Translation als Gestaltung

Book Description

Dieser Band präsentiert Beiträge namhafter Autor:innen zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis. Die Themen reichen von der Ausgestaltung der Disziplin, unter anderem mit Blick auf zentrale Grundfragen des Übersetzens, Aspekte von Multimodalität und soziokognitive Translationsprozesse, bis hin zu Studien aus dem Feld der (Literary) Translator Studies, in denen Übersetzer:innen als Gestalter:innen im Zentrum stehen. Weitere Abschnitte widmen sich dem weiten Feld der literarischen Übersetzung, mit Fallstudien zu Übersetzungen aus verschiedenen Genres (Belletristik, Lyrik, Theatertexte, Operntexte, Jugendliteratur, Comics), sowie dem Wirken von fiktionalen Translator:innen in Film und Literatur. Ein persönlicher Nachklang mit Fokus auf dem Operntext als Übersetzungsphänomen runden den Sammelband ab. Der Band richtet sich an Forscher:innen aus der Translationswissenschaft und verwandten Disziplinen. Er liefert einen Einblick in rezente zentrale Entwicklungen des Fachs und spiegelt die facettenreiche Themenvielfalt aktuellen translationswissenschaftlichen Schaffens.

Thinking Italian Translation

Book Description

Thinking Italian Translation is an indispensable course for students who want to develop their Italian to English translation skills. This new edition includes: up-to-date examples and new source texts from a variety of genres, from journalistic to technical. a brand new section on professionalism and the translation market The course is practical, addressing key issues for translators such as cultural differences, genre, and revision and editing. At the same time, it clearly defines translation theories. Thinking Italian Translation is key reading for advanced students wishing to perfect their language skills or considering a career in translation.

The Translator as Author

Book Description

This volume is a collection of studies on the issue of authorship in translation. Leading translation scholars and professional translators discuss the theoretical implications and applicability of the author-translator paradigm. The relationship between translators and authors is addressed in its various manifestations, from the author-translator collaboration, to self-translation, to authorial practices of translating. While offering multiple perspectives, in terms of both theoretical approaches and cultural backgrounds, the volume offers an important and original contribution to the current debate.

The Translator

Book Description

L'Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria 2015-1

Book Description

L’Analisi Linguistica e Letteraria è una rivista internazionale di linguistica e letteratura peer reviewed. Ha una prospettiva sia sincronica che diacronica e accoglie ricerche di natura teorica e applicata. Seguendo un orientamento spiccatamente interdisciplinare, si propone di approfondire la comprensione dei processi di analisi testuale in ambito letterario come anche in ambito linguistico. La rivista è organizzata in tre sezioni: la prima contiene saggi e articoli; la seconda presenta discussioni e analisi d’opera relative alle scienze linguistiche e letterarie; la terza sezione ospita recensioni e una rassegna di brevi schede bibliografiche riguardanti la linguistica generale e le linguistiche delle singole lingue (francese, inglese, russo, tedesco). La rivista pubblica regolarmente articoli in francese, inglese, italiano e tedesco, e occasionalmente anche in altre lingue: nel 2010, ad esempio, ha pubblicato un volume tematico interamente in russo.

Twentieth-Century Poetic Translation

Book Description

Twentieth Century Poetic Translation analyses translations of Italian and English poetry and their roles in shaping national identities by merging historical, cultural and theoretical perspectives. Focusing on specific case studies within the Italian, English and North American literary communities, spanning from 'authoritative' translations of poets by poets to the role of dialect poetry and anthologies of poetry, the book looks at the role of translation in the development of poetic languages and in the construction of poetic canons. It brings together leading scholars in the history of the Italian language, literary historians and translators, specialists in theory of translation and history of publishing to explore the cultural dynamics between poetic traditions in Italian and English in the twentieth century.

Literary translation and beyond

Book Description

I saggi qui raccolti sono stati presentati nel corso del seminario «Literary Translation and Beyond / Traduzione letteraria e oltre» tenutosi a Bari nel 2006. Partendo dal testo tradotto, i relatori affrontano taluni aspetti relativi alle problematiche fondamentali: in che misura la traduzione corrisponde più o meno scrupolosamente al senso dell'originale, ovvero come e perché il testo di partenza viene «addomesticato» e familiarizzato nella lingua e cultura di arrivo. All'interno di queste due polarità vengono a configurarsi diverse tipologie di «traduzione», da quella fondata sulla ricerca filologica ed esegetica più «rispettosa» del testo fonte, a quella più incline alla riscrittura, soprattutto se a tradurre è uno scrittore, a quella che trae ispirazione dal testo fonte per trasporlo, parodiarlo, parafrasarlo, imitarlo e adattarlo in uno stesso o in un altro genere letterario o in un codice differente. La gran parte delle relazioni qui raccolte applica l'approccio teorico-descrittivo, nel senso che esse descrivono e commentano le scelte traduttive all'interno di un testo, valutandone la coerenza con il sistema normativo traduttologico e rilevandone le implicazioni epistemiche, altri contributi fanno più esplicito riferimento alle teorie polisistemiche, approfondendo la collocazione e l'impatto del testo tradotto nel sistema letterario della cultura di arrivo.

Translating Humour

Book Description

It is all too often assumed that humour is the very effect of a text. But humour is not a perlocutionary effect in its own right, nor is laughter. The humour of a text may be as general a characteristic as a serious text's seriousness. Like serious texts, humorous texts have many different purposes and effects. They can be subdivided into specific subgenres, with their own perlocutionary effects, their own types of laughter (or even other reactions). Translation scholars need to be able to distinguish between various kinds of humour (or humorous effect) when comparing source and target texts, especially since the notion of "effect" pops up so frequently in the evaluation of humorous texts and their translations. In this special issue of The Translator, an attempt is made to delineate types of humorous effect, through careful linguistic and cultural analyses of specific examples and/or the introduction of new analytical tools. For a translator, who is both a receiver of the source text and sender of the target text, such analyses and tools may prove useful in grasping and pinning down the perlocutionary effect of a source text and devising strategies for producing comparable effects in the target text. For a translation scholar, who is a receiver of both source and target texts, the contributions in this issue will hopefully provide an analytical framework for the comparison of source and target perlocutionary effects.

Narratives of Mistranslation

Book Description

This book offers unique insights into the role of the translator in today’s globalized world, exploring Latin American literature featuring translators and interpreters as protagonists in which prevailing understandings of the act of translation are challenged and upended. The volume looks to the fictional turn as a fruitful source of critical inquiry in translation studies, showcasing the potential for recent Latin American novels and short stories in Spanish to shed light on the complex dynamics and conditions under which translators perform their task. Kripper unpacks how the study of these works reveals translation not as an activity with communication as its end goal but rather as a mediating and mediated process shaped by the unique manipulations and motivations of translators and the historical and cultural contexts in which they work. In exploring the fictional representations of translators, the book also outlines pedagogical approaches and offers discussion questions for the implementation of translators’ narratives in translation, language, and literature courses. Narratives of Mistranslation will be of interest to scholars and educators in translation studies, especially those working in literary translation and translation pedagogy, Latin American literature, world literature, and Latin American studies.