Sube de nivel tu liderazgo

Book Description

Esta es una guía que te ayudará a pasar de no saber nada de liderazgo a ser uno que sea efectivo en la oficina. Este es tu salvavidas que marcará la diferencia entre avanzar en la carrera de tus sueños o renunciar a ella porque no tenías las herramientas adecuadas. Con esta guía aprenderá los conceptos básicos que se aplicarán a su papel como líder tanto dentro como fuera de la oficina. Esto es lo que aprenderá: Aprende a adoptar la mentalidad de un líder para que puedas tener confianza en ti mismo y ser consciente de los desafíos que tienes por delante. La forma rápida y sencilla de establecer objetivos de la manera más clara y fácil de entender. Pronto, serás INTELIGENTE con tus objetivos en lugar de simplemente armar algo para ver qué se pega. Un método de planificación y organización creado originalmente por un ex presidente de los Estados Unidos que lo ayudará a conquistar las tareas prioritarias mientras elimina las que pierden el tiempo y hace que su carga de trabajo sea más ligera al mismo tiempo. Elimine el único problema que afecta a muchos líderes que no logran ejecutar sus metas y planes. Una guía estratégica sobre cómo hacer que tu equipo te sea leal hasta el punto en que puedan "morir" por la causa por la que estás luchando. La forma correcta de hacer revisiones de desempeño para que los miembros de su equipo sean más felices y productivos Aplicar habilidades de liderazgo en situaciones que suceden fuera de la oficina para que puedan navegar por la vida como individuos y líderes de su familia, comunidad, etc. ¡Y mucho más!

Quién Sostiene Tu Escalera

Book Description

¿Quién sostiene tu escalera? te ayudará a entender las dinámicas de elegir a tus líderes. Descubrirás la diferencia entre un líder y un administrador, y evitarás situar a personas en lugares equivocados. Las personas que te trajeron hasta aquí, a pesar de sus buenas intenciones, puede que no sean las personas que te lleven hasta el futuro. ¿Quién sostiene tu escalera? nos recuerda que la altura de cualquier líder visionario y el cumplimiento de la visión dependen de quién esté sosteniendo su escalera. Sin un sostenedor de escalera puedes subir solamente hasta cierto nivel Con un sostenedor de escalera puedes llegar más arriba A medida que aumenta la visión, aumenta la necesidad de otro tipo de sostenedor de escalera Cualidades esenciales y críticas que todos los sostenedores de escalera excelentes deben poseer Líderes y administradores: ambos tienen papeles importantes; sin embargo, conocer la diferencia conducirá a situar a las personas en los lugares correctos Cómo convertir a sostenedores de escalera en trepadores de escalera _______________ Most organizational mistakes can be avoided, or certainly minimized, by understanding one principle: The most important decision you will ever make as a leader is selecting the leaders around you. The fact is, the people who have brought you this far, however well-meaning, may not be the right people to take you into the future. Who's Holding Your Ladder? reminds us that the height and fulfillment of any visionary leader are contingent on whoever is holding his or her ladder. With Dr. Chand's help, you will discover... That without a ladder-holder, you can climb only to a certain level. That with the right ladder-holders, you can go much higher. That as organizational vision increases, the need for another type of ladder-holder increases. The essential qualities all first-rate ladder-holders must possess. The fact that leaders and managers both play critical roles; however, knowing the difference between these roles will lead to proper people placement. How to turn ladder-holders into ladder-climbers.

Cómo las Personas Exitosas Dirigen

Book Description

In this perfectly compact read, #1 New York Times bestselling author John C. Maxwell explains how true leadership works. It is not generated by your title. In fact, being named to a position is the lowest of the five levels every effective leader achieves. To be more than a boss people are required to follow, you must master the ability to inspire and invest in people. You need to build a team that produces not only results, but also future leaders. By combining the advice contained in these pages with skill and dedication, you can reach the pinnacle of leadership-where your influence extends beyond your immediate reach for the benefit of others. Derived from material previously published in the Wall Street Journal bestseller The 5 Levels of Leadership.

