Book Description

Sun Tzu 10X™: 10 Strategy Rules To Win 10X is based on the idea that you have to create and offer ten times of better or similar business value competitors are offering if you want to win and succeed ten times in order to dominate your competing space and competing industry while you are still able to increase your strategic speed and keep your business overhead low. This book has ten practical and effective strategy rules which you can implement to create ten times of value in your business and compete with anyone and still win and succeed ten times in your business competition. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

SUN TZU 10X™ shows you how to scale your business value ten times of your business competition so that you can quickly move up and expand your business and become a dominating force in your competing industry and marketplace. The ten strategy rules for winning ten times in this book are adopted directly from Sun Tzu The Art of War™. Using them in your business will make you ten times decisive and ten times effective in the way you lead and make business decisions and will make you ten times adaptive and ten times competitive in the way you perform and take business actions so that you can truly win and dominate your competition. WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOU: If you want to be able to expand your business and dominate your business competition, you have to have ten times of better or similar business value and business advantage of those businesses and competitors you are competing with. SUN TZU 10X™ can help you create this kind of business value and business advantage. In order to survive and succeed in any kind of business in the rapidly changing and highly competitive business world of today, you need to have a series of strategic strengths and competitive advantages that will make you ten times stronger and more advantageous than those whom you are competing with in the same competing industry. The author calls these overwhelming strengths and advantages SUN TZU 10X™ value. Without these overwhelming strengths and advantages, soon or later you will lose and your enterprise will fail no matter how long you have been in business and how adaptive you are. Your past success will not guarantee your future success. In this business strategy book SUN TZU 10X™, you will discover ten powerful strategy rules which you can apply to increase and scale up your Sun Tzu 10X™ value ten times of your business competition so that you can quickly grow your company and dominate your competing marketplace. These ten powerful strategy rules derive directly from the ancient wisdom of Sun Tzu The Art of War™. SUN TZU 10X™ was written by James Sonhill DBA who is the world leading authority on Sun Tzu The Art of War™ and competitive business strategy, the international bestselling author of more than 90 classic and modern business strategy books, and the founder of Strategy Institute of America™ that is currently offering 32 business strategy courses and 12 business strategy certification programs worldwide. SUN TZU 10X™ is one of his nine Sun Tzu Branding™ books which include SUN TZU AOW™, SUN TZU 360™, SUN TZU PRO™, SUN TZU BIZ™, SUN TZU CEO™, SUN TZU ONE™, SUN TZU USA™, and SUN TZU MBA™. When you can create and offer ten times of better or similar business value your competitors are offering, competing and winning and succeeding become much easier. You can learn how to create such ten times business value in this business strategy book SUN TZU 10X™. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

Sun Tzu 10x(tm)

Book Description

Sun Tzu 10X(TM) Strategy Playbook To Win 10X shows you how to apply the ten strategy rules you have discovered and learned in Sun Tzu 10X(TM) 10 Strategy Rules To Win 10X so that you can dominate your industry. You dominate your industry by creating and offering ten times of better or similar business values your competitors are offering. Correctly implementing these ten strategy rules will give you ten times of competitive advantage, ten times of effectiveness and competitiveness, ten times of power, and ten times of values you need in order to successfully compete and win ten times in your business competition.

Sun Tzu 10x(tm)

Book Description

Sun Tzu 10X(TM) 10 Strategy Rules To Win 10X is based on the idea that you have to create and offer ten times of better or similar business value competitors are offering if you want to win and succeed ten times in order to dominate your competing space and competing industry while you are still able to increase your strategic speed and keep your business overhead low. This book has ten practical and effective strategy rules which you can implement to create ten times of value in your business and compete with anyone and still win and succeed ten times in your business competition.


Book Description

This complete guide gives you a glance of how many classic and business strategy books the author has published over the years since he discovered Sun Tzu The Art of War™ and has embraced this amazing wisdom and powerhouse knowledge as his success philosophy both in business and in personal life. Sun Tzu The Art of War™ is the ultimate wisdom that can give you the upper hand and competitive edge you need in order to survive and succeed under any challenging circumstances. This complete guide of Sonhill™ strategy books can help you find proper strategy books for your situation. I would collect all of these applicable strategy books if I were you. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

An Introduction to Diophantine Equations

Book Description

This problem-solving book is an introduction to the study of Diophantine equations, a class of equations in which only integer solutions are allowed. The presentation features some classical Diophantine equations, including linear, Pythagorean, and some higher degree equations, as well as exponential Diophantine equations. Many of the selected exercises and problems are original or are presented with original solutions. An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach is intended for undergraduates, advanced high school students and teachers, mathematical contest participants — including Olympiad and Putnam competitors — as well as readers interested in essential mathematics. The work uniquely presents unconventional and non-routine examples, ideas, and techniques.

Parasitic Zoonoses

Book Description

The book “Parasitic Zoonoses” emphasizes a veterinary and public health perspective of zoonotic parasites. This book is suitable for higher undergraduate and graduate students of zoonoses and public health, veterinary parasitology, parasite epidemiology; public health workers; public health veterinarians; field veterinarians, medical professionals and all others interested in the subject. More than 15 protozoa and 50 other parasitic diseases are zoonotic in nature and all these diseases have been discussed in detail. The first chapter is concerned with classification of zoonotic parasites, food borne, vector borne and occupation related zoonotic parasites. The remaining chapters cover etiology, epidemiology, life cycle, transmission, clinical signs, diagnosis, prevention and control of zoonotic parasites. The text is illustrated with a large number of coloured figures. An alphabetical bibliography for every disease has also been included so that readers have access to further information.

Sun Tzu 10x(tm)

Book Description

Sonhill Planning System(TM) allows you to apply and practice on a daily basis the ten strategy rules you have discovered and learned In Sun Tzu 10X(TM) 10 Strategy Rules To Win 10X so that you can create and offer ten times of better or similar business value of competitors and dominate your competing space and marketplace. You use this innovative strategy planner as your central decision making system for creating ten times of competitive edge, ten times of effectiveness and competitiveness, ten times of momentum, and ten times of value so that you can compete and win ten times in your business competition.

Overcoming Worry and Fear

Book Description

This simply-written book offers practical techniques for relaxing feelings of worry and fear and taking problems in easy stride. We have worries and fears partly because we have been trained to be afraid. Under stressful conditions, this training takes over. In easy-to-understand terms, Paul Hauck explains the Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) appraoch used in this book--that our fears and worries are generated by our irrational beliefs.

Overcoming Jealousy and Possessiveness

Book Description

Psychotherapist Paul Hauck, whose popular books have brought help and advice to countless readers, now shows how jealousy and possessiveness--often the most tragic emotions--can be overcome. Applying the principles of Rational Emotive Therapy (RET), Hauck demonstrates how jealousy is a learned emotion and can be unlearned once you understand why you are jealous and begin to think in new ways about yourself and others.