Suffering in Silence

Book Description

Humans and horses have been joined for thousands of years, and for much of that time, one thing has served as the primary point of physical contact between them: the saddle. However, for many horses and many riders, the saddle has been no less than a refined means of torture. Horses have long suffered from tree points impeding the movement of their shoulder blades; too narrow gullet channels damaging the muscles and nerves along the vertebrae; and too long panels putting harmful pressure on the reflex point in the loin area. Male riders saddle up despite riding-related pain and the potential for serious side effects, such as impotence, while female riders endure backache, slipped discs, and bladder infections, to name just a few common issues. We must ask ourselves: How much better could we ride and how much better could our horses perform if our saddles fit optimally? If they accommodated the horse’s unique conformation and natural asymmetry? If they were built for the differing anatomy of men and women? The answers to all these questions are right here, right now, in this book.

Silence and Beauty

Book Description

Internationally renowned artist Makoto Fujimura reflects on Shusaku Endo's novel Silence and grapples with the nature of art, pain and culture. Showing that light is yet present in darkness, he uncovers deep layers of meaning in Japanese history and finds connections to how faith is lived in contexts of trauma.

Suffering in Silence

Book Description

Suffered in Silence for years without anyone knowing was hard for this family, trusting, even saying yes too this person always without any question when this person said wire me funds. This family would grab the keys and go too the bank without any question and wire money.

Suffering in Silence

Book Description

Situated in the triangle between South Asia, Southeast Asia, and China, Burma is a country of 50 million people struggling under the oppression of one of the world's most brutal military regimes. Yet, the voices of its people remain largely unheard in the international arena. Most of the limited media coverage deals with the non-violent struggle for democracy led by Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi or the Army's repression of university students and urban dissidents, but these only form a small part of the story. This book presents the voices of ethnic Karen villagers to give an idea of what it is like to be a rural villager in Burma: the brutal and constant shifts of forced labor for the Army, the intimidation tactics, the systematic extortion and looting by Army and State authorities, the constant fear of arbitrary arrest, rape, torture, and summary execution, the forced relocation and burning of hundreds of civilian villages and the systematic uprooting of their crops. Three detailed reports produced by the Karen Human Rights Group in 1999 are used to give the reader a sampling of the life of Karen villagers, both in areas where there is armed resistance to the rule of the SPDC junta and in areas where the junta is fully in control. The Karen Human Rights Group is a small and independent local organization which has been using the firsthand testimony of villagers to document the human rights situation in rural Burma since 1992. Much of the group's work can be seen online at Kevin Heppner, who contributed the introductory sections of the book, is a Canadian volunteer who founded KHRG in 1992 and still serves as its coordinator. Claudio Delang, who edited this book, has a keen interest in Karen life and customs. He is currently completing a PhD dissertation on the Karen and Hmong in northern Thailand.

Suffering in Silence

Book Description

Many people live their lives suffering in silence they walk around with their mouths smothered, never speaking about their past or current pain because fear has paralyzed them from speaking..They walk through life with hurt and brokenness in their heart, carrying the burden of their pain and all along they are suffering in silence.The reason people suffer in silence is because they don't speak on their pain, they may feel the guilt ofshame and embarrassment of their past so they cover up their pain by finding a coping mechanism suchas drugs, alcohol, sex and more. They also mask their pain with pretend trying to distinguish betweenwhat's reality and what is fictional and yet suffering in silence.What does it mean to suffer in silence? It means to be unhappy without saying anything, however, whatcauses a person to suffer in silence could be depression, grief, abuse and much more. It's a pain that isunspoken of that can eat you up if it's not dealt with; your outward appearance look good, but yourinner self is Suffering In Silence. Don't allow the enemy to use fear to paralyze you from speaking? Youhave a voice, break your silence and speak be healed and be free?

Suffering in Silence

Book Description

Touching, Uplifting and Inspiring This book is designed for you to feel the hurt, love and witness the struggles of my life. The experience of pain will be felt through my words, but evidence will be seen of strength, endurance and persistence that kept me working and moving toward a path of healing. God was truly the force and strength behind it all. Illustrated will be a consistent pattern of the abuse cycle, and then you'll notice how I slowly came through each relationship with a little more knowledge of abuse and a better understanding of myself. Eventually, I realized the love I searched for all my life had to start inside of me. I had to nourish me with love before I could give or expect it from anyone else. Through my years of suffering in silence, I've learned to break the cycle of abuse and continue to develop SELF-LOVE.

Women's Secrets

Book Description

In this book, Dr. Jessica Houston utilizes her past experiences and her passion for helping others to develop a powerful roadmap for women who are seeking to live an extraordinary life. There are issues such as intimate partner violence, child sexual abuse, low self-confidence and depression that affect millions of women daily. However, instead of verbalizing these issues, women are keeping them to themselves and suffering in silence. This book encourages women to stop masking and suppressing their pain. Suppression is not a viable solution, because it does not address the presenting issue at its core. Subsequently, suppression can only serve as a temporary coping mechanism. This book provides an opportunity for women to come to terms with their painful experiences. Moreover, it prompts women to initiate the process of healing and live the victorious life that they were designed to live. After reading this book, women will be empowered to discover and walk in their purpose. Finally, women will be equipped with the knowledge, power, and resources needed to transition from a place of self doubt and pain, to a place of confidence and restoration.

Thunderous Silence

Book Description

Thunderous Silence throws light on the Heart Sutra--a pithy encapsulation of the essence of Perfection of Wisdom literature--using stop-by-step analysis and an easy, conversational voice. Dosung Yoo examines the sutra phrase by phrase, using rich explanations and metaphors drawn from Korean folklore, quantum physics, Charles Dickens, and everything in between to clarify subtle concepts for the reader. This book invites us to examine the fundamentals of Buddhism--the Four Noble Truths, emptiness, enlightenment--through the prism of the Heart Sutra. Both those new to Buddhism and longtime practitioners looking to revisit a core text from a fresh perspective will find this work appealing.

Suffering in Silence

Book Description

Selective mutism is an anxiety disorder, and its currently one of the most misunderstood, under-diagnosed, and undertreated mental health conditions. When children with selective mutism feel expected or pressured to speak in social situations, they become terrified. Therefore, their level of anxiety significantly increases, but by remaining silent, their anxiety level slightly decreases, obtaining some relief for themselves. For these children, remaining silent is actually an ineffective coping mechanism, or a maladapted solution to create a sense of safety within themselves. Hence, their mouths freeze, and they are silent. This is temporary relief, but longitudinally, these children suffer in silence. Due to the fact that many children will display normative shy behavior or even socially anxious behavior at times, it can be challenging to discern if the childs behavior falls within normal limits or if the child actually demonstrates clinically significant behavior, signifying a selective mutism diagnosis. This can be confusing for parents, teachers, and even clinicians. This manual is meant to help clarify this distinction and will also assist you in figuring out how to seek help, ask the right questions, and what you can expect from early intervention services, school-based services, and holistic, therapeutic, and psychiatric services.

Suffering in Silence

Book Description

A story of a dysfunctional family's painful journey in coping with life's hardships, including alcoholism, a family rape, an incarceration, abandonment, and abuse. How can this family survive and heal? Can forgiveness and peace replace the years of anger and resentment? Truly an inspirational book dealing with forgiveness, healing, inner peace, and a familys final journey.