Studies on Locke: Sources, Contemporaries, and Legacy

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John Cottingham In the anglophone philosophical world, there has, for some time, been a curious relationship between the history of philosophy and contemporary philosophical - quiry. Many philosophers working today virtually ignore the history of their s- ject, apparently regarding it as an antiquarian pursuit with little relevance to their “cutting-edge” research. Conversely, there are historians of philosophy who seldom if ever concern themselves with the intricate technical debates that ll the journals devoted to modern analytic philosophy. Both sides are surely the poorer for this strange bifurcation. For philosophy, like all parts of our intellectual culture, did not come into existence out of nowhere, but was shaped and nurtured by a long tradition; in uncovering the roots of that tradition we begin see current philoso- ical problems in a broader context and thereby enrich our understanding of their signi cance. This is surely part of the justi cation for the practice, in almost every university, of including elements from the history of philosophy as a basic part of the undergraduate curriculum. But understanding is enriched by looking forwards as well as backwards, which is why a good historian of philosophy will not just be c- cerned with uncovering ancient ideas, but will be constantly alert to how those ideas pre gure and anticipate later developments.

The Continuum Companion to Locke

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history, as well as Enlightenment studies." --Book Jacket.

The Bloomsbury Companion to Locke

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John Locke (1632-1704) was a leading seventeenth-century philosopher and widely considered to be the first of the British Empiricists. One of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers, his major works and central ideas have had a significant impact on the development of key areas in political philosophy and epistemology. The Bloomsbury Companion to Locke is a comprehensive and accessible resource to Locke's life and work, his contemporaries and critics, his key concepts and enduring influence. Including more than 80 specially commissioned entries, written by a team of leading experts, topics range from absolutism to toleration, from education to socinianism. The Companion features a series of indispensable research tools including a chronology of Locke's life, an A-Z of his key concepts and synopses of his principal writings. This is an essential resource for anyone working in the fields of Locke Studies and Seventeenth-Century Philosophy.

Locke on Persons and Personal Identity

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Locke on Persons and Personal Identity offers a fresh perspective on Locke's accounts of personal identity within the context of his broader philosophical ideas and the philosophical debates of his day.

British Philosophy in the Seventeenth Century

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Sarah Hutton presents a rich historical study of one of the most fertile periods in modern philosophy. It was in the seventeenth century that Britain's first philosophers of international stature and lasting influence emerged. Its most famous names, Hobbes and Locke, rank alongside the greatest names in the European philosophical canon. Bacon too belongs with this constellation of great thinkers, although his status as a philosopher tends to be obscured by his status as father of modern science. The seventeenth century is normally regarded as the dawn of modernity following the breakdown of the Aristotelian synthesis which had dominated intellectual life since the middle ages. In this period of transformational change, Bacon, Hobbes, Locke are acknowledged to have contributed significantly to the shape of European philosophy from their own time to the present day. But these figures did not work in isolation. Sarah Hutton places them in their intellectual context, including the social, political and religious conditions in which philosophy was practised. She treats seventeenth-century philosophy as an ongoing conversation: like all conversations, some voices will dominate, some will be more persuasive than others and there will be enormous variations in tone from the polite to polemical, matter-of-fact, intemperate. The conversation model allows voices to be heard which would otherwise be discounted. Hutton shows the importance of figures normally regarded as 'minor' players in philosophy (e.g. Herbert of Cherbury, Cudworth, More, Burthogge, Norris, Toland) as well as others who have been completely overlooked, notably female philosophers. Crucially, instead of emphasizing the break between seventeenth-century philosophy and its past, the conversation model makes it possible to trace continuities between the Renaissance and seventeenth century, across the seventeenth century and into the eighteenth century, while at the same time acknowledging the major changes which occurred.

Conflicting Values of Inquiry

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Historical research in previous decades has done a great deal to explore the social and political context of early modern natural and moral inquiries. Particularly since the publication of Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer’s Leviathan and the Air-Pump (1985) several studies have attributed epistemological stances and debates to clashes of political and theological ideologies. The present volume suggests that with an awareness of this context, it is now worth turning back to questions of the epistemic content itself. The contributors to the present collection were invited to explore how certain non-epistemic values had been turned into epistemic ones, how they had an effect on epistemic content, and eventually how they became ideologies of knowledge playing various roles in inquiry and application throughout early modern Europe.