Hombres con estilo

Book Description

Vestir de forma perfecta marca la diferencia entre tener éxito o no. Por eso este reputado sastre, obsesionado con sacar el mejor partido a los hombres, se ha puesto manos a la obra y ha compuesto, como si fuera un traje a medida, una guía imprescindible con la que acertar de pleno en cualquier circunstancia. ±El objetivo de este libro es cambiar tu vida. Puede parecer pretenciosa esta aspiración, pero si logro no aburrirte con su lectura y llegas hasta el final, en cada página iré dejando en tu mente determinadas semillas que tendrán un impacto directo en tu forma de pensar cada vez que te vistas frente al espejo. Ya no volverás a verte con la misma imagen que cuando comenzaste a leerlo?, explica Bere Casillas. Sin embargo, este no es un manual de motivación psicológica que te incite a realizar esfuerzos tremendos para cambiar tu forma de pensar. Todo lo contrario. Es un libro motivador plagado de herramientas sencillas que provocarán cambios en la percepción que los demás tendrán de ti. Lograrás un incremento relevante de tu estima personal y por lo tanto un grado importante de seguridad en ti mismo. ¿Empezamos?

Liderazgo transformador

Book Description

Virginio Gallardo propugna un estilo de dirección que acelera el potencial creativo y rompe con la cultura de las empresas sin alma.

Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era

Book Description

Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era provides a holistic approach to collaborative innovation, innovation management and innovation leadership. It is full of practical advice and includes 34 interviews with high-level politicians, innovation industry leaders, academics and entrepreneurs discussing the reality of innovation and how to create change for a positive impact. Many quotes are included from researchers and practitioners in the innovation field who have participated as guests in the author’s podcast “Business of Collaboration” or in interviews with the Collabwith Magazine which she produces. This is a powerful book full of practical frameworks and one-page canvases which act as reminders of the value of making needs and expectations explicit. The author provides frameworks and tools that can be used to support collaboration journeys across different sectors and organizations. She also offers clarity to the reader for their innovation journey and brings a new perspective on how to innovate and understand innovation. Jara Pascual focuses on the importance of managing emotions and feelings of frustration which can be very common during a collaborative innovation process. She explores the interaction between Emotional Intelligence and business and shows how to remove and manage frustration and how to produce a positive outcome. Innovation and Collaboration in the Digital Era will empower the reader to take action and show how to change your conversation about innovation and collaboration. “Jara Pascual, with colleague Celia Avila-Rauch, has been able to distill and apply the ability model of emotional intelligence to the art and science of innovation and innovation leadership. In our work we note that feelings are not always facts but that emotions as a form of data. More than that, emotions can assist or facilitate with decision making, creativity and innovation rather than getting in the way, but only if leaders are “smart” about emotions and develop and deploy their emotional intelligence skills.” Dr David R Caruso, Emotional Intelligence Skills Group, Founder Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, Research Affiliate

Practical Magic for Beginners

Book Description

Anyone can practice magic to improve their everyday lives. Practical Magic for Beginners is a straightforward introduction to magical practice for Christians, Pagans, Jews, atheists, and people of all religious traditions. This comprehensive training course presents the foundations of spellcraft and ritual magic through short, simple exercises. Readers explore their energy and senses, and then move on to developing skills in extrasensory perception, divination, and introspection. Magical timing, magical processes, ritual space and tools, journaling, and dreamwork are explained and discussed in depth. This nondenominational guidebook also includes twenty rituals related to friendship, love, prosperity, health, and other common concerns.

Charms, Spells, and Formulas

Book Description

In this book, Ray Malbrough reveals to you the secrets of Hoodoo magick. By using the simple materials available in Nature, you can bring about the necessary changes to greatly benefit your life and that of your friends. You are given detailed instructions for making and using gris-gris (charm bags). Malbrough not only shows how to make gris-gris bags for health, money, luck, love and protection from evil and harm, etc., but he also explains how these charms work. He also takes you into the world of doll magick; using dolls in rituals to gain love, success, or prosperity. Complete instructions are given for making the dolls and setting up the ritual. Here are also simple spell-castings for attracting love, protection, prophetic dreams, luck, success and more.

Democracy in Mexico

Book Description

The Ocean Challenge Badge

Book Description

The ocean covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, and is essential for life on our planet – even for those of us who live nowhere near the sea! It provides us all with food and other materials that we need, regulates our climate and provides half of the oxygen we breathe. The ocean also offers us various means of transport and opportunities for recreation. People have long thought that the ocean was so wide and bountiful that it would go on supplying our needs forever, but this is not the case: human activities are causing significant damage to life in the ocean. People are often unaware of the problems created by this heavy reliance, as few of us have the opportunity to look beneath the surface of the sea and see the damage that our actions have caused. This is where the Ocean Challenge Badge comes in: let it take you on a journey to discover the ocean! It is packed with activities to help you learn about how the ocean works, the creatures that live in it, and just how important it is in our everyday lives. You will also discover how YOU can play a role in protecting our ocean for future generations. We hope you will be inspired to take the challenge and celebrate our ocean. So dive in and begin your aquatic discoveries!