Substitution Dynamical Systems - Spectral Analysis

Book Description

This volume mainly deals with the dynamics of finitely valued sequences, and more specifically, of sequences generated by substitutions and automata. Those sequences demonstrate fairly simple combinatorical and arithmetical properties and naturally appear in various domains. As the title suggests, the aim of the initial version of this book was the spectral study of the associated dynamical systems: the first chapters consisted in a detailed introduction to the mathematical notions involved, and the description of the spectral invariants followed in the closing chapters. This approach, combined with new material added to the new edition, results in a nearly self-contained book on the subject. New tools - which have also proven helpful in other contexts - had to be developed for this study. Moreover, its findings can be concretely applied, the method providing an algorithm to exhibit the spectral measures and the spectral multiplicity, as is demonstrated in several examples. Beyond this advanced analysis, many readers will benefit from the introductory chapters on the spectral theory of dynamical systems; others will find complements on the spectral study of bounded sequences; finally, a very basic presentation of substitutions, together with some recent findings and questions, rounds out the book.

Substitution Dynamical Systems - Spectral Analysis

Book Description

This volume mainly deals with the dynamics of finitely valued sequences, and more specifically, of sequences generated by substitutions and automata. Those sequences demonstrate fairly simple combinatorical and arithmetical properties and naturally appear in various domains. As the title suggests, the aim of the initial version of this book was the spectral study of the associated dynamical systems: the first chapters consisted in a detailed introduction to the mathematical notions involved, and the description of the spectral invariants followed in the closing chapters. This approach, combined with new material added to the new edition, results in a nearly self-contained book on the subject. New tools - which have also proven helpful in other contexts - had to be developed for this study. Moreover, its findings can be concretely applied, the method providing an algorithm to exhibit the spectral measures and the spectral multiplicity, as is demonstrated in several examples. Beyond this advanced analysis, many readers will benefit from the introductory chapters on the spectral theory of dynamical systems; others will find complements on the spectral study of bounded sequences; finally, a very basic presentation of substitutions, together with some recent findings and questions, rounds out the book.

Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book treats some basic topics in the spectral theory of dynamical systems, where by a dynamical system we mean a measure space on which a group of automorphisms acts preserving the sets of measure zero. The treatment is at a general level, but even here, two theorems which are not on the surface, one due to H. Helson and W. Parry and the other due to B. Host are presented. Moreover non­ singular automorphisms are considered and systems ofimprimitivity are discussed. and they are used to describe Riesz products, suitably generalised, are considered the spectral types and eigenvalues of rank one automorphisms. On the other hand topics such as spectral characterisations of various mixing conditions, which can be found in most texts on ergodic theory, and also the spectral theory of Gauss Dynamical Systems, which is very well presented in Cornfeld, Fomin, and Sinai's book on Ergodic Theory, are not treated in this book. A number of discussions and correspondence on email with El Abdalaoui El Houcein made possible the presentation of mixing rank one construction of D. S. Ornstein. Iam deeply indebted to G. R. Goodson. He has edited the book and suggested a number of corrections and improvements in both content and language.

Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book discusses basic topics in the spectral theory of dynamical systems. It also includes two advanced theorems, one by H. Helson and W. Parry, and another by B. Host. Moreover, Ornstein’s family of mixing rank-one automorphisms is given with construction and proof. Systems of imprimitivity and their relevance to ergodic theory are also examined. Baire category theorems of ergodic theory, scattered in literature, are discussed in a unified way in the book. Riesz products are introduced and applied to describe the spectral types and eigenvalues of rank-one automorphisms. Lastly, the second edition includes a new chapter “Calculus of Generalized Riesz Products”, which discusses the recent work connecting generalized Riesz products, Hardy classes, Banach's problem of simple Lebesgue spectrum in ergodic theory and flat polynomials.

Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems

Book Description

This book contains contributions from the participants of an International Conference on Complex Analysis and Dynamical Systems. The papers collected here are devoted to various topics in complex analysis and dynamical systems, ranging from properties of holomorphic mappings to attractors in hyperbolic spaces. Overall, these selections provide an overview of activity in analysis at the outset of the twenty-first century. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers in complex analysis and related problems of dynamics. With this volume, the Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings are now published as a subseries of the AMS Contemporary Mathematics series.

Substitution and Tiling Dynamics: Introduction to Self-inducing Structures

Book Description

This book presents a panorama of recent developments in the theory of tilings and related dynamical systems. It contains an expanded version of courses given in 2017 at the research school associated with the Jean-Morlet chair program. Tilings have been designed, used and studied for centuries in various contexts. This field grew significantly after the discovery of aperiodic self-similar tilings in the 60s, linked to the proof of the undecidability of the Domino problem, and was driven futher by Dan Shechtman's discovery of quasicrystals in 1984. Tiling problems establish a bridge between the mutually influential fields of geometry, dynamical systems, aperiodic order, computer science, number theory, algebra and logic. The main properties of tiling dynamical systems are covered, with expositions on recent results in self-similarity (and its generalizations, fusions rules and S-adic systems), algebraic developments connected to physics, games and undecidability questions, and the spectrum of substitution tilings.

Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems in their Interactions with Arithmetics and Combinatorics

Book Description

This book concentrates on the modern theory of dynamical systems and its interactions with number theory and combinatorics. The greater part begins with a course in analytic number theory and focuses on its links with ergodic theory, presenting an exhaustive account of recent research on Sarnak's conjecture on Möbius disjointness. Selected topics involving more traditional connections between number theory and dynamics are also presented, including equidistribution, homogenous dynamics, and Lagrange and Markov spectra. In addition, some dynamical and number theoretical aspects of aperiodic order, some algebraic systems, and a recent development concerning tame systems are described.