Locke, Berkeley, Kant: 2nd edition

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Dieser Band enthält Yasuhiko Tomidas bemerkenswerte Essays über Locke, Berkeley und Kant sowie einen Aufsatz, der Denkanstöße gibt und gemeinsam mit einem Experimental-Physiker verfasst wurde. Tomida behauptet, dass der logische Platz der Theorie der Ideen ursprünglich ‚naturalistisch‘ ist im Quine’schen Sinn des Begriffs, und dass Berkeley und Kant ihn auf ihre jeweilige Weise ‚entstellen‘. Damit bietet der Autor eine völlig neue Perspektive auf die Historiographie der Theorie der Ideen. Die durchgesehene und erweiterte zweite Auflage enthält einen zusätzlichen Aufsatz über Lockes holistische Logik. „Professor Tomida hat wertvolle, neue Einsichten zum Verständnis von Lockes Text geliefert. Wer auch immer an Lockes Darstellung des Wissens und der impliziten Ontologie des Essay interessiert ist, sollte sein Werk sehr sorgfältig studieren.“ (John W. Yolton) „Der Verfasser ist zehn Jahre lang für seine Grundüberzeugung bezüglich Locke eingetreten; es gibt sicherlich vieles, was für seine Berkeley-Interpretation spricht (und seine Kenntnis der Texte und der Sekundärliteratur ist beeindruckend), und selbst wenn Berkeley oder einer seiner Anhänger eine Verteidigung gegen den Vorwurf einer Entstellung versuchen wollten, bin ich keineswegs überzeugt, dass sie ‚gewinnen‘ würden. ... Es macht mir immer Vergnü¬gen, Tomida zu lesen. ... Was ich auch von Tomida lese, es trägt zu meiner Hochachtung für ihn als Locke-Experten bei.“ (Ian C. Tipton) This volume consists of Yasuhiko Tomida’s notable essays on Locke, Berkeley, and Kant as well as a thought-provoking article written in collaboration with an experimental physicist. Tomida asserts that the logical space of the theory of ideas is originally ‘naturalistic’ in Quine’s sense of the term and that Berkeley and Kant ‘distort’ it in their respective ways, thus offering a wholly new viewpoint concerning the historiography of the theory of ideas. The revised and enlarged second edition carries one more article on Locke’s holistic logic. ‘Professor Tomida has brought some valuable, fresh insights to the reading of Locke’s text. All those interested in Locke’s account of knowledge and the implicit ontology of the Essay should examine [his work] very carefully.’ John W. Yolton ‘The author has … been arguing for his basic stance of Locke for these ten years; his reading of Berkeley certainly does have a lot going for it (and his knowledge on the texts and the secondary literature is impressive), and even if Berkeley or a Berkeleian might attempt some sort of defence against that charge of a distortion, I am not totally convinced that they’d “win”. … I always enjoy reading Tomida. … [E]verything I read by Tomida contributes to my respect for him as a Locke scholar.’ Ian C. Tipton

Finding Locke’s God

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The portrait of John Locke as a secular advocate of Enlightenment rationality has been deconstructed by the recent 'religious turn' in Locke scholarship. This book takes an important next step: moving beyond the 'religious turn' and establishing a 'theological turn', Nathan Guy argues that John Locke ought to be viewed as a Christian political philosopher whose political theory was firmly rooted in the moderating Latitudinarian theology of the seventeenth-century. Nestled between the secular political philosopher and the Christian public theologian stands Locke, the Christian political philosopher, whose arguments not only self-consciously depend upon Christian assumptions, but also offer a decidedly Christian theory of government. Finding Locke's God identifies three theological pillars crucial to Locke's political theory: (1) a biblical depiction of God, (2) the law of nature rooted in a doctrine of creation and (3) acceptance of divine revelation in scripture. As a result, Locke's political philosophy brings forth theologically-rich aims, while seeking to counter or disarm threats such as atheism, hyper-Calvinism, and religious enthusiasm. Bringing these items together, Nathan Guy demonstrates how each pillar supports Locke's Latitudinarian political philosophy and provides a better understanding of how he grounds his notions of freedom, equality and religious toleration. Convincingly argued and meticulously researched, this book offers an exciting new direction for Locke studies.

From Moral Theology to Moral Philosophy

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The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries represent a period of remarkable intellectual vitality in British philosophy, as figures such as Hobbes, Locke, Hume, and Smith attempted to explain the origins and sustaining mechanisms of civil society. Their insights continue to inform how political and moral theorists think about the world in which we live. From Moral Theology to Moral Philosophy reconstructs a debate which preoccupied contemporaries but which seems arcane to us today. It concerned the relationship between reason and revelation as the two sources of mankind's knowledge, particularly in the ethical realm: to what extent, they asked, could reason alone discover the content and obligatory character of morality? This was held to be a historical, rather than a merely theoretical question: had the philosophers of pre-Christian antiquity, ignorant of Christ, been able satisfactorily to explain the moral universe? What role had natural theology played in their ethical theories - and was it consistent with the teachings delivered by revelation? Much recent scholarship has drawn attention to the early-modern interest in two late Hellenistic philosophical traditions - Stoicism and Epicureanism. Yet in the English context, three figures above all - John Locke, Conyers Middleton, and David Hume - quite deliberately and explicitly identified their approaches with Cicero as the representative of an alternative philosophical tradition, critical of both the Stoic and the Epicurean: academic scepticism. All argued that Cicero provided a means of addressing what they considered to be the most pressing question facing contemporary philosophy: the relationship between moral philosophy and moral theology.

John Locke, Territory, and Transmigration

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This book examines John Locke as a theorist of migration, immigration, and the movement of peoples. It outlines the contours of the public discourse surrounding migration in the seventeenth century and situates Locke’s in-depth involvement in these debates. The volume presents a variety of undercurrents in Locke’s writing — his ideas on populationism, naturalization, colonization and the right to withdrawal, the plight of refugees, and territorial rights — which have great import in present-day debates about migration. Departing from the popular extant literature that sees Locke advocating for a strong right to exclude foreigners, the author proposes a Lockean theory of immigration that recognizes the fundamental right to emigrate, thus catering to an age wrought with terrorism, xenophobia and economic inequality. A unique and compelling contribution, the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of political theory, political philosophy, history of international politics, international relations, international political economy, public policy, seventeenth century English history, migration and citizenship studies, and moral philosophy.