Successful Partnering

Book Description

How to reap the enormous benefits of this dynamic newpractice SUCCESSFUL PARTNERING Fundamentals for Project Owners and Contractors In the tightly budgeted and competitive business environment of the1990s, firms involved in construction projects can no longer (ifthey ever could) afford the suspicions, squabbles, and evenlitigation that have afflicted far too many projects. Thisenlightening book shows project owners, construction professionals,and others how to implement the recently developed practice ofpartnering as a more efficient, cost-effective, and far lessstressful way of planning, organizing, and completing constructionprojects. Adopted by such organizations as the Army Corps ofEngineers, its growing number of converts have reported fewerdelays and lawsuits and other benefits, including a morecooperative and focused work atmosphere. With this new book--theonly one of its kind currently available--practicing professionalswill gain a solid understanding of the fundamentals of partneringand how to apply them to their construction projects. Successful Partnering It is a sad fact that as many as 70% of all construction projectswill result in some kind of litigious action and this, in turn,will result in enormous losses of money, time, and energy for allparties involved. In the hope of avoiding this debilitating drainon resources, many construction-related firms have adopted therecently developed practice of partnering. In partnering, allparticipants work together and accept joint responsibility for thecompletion of a project. Successful Partnering shows you how toinitiate and build partnering relationships in your projects, andhow, with a united management agenda, a construction team can focuson problem solving instead of fault finding. Written by two recognized authorities on partnering, this uniqueguide takes you through the process of partnering, giving youinvaluable insights from the perspectives of principalparticipants. By examining the case studies and numerous examplesthat illuminate the text, you will learn from the inside what worksand what doesn't, and how to maximize your chances of establishinga successful partnering relationship. Specifically, this bookprovides insights on such important issues as: * Why partnering is becoming a rapidly growing practice in theconstruction industry and what the benefits are for owners,construction contractors, architects, engineers, and others * How to lay the foundation for partnering: testing for goodcontracts, good teaming, and good partnering * The fundamental principles and mechanics of partnering, includingthe roles of the facilitator and the trainer * Legal aspects of partnering * The personal and group dynamics of partnering and how they affectcreative problem solving and efficiency Successful Partnering is an indispensable guide to a practice thatis revolutionizing the way construction projects are beingorganized and completed. Written for all those involved in thecomplex work of construction--engineering, design, and constructionmanagers; as well as lawyers, accountants, and suppliers,Successful Partnering is a lucid introduction to an important newdevelopment in construction management.

The Inside Counsel Revolution

Book Description

"In the past 25 years, there has been a revolution in the legal profession. General Counsel and other inside lawyers have risen in quality, responsibility, power and status. Once second-class citizens in corporations and the legal profession, they have become core members of top corporate management, equaling in importance the Chief Financial Officer and the finance function. They have dramatically shifted power from law firms to corporate law departments, assuming strategic direction over legal matters and exercising for greater control over law firm billing and economics. Ben W. Heineman Jr. has led that revolution in his nearly 20 years as the top lawyer at General Electric and then in teaching and writing as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Harvard Law School's Programs on the Legal Profession and Corporate Governance and as a lecturer at Yale Law School. In this analytic and prescriptive book, he describes the essence of that transformation and the modern role of inside counsel in helping attain the corporate mission of high performance with high integrity: the key functions, relationships, issues, problems and dilemmas. He argues for the role of inside counsel as lawyer-statesman and as a partner of the CEO but also guardian of the corporation, motivated not just by the desire for income but by broader values of integrity and corporate citizenship. The Inside Counsel Revolution is a succinct, concrete yet visionary statement of first principles from a highly regarded founder of the in-house revolution that fundamentally changed the legal profession and reframed the lawyer-statesman role in this era to serve the performance, integrity and risk goals of global capitalism"--Unedited summary from book jacket.