SUN TZU 2030™

Book Description

Sun Tzu 2030™ gives you a real success blueprint you can follow today to achieve and accomplish anything you want in business and in life, starting from where you are now and moving forward to secure a stronger position in your industry that will give you many advantages for years to come. This success blueprint is based on a fundamental idea that naturally you have a strategic position which you need to carefully plan and establish as well as strategically defend and advance from where it is now to where you want it to be. The more you can defend and advance your strategic position the more unstoppable and more successful you become. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu The Authority™ shows you why you should focus on trading business value for money rather than trading time for money. Time is indispensable and limited where business value is dispensable and unlimited. To create business value and trade it for money, you need to have business authority skills that let you transform from the idea of trading time for money to the idea of trading value for money. To develop these business authority skills, you need to have a realistic masterplan and a practical strategy that allow you to advance yourself from being a worker to being a business authority. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

The author turns Sun Tzu The Art of War™ from a complex philosophy into a simple and comprehensive strategy system that is practical and applicable for any businesses and any industries. This book gives you an easy-to-apply strategy system you can use to immediately gain your upper hand and competitive advantages you need in order to compete well and win and succeed both in business and in life. Mastering and applying proven strategy principles in this book will make you more decisive and more effective in the way you lead and make decisions as well as more adaptive and more competitive in the way you perform and take actions. WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOU: SUN TZU PRO™ gives you the ultimate business strategy system you have been searching for. You will discover why this ultimate business strategy system in this book is the system of all business systems and all business models. The big problem with modern business systems and business models you are currently using is that they are often compartmental. This means you will often face a big challenge and waste a lot of time when trying to bridge and piece together all business systems and all business models within your organization. In this business strategