Designing a Tax Administration Reform Strategy

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Building on previous FAD work in the tax administration field, this paper defines broad criteria for diagnosing the problems in a country’s tax administration and formulating an appropriate reform strategy. To be effective, this strategy should be based on the size of the tax gap and the country’s particular circumstances. This paper discusses some guiding principles which have provided the basis for successful reforms, including: reducing the tax system’s complexity, encouraging taxpayers’ voluntary compliance, differentiating the treatment of taxpayers by their revenue potential, and ensuring the reform’s effective management. Also discussed are specific bottlenecks that hinder the effectiveness of the tax administration’s operations.

Tax Reform in Developing Countries

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This volume presents the work of experts on the tax reform in several developing countries, from the restructuring of the economy of post-war Japan to the 1986 reforms in Jamaica. This study is based on the conference convened by the Center for International Development Research of the Institute of Policy Sciences at Duke University in April 1988.

Successful Tax Reform

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Study comparing tax reform in six countries.

Sensible Tax Reform

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The Internal Revenue Code of the American government is badly broken. Its more than seventy-seven thousand pages have created a tax system that is not understood by the businesses and individuals that must abide by it. Perhaps even worse, it is also not understood by either the Congressmen who wrote it or the Internal Revenue Service that is supposed to enforce it. What originated as a system for financing the federal government has devolved into a confusing system for what Newt Gingrich described as both left-wing and right-wing “social engineering.” Our Internal Revenue Code has been corrupted beyond repair. It needs to be completely revised. Many economists believe that a new federal tax system based upon consumption would be far superior to the current one based upon income. Simpler, more just, and much healthier for the economy, this type of system would: -sharply increase both personal income and business profits-encourage saving-discourage borrowing -be much easier to implement than an income-based tax system -save and create millions of jobs in this country Sensible Tax Reform—Simple, Just and Effective is a comprehensive yet relatively simple tax-reform proposal based primarily upon a federal consumption tax. The STR plan will completely replace our existing income-based federal tax system with a revolutionary new one. Businesses will pay no federal income or payroll taxes. Individuals will pay no payroll taxes (i.e., Social Security and Medicare), and few will pay any income taxes either. STR will open excellent opportunities for Americans to improve their standards of living and for our companies to regain the competitive vigor lost to the weak economy of recent years.

The Corporate Income Tax System

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Many economists and policymakers believe that the U.S. corporate tax system is in need of reform. There is, however, disagreement over why the corporate tax system needs to be reformed, and what specific policy measures should be included in a reform. To assist policymakers in designing and evaluating corporate tax proposals, this report (1) briefly reviews the current U.S. corporate tax system; (2) discusses economic factors that may be considered in the corporate tax reform debate; and (3) presents corporate tax reform policy options, including a brief discussion of current corporate tax reform proposals. The current U.S. corporate income tax system generally taxes corporate income at a rate of 35%. This tax is applied to income earned domestically and abroad, although taxes on certain income earned abroad can be deferred indefinitely if that income remains overseas. The U.S. corporate tax system also contains a number of deductions, exemptions, deferrals, and tax credits, often referred to as "tax expenditures." Collectively, these provisions reduce the effective tax rate paid by many U.S. corporations below the 35% statutory rate. In 2011, the sum of all corporate tax expenditures was $158.8 billion. The significance of the corporate tax as a federal revenue source has declined over time. At its post-WWII peak in 1952, the corporate tax generated 32.1% of all federal tax revenue. In 2010, the corporate tax accounted for 8.9% of federal tax revenue. The decline in corporate revenues is a combination of decreasing effective tax rates, an increasing fraction of business activity that is being carried out by pass-through entities (particularly partnerships and S corporations, which are not subject to the corporate tax), and a decline in corporate sector profitability. A particular aspect of the corporate tax system that receives substantial attention is the 35% statutory corporate tax rate. Although the U.S. has the world's highest statutory corporate tax rate, the U.S. effective corporate tax rate is similar to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) average. Further, the U.S. collects less in corporate tax revenue relative to Gross Domestic Production (GDP) (1.9% in 2009) than the average of other OECD countries (2.8% in 2009). This report discusses a number of economic considerations that may be made while evaluating various corporate tax reform proposals. These might include analyses of the likely effect on households of certain reforms (also known as incidence analysis). Policymakers might also want to consider how certain corporate tax provisions contribute to the allocation of economic resources, choosing policies that promote an efficient use of resources. Other goals of corporate tax reform may include designing a system that is simple to comply with and administer, while also promoting competitiveness of U.S. corporations. Commonly discussed corporate tax reforms include policies that would broaden the tax base (i.e., eliminate tax expenditures) to finance reduced corporate tax rates. Concerns that the U.S. corporate tax system inefficiently imposes a "double tax" on corporate income has led some to consider an integration of the corporate and individual tax systems. The treatment of pass-through income-business income not earned by C corporations-has also received considerable attention in tax reform debates. How the U.S. taxes income earned abroad, and the possibility of moving to a territorial tax system, have emerged as important issues. Both the Obama Administration and the House Committee on Ways and Means Chairman David Camp have released tax reform proposals that would change the current tax treatment of U.S. multinationals.

Corporate Tax Reform

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Corporate tax reform is in the air. Competitive pressures from globalization, as well as skyrocketing budget deficits, are forcing lawmakers to rethink how America’s largest businesses are taxed. Some want to close “loopholes.” Others want to end all U.S. tax on foreign profits. Some want to lower rates, while still others want to abolish the corporate tax altogether and replace it with an entirely new system. Unlike many other books on tax policy, Corporate Tax Reform: Taxing Profits in the 21st Century is not selling an idea or approaching the issue from a particular political slant. It boils down the complexity of corporate taxation into simple language so readers can make up their own minds about the future of this controversial tax. For too long, the issue of corporate tax reform has been the exclusive domain of lawyers and economists who devote their entire adult lives to studying the tax. Corporate Tax Reform: Taxing Profits in the 21st Century opens the door on these issues to all concerned citizens by providing a compact guide to the economics and politics of the current debate on corporate tax reform. Provides an overview of the corporate tax and the possibilities for reform Discusses the impact on businesspeople and individual taxpayers Boils down complex tax concepts boiled into simple language Spurs lively discussion of the political issues without political bias Includes a discussion of ideas for revamping taxes for individuals, since the corporate and individual tax codes are interrelated

Lessons from Tax Reform

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More administrative simplicity (making avoidance and evasion difficult) and horizontal equity (uniformly imposed across units at the same income level) are strong selling points for tax reform. Harder to sell are more economic efficiency (not well understood by the public) and vertical equity (a matter of personal judgment).