Studying Teacher Education

Book Description

Published for the American Educational Research Association by Routledge This landmark volume presents the work of the American Educational Research Association's Panel on Research and Teacher Education. It represents a systematic effort to apply a common set of scholarly lenses to a range of important topics in teacher education. The Panel's charge was twofold: *to create for the larger educational research community a thorough, rigorous, and even-handed analysis of the empirical research evidence relevant to major policies and practices in pre-service teacher education in the U.S., and *to propose a research agenda related to teacher education that builds on what is already known and that identifies the research directions that are most promising for the future. Members of the Panel were appointed from various sectors of the educational research community and with different areas of expertise, including teacher education, policy, assessment, research design and methods, liberal arts, multicultural education, and school reform. Building on their diverse perspectives, they ably translated their charge into a series of questions that became the framework for this volume. The questions illuminate many of the issues that have been most contested in past and current discourse about teacher education reform. Studying Teacher Education examines research about the current pool of prospective and entering teachers and about local, institutional, state, and federal preservice teacher education policies and practices. The book includes three general chapters and nine research syntheses. *The AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education: Context and Goals *Researching Teacher Education in Changing Times: Politics and Paradigms *Teacher Characteristics: Research on the Demographic Profile *Teacher Characteristics: Research on the Indicators of Quality *Research on the Effects of Coursework in the Arts and Sciences and in the Foundations of Education *Research on Methods Courses and Field Experiences *Research on Pedagogical Approaches in Teacher Education *Research on Preparing Teachers for Diverse Populations *Research on Preparing Teachers to Work with Students with Disabilities *Research on Accountability Processes in Teacher Education *Research on Teacher Education Programs *A Research Agenda for Teacher Education Each chapter reviews the empirical literature and proposes a research agenda that builds on and extends what is known about a topic. A chart at the end of each chapter provides summary information for each of the empirical studies synthesized and two reference lists--one for all of the studies reviewed in the chapter and one for additional references used. The volume includes an introductory chapter on the Panel's context and goals, and an accessible Executive Summary of the book as a whole. Studying Teacher Education: The Report of the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education is a timely, indispensable reference for all researchers and professionals in the field.

Study to Teach

Book Description

For all those preparing to teach or involved in further professional development it will provide an essential, accessible and readable companion to their course. Theories of learning are integrated with practical strategies for approaching a topic. Each of the following areas discussed: *active reading and using the library *referencing correctly *making notes and writing clearly *presenting your work orally *developing subject knowledge *using information and communications technology *continuing professional development *developing key relationships *partnerships between schools and universities. The book explores the process of getting to know yourself as a learner and the nature of knowledge and understanding. A useful and comprehensive introduction to research identifies and demystifies aspects more relevant to the education student. Each chapter is written by professional educators with a wide range of experience and expertise.

Studying Diversity in Teacher Education

Book Description

Studying Diversity in Teacher Education is a collaborative effort by experts seeking to elucidate one of the most important issues facing education today. First, the volume examines historically persistent, yet unresolved issues in teacher education and presents research that is currently being done to address these issues. Second, it centers on research on diverse populations, bringing together both research on diversity and research on diversity in teacher education. The contributors present frameworks, perspectives and paradigms that have implications for reframing research on complex issues that are often ignored or treated too simplistically in teacher education literature. Concluding the volume with an agenda for future research and a guide for preparing teachers for diversity education in a global context, the contributors provide a solid foundation for all educators. Studying Diversity in Teacher Education is a vital resource for all those interested in diversity and education research.

Making a Difference in Teacher Education Through Self-Study

Book Description

* examples of research conducted on 15 different teacher education programs * the impact the research had on the development of the program is included * the text systematically describes 15 teacher education programs * engaging stories of teacher educators working to renew their programs * The studies include a description of the research methodology used

Improving Teacher Education Practice Through Self-study

Book Description

Self-study in teacher education is a growing field and a natural progression from the concept of reflective practice for pre-service teachers. This book is designed to introduce teacher educators to the theory and practice of self-study, in order to explore, understand and improve their teaching about teaching. With studies from an international range of contributors, this book illustrates a variety of approaches to self-study. It describes the issues that teacher educators have chosen to study, how they carried out their research and what the learning outcomes were. Throughout, the emphasis is on placing teacher educators' knowledge and practice at the centre of their academic work. This book will be of interest to all teacher educators wishing to improve their knowledge and practice.

Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Education

Book Description

This book provides an evidentiary basis for policy decisions regarding initial teacher education and beginning teaching and informs the design and delivery of teacher preparation programs. Based on a rigorous analysis of international literature and the policy context for teacher education globally, and assessing data generated through a longitudinal study conducted in Australia, it investigates the effectiveness of teacher education in preparing teachers for the variety of school settings in which they begin their teaching careers. Over four years, the Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Education (SETE) project tracked roughly 5,000 recently graduated teachers and 1,000 school principals in Australia to capture workforce data and gauge graduate teachers’ and principals’ perceptions of their initial teacher education programs. This book offers a synthesis of the research findings and uses the SETE as a catalyst for innovative theorization of the effectiveness of teacher education.

International Handbook of Self-Study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices

Book Description

The International Handbook on Self-study of Teaching and Teacher Education Practices is of interest to teacher educators, teacher researchers and practitioner researchers. This volume: -offers an encyclopaedic review of the field of self-study; -examines in detail self-study in a range of teaching and teacher education contexts; -outlines a full understanding of the nature and development of self-study; -explores the development of a professional knowledge base for teaching through self-study; -purposefully represents self-study through research and practice; -illustrates examples of self-study in teaching and teacher education.

Rethinking Social Studies Teacher Education in the Twenty-First Century

Book Description

In this volume teacher educators explicitly and implicitly share their visions for the purposes, experiences, and commitments necessary for social studies teacher preparation in the twenty-first century. It is divided into six sections where authors reconsider: 1) purposes, 2) course curricula, 3) collaboration with on-campus partners, 4) field experiences, 5) community connections, and 6) research and the political nature of social studies teacher education. The chapters within each section provide critical insights for social studies researchers, teacher educators, and teacher education programs. Whether readers begin to question what are we teaching social studies teachers for, who should we collaborate with to advance teacher learning, or how should we engage in the politics of teacher education, this volume leads us to consider what ideas, structures, and connections are most worthwhile for social studies teacher education in the twenty-first century to pursue.

Self-Study in Physical Education Teacher Education

Book Description

In this in-depth examination of self-study as a research methodology, an international selection of physical education scholars share their ideas and experiences and consider the value of self-study as a vector for highlighting the emerging conflicts, dilemmas, and debates currently developing in teaching and teacher education pedagogies. A vital new addition to Springer’s series Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices, the volume is divided into three sections assessing the significance of the approach itself, offering detailed subject-relevant case studies, and exploring the nuances and controversies attending the evolution of the methodology. The contributors show how self-study enables reflexivity in pedagogical practice, a notable lacuna in current critical research, and at the same time they make the technique accessible to scholars of physical education wanting a practicable introduction to the subject. The analysis also explores the implications of applying self-study to pedagogy itself, to the curriculum, and to human movement and educational practice more generally. By embracing more organic, emergent notions of research practice and learning, the book achieves a broader and more inclusive survey of pedagogical work in physical education teacher education that fully acknowledges the complexities of the field.

Outcomes of High-Quality Clinical Practice in Teacher Education

Book Description

For decades teacher education researchers, organizations, and policy makers have called for improving teacher education by creating clinically based preparation programs (e.g. CAEP, 2013; Goodlad, 1990; Holmes, 1986, 1995; National Association for Professional Development Schools, 2008; National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Educators, 2001, 2010; Zeichner, 1990). According to the NCATE Blue Ribbon Report (2010), this approach requires extensive opportunities for prospective teachers to connect and apply what they learn from school and university based teacher educators. Similar to preparing medical professionals, clinical practice in teacher education requires the complex and time intensive work of supporting teacher candidate ability to link theory, research, and practice as well as on-going inquiry into best pedagogical practices. Therefore, clinically intensive programs expect prospective teachers to blend practitioner and academic knowledge throughout their programs as "they learn by doing" (NCATE, 2010, p.ii). However, most of the literature to date on clinical practice has been conceptual and often relies on describing program design. The purpose of this book is move past description to study and understand what teacher education programs are learning from research about innovative clinical models of teacher education. Each book chapter highlights research about how programs are studying a variety of outcomes of clinical practice. After an introductory chapter that helps to define and situate clinical practice in teacher education, the book is organized into four sections: (1) Outcomes of New Roles, (2) Outcomes of New Practices, (3) Outcomes of New Coursework/Fieldwork Configurations, and (4) Outcomes of New Program Configurations. The book wraps up with a discussion that looks across the chapters to find common themes, share implications for teacher educators, and set the course for future research.