experimental developments in the studies of single vacuum ultraviolet photon ionization and dissociation processes of gaseous molecules and clusters.

Interaction of UV-Laser Radiation with Molecular Surface Films

Book Description

The surface chemistry of Laser Photodeposition has been explored. The findings include the photodissociation physics of organometallics on surfaces and in the gas phase, and the first observation of surface enhanced chemistry. The general objective of this research project is to obtain a clear picture of the basic physics of laser-surface chemical interactions. In pursuit of this general objective, we examined the following specific tasks: a) Demonstrate and understand laser-enhanced surface using both random and collective arrays of metal particles. The reaction will be by ultraviolet photodecomposition. b) Measure and analyze the spectra of methylalkyls and ethylalkyls. Develop and understanding of the shift of the spectra when these molecules are absorbed on passive substrates. c) Experimentally determine the mechanism for the ultraviolet-enhanced etching of semiconductors submerged in aqueous solution.

Photophysics and Photochemistry in the Vacuum Ultraviolet

Book Description

This volume contains the texts of the Invited Lectures pre sented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute PHOTOPHYSICS AND PHOTOCHEMISTRY IN THE VACUUM ULTRAVIOLET, which was held at the Interlaken Lodge in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin USA, August 15-28, 1982. This ASI was the third in a series of NATO Institutes de voted to a study of the physical and chemical transformations undergone by atoms and molecules after absorption of high-energy (VUV

Molecular Dynamics in the Vacuum Ultraviolet

Book Description

The photodissociation of OCS at 222-nm has been examined by using tunable vacuum ultraviolet laser radiation to probe the Carbon monoxide and Sulfur products. Products of both the monomer and polymer dissociation have been identified and characterized, with particular emphasis on vector correlations. The vacuum ultraviolet radiation used to probe the CO and S products is generated by four-wave mixing in magnesium vapor. The photodissociation of OCS at 157 nm and of Carbon dioxide at the same wavelength have also been investigated. Energy transfer between hot hydrogen atoms and CO(v=O, J=O) has been investigated by dissociating Hydrogen sulfide in a molecular beam containing CO and probing the CO product by VUV laser-induced fluorescence. (aw).

Laser Studies of Gas Phase Radical Reactions

Book Description

A series of measurements on free radicals produced by chemical reaction and photodissociation has been made, using laser methods for formation and in some cases, detection. Highly exothermic reactions between oxygen atoms and both CF2 and CHF radicals have been studied by time resolved Fourier transform infrared emission spectroscopy, yielding information on the reaction pathway, emitting products, kinetics of formation and quenching, and the nascent vibrational distributions. Emitting species hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide have been identified in these systems. In a second study, the quantum state distributions and polarisations of OH and OD(A2sigma+) products of the two photon dissociation of H2O and D2O at 266 nm have been measured. Results show the importance of long lived trajectories in determining the photodissociation dynamics, but the unexpected observation of low fragment alignment is unable to clarify the two photon state responsible for the excitation step. A third project has concentrated on measurements of radiative lifetimes of the CF(A2 sigma +) state, with new information on the A-X spectroscopy and on the O + CF(X2II) reaction rate constant found. Finally, preliminary measurements on the nascent CO rational distribution in the O + CS reaction is reported, and some additional experiments concerning the formation of carbene radicals in liquid phase enzyme cleavage studies are described. Carbon difluoride, Water, Deuterium. (MJM).

Vacuum Ultraviolet Laser

Book Description

118.2 nm VUV laser/TOF MS was also used to study vapor-phase clusters of methanol, ethanol, and methanol/ethanol mixtures. All cluster ions observed in the TOF mass spectra can be represented by H (CH3OH)m (CH3CH2OH)n+, where m, n = 0--5, m + n 5. These protonated cluster ions were formed upon ionization from a well-known fragmentation pathway where the protonated (n - 1) cluster ions originate from the neutral n-mers. The protonated trimers were always the strongest peaks in the mass spectra, indicating that the neutral tetramers are the most stable clusters in the vapor phase of methanol and ethanol. This is direct mass spectroscopic evidence for the stability of neutral tetramers in the alcohol vapor phase, a result long known only through indirect experimental studies. The reactions of ether molecules on the alcohol association were studied to illustrate the interplay between hydrogen bond cooperative effects and ring strain governing the stability of the gas-phase methanol (or ethanol) clusters. The influence of alcohol alkyl group size on alcohol association was also studied.