Subsidizing Culture

Book Description

In the American mind, state subsidization of writers and artists was long associated with monarchies and, in later years, socialist states. The support these regimes gave to intellectuals was understood to come with a cost, yet, beginning with the New Deal's Federal Writers', Art, and Theater Projects, a new policy consensus asserted that by offering financial support to the arts, the federal government was affirming their importance to the nation.Subsidizing Culture examines the development of and controversies surrounding federal programs that directly benefit writers, artists, and intellectuals. James T. Bennett examines four cases of such support: the New Deal's Federal Writers', Art, and Theater Projects; the vigorous promotion, in the post-World War II and early Cold War eras, of abstract expressionism and other forms of modern art by the US government; the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), which has fortified its position as the preeminent arts bureaucracy; and the National Endowment for the Humanities, the NEA's less embattled twin, which funnels monies to scholars.Bennett concentrates on the creation of and the debate over these government programs, and he gives special attention to the critics, who are usually ignored. He reminds us that the chorus of anti-subsidy voices over the years has included such disparate figures as writers William Faulkner and John Updike; artists John Sloan and Wheeler Williams; and social critics Jacques Barzun and H.L. Mencken.

The Economics of Art and Culture

Book Description

The 2001 second edition of this survey of the economics of - and public policy towards - the fine arts and performing arts covers arts at federal, state, and local levels in the United States as well as the international arts sector. The work will interest academic readers in the field and scholars of the sociology of the arts, as well as general readers seeking a systematic analysis of the arts. Theoretical concepts are developed from scratch so that readers with no background in economics can follow the argument. The authors look at the arts' historical growth and then examine consumption and production of the live performing arts and the fine arts, the functioning of arts markets, the financial problems of performing arts companies and museums, and the key role of public policy. A final chapter speculates about the future of art and culture in the United States.

From the Subsidized Muse to Creative Industries: Convergences and Compromises

Book Description

La difficoltà di "collocare" le attività economiche derivanti dalla cultura e dalla creatività in un contesto di coerenza ed intelligibilità ha impedito agli studiosi e ai responsabili delle politiche economiche di giungere a conclusioni condivise sui criteri di definizione di questo settore economico. La mancanza di chiarezza nella terminologia raggiunse l'apice alla fine degli anni Novanta, quando le "industrie creative" sostituirono le "industrie culturali", termine fino ad allora ampiamente diffuso e utilizzato nelle politiche culturali nazionali e internazionali. Alla luce dell'intenso dibattito accademico sviluppato attorno alle industrie culturali e creative, la prima parte di questo libro analizza tensioni, dibattiti e divergenze nelle definizioni, nonché le peculiari caratteristiche di queste industrie. Vengono inoltre illustrati gli effetti dell'applicazione di diversi schemi di classificazione del settore culturale e creativo sul suo peso economico, e discusse le difficoltà che esso incontra nella competizione con altri settori per accedere ai programmi di finanziamento europeo. La seconda parte del libro indaga le molteplici relazioni che le industrie creative installano tra di loro e con il contesto urbano. I modelli di localizzazione delle imprese creative vengono analizzati in un caso di studio nella Città metropolitana di Roma. Le distribuzioni spaziali dei diversi settori creativi sono studiate utilizzando punti georiferiti come input per un modello statistico basato sulla funzione K di Ripley. Un'ipotesi nulla di distribuzione casuale viene verificata per le seguenti condizioni: analizzando la distribuzione spaziale di ogni singolo settore creativo rispetto al resto delle attività creative; confrontando a coppie i settori creativi per identificare quelli che rivelano attrazione reciproca; confrontando, per ciascun settore creativo, i modelli di localizzazione delle attività core-creative rispetto alla localizzazione delle rispettive funzioni di servizio. L'analisi empirica ha mostrato che, nella maggior parte dei casi, i settori core-creativi hanno la tendenza di raggrupparsi nello spazio a piccole distanze mentre i rispettivi settori di servizio sono dispersi internamente e disposti attorno al cuore. I confronti reciproci hanno rivelato l'esistenza di cluster creativi urbani caratterizzati dalla coesistenza di diverse attività creative. DOI: 10.13134/978-88-32136-80-7

Subsidy Regulation and State Transformation in North America, the GATT and the EU

Book Description

Recent international subsidy regulation is contributing to a dual transformation of the state. The state is increasingly liberal as expenditure is channelled into particular activities and it is less sovereign as key decision-making authority is transferred to international institutions. Subsidy conflicts emerge as the attempts by states, firms and social forces to adapt to an increasingly global economy collide with variations of liberal development models. This study examines the distinct subsidy arrangements in North America, the GATT and the European Union to highlight this change in state structure and behaviour.

Canadian-American Free Trade (the Sequel)

Book Description

The papers collected in this document cover the following topics: the debate over free trade, the Free Trade Agreement for Canada and the United States, the costs of free trade for Canada, why Canadian artists oppose the Agreement, an exploration of the pros and cons of the Agreement, and the history of free trade between the two countries.

The Regulation of Subsidies Within the General Agreement on Trade in Services of the WTO

Book Description

"The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) extends the multilateral trading system to services. Little is said In the GATS about subsidies, beyond stipulating that subsidies are subject to the existing provisions, including the most-favoured-nation and national-treatment principles, and that Members shall enter into negotiations with a view to developing the disciplines necessary to avoid the trade distorting effects of subsidies." "This timely book provides a comprehensive analysis of services subsidies under the GATS. It begins with a description of services and trade in services, and of the salient characteristics that make regulation of services subsidies more complex than those associated with agricultural and industrial goods. It then analyzes the economic arguments underpinning the need for regulation, as well as the need for governments to retain sufficient latitude to implement non-trade-related policy measures. A description of the information available on services subsidies is followed by a classification of services subsidies according to their distortive effects, and by a detailed analysis of those elements that may form a definition of services subsidies for the purpose of a future regulatory framework." "A key section is devoted to the analysis of those existing provisions of the GATS that may exert a certain measure of discipline on services subsidies, and to the question of the desirability and technical feasibility of countervailing measures. Rules on services subsidies contained in regional trade agreements and the need for special and differential treatment for services subsidies by developing countries are also discussed. Finally, and prior to the conclusion, two sectoral studies deal with the question of subsidies aimed at attracting foreign direct investment and subsidies to the audiovisual sector." "This work represents the first extensive and comprehensive analysis of the issue of services subsidies in the context of the GATS, and includes numerous references to relevant European Union State Aid legislation and jurisprudence." --Book Jacket.

Developing India's Strategic Response to the Global Debate on Fisheries Subsidies (CMA Publication No. 236)

Book Description

The weak property rights regime governing the world's marine resources as well as the wide-spread large scale subsidization of the fisheries industry has led to serious depletion of global fish stocks. Against this backdrop, taking cognizance of developing country goals and concerns, the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the WTO held in Doha in 2001 mandated that negotiations over fisheries subsidies, formerly subject to the disciplines of the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, be completed by 2005. In view of this development, a country like India with its vast and versatile fisheries resources has to take stock of the state of its fisheries sector, and develop a strategic response to the global debate on fisheries subsidies. This book aims to initiate that process. It begins by providing an overview of the current state of subsidization of the fisheries sector, both domestic and international, under various alternate definitions of fisheries subsidies. It then focuses on the domestic scenario, highlighting the Indian experience with fisheries subsidies and property rights regimes across both inland and marine sectors via the case method, and investigates the necessity and sufficiency of subsidies vis-à-vis an appropriate property rights framework in developing the domestic fisheries sector and resource base in a sustainable manner. Attention is then turned to the international scenario, with a review of selected international case studies which can inform domestic subsidy and property rights issues. This is followed by an analysis of the country submissions of the various major fishing nations in order to identify India's natural allies and competitors in international negotiations. The concluding chapter brings the pieces together. It first outlines a program of reforms to rectify the deficiencies in the existing domestic property rights and fisheries subsidy regimes, on the basis of intensive interactions with all sectoral stakeholders. Subsequently, it suggests negotiating strategies for India in forthcoming WTO meetings. An epilogue sums up recent developments and issues.

European State Aid Law and Policy (and UK Subsidy Control)

Book Description

The fourth edition of Conor Quigley's highly acclaimed book provides lawyers, regulators and public officials with a definitive statement of the law and practice of State Aid. The book places State Aid law and policy in its economic, commercial and industrial context, exploring the concept of State Aid and its function as a tool of EU law. All of this is achieved by a thorough examination of the jurisprudence of the European Courts and the decisions, legislation and guidelines of the Commission in declaring aid compatible or incompatible with the internal market. The fourth edition includes new chapters on: - COVID-19 and Ukraine emergency measures - Brexit - EU foreign subsidy regulation - UK Subsidies Control and updated guidelines and block exemption regulations on: - Regional aid - R&D&I - Environmental protection and climate change

Subsidizing Capitalism

Book Description

Examines the economic activities of self-employed brickmakers and the unpaid family members and others who assist them in Mexico.

Interactions Between Chinese Tax Incentives and WTO’s Subsidy Rules Against the Background of EU State Aid

Book Description

The book provides insights to the alleviation of tensions between Chinese tax incentives and the WTO’s subsidy rules, thus further offering implications for both China and the WTO on integrating in the world economy. Moreover, doing a comparative study with EU State aid law can also provide China with a source of inspiration for reviewing its legal mechanism in respect of tax incentives and the WTO for rethinking its subsidy rules with regard to achieving its objectives and purposes. Academics and students in related subject will be interested to read the book. Practitioners doing business related to China, EU and international trade can be very interested in this book. Policymakers in both China and EU can also get valuable knowledge and inspiration from the book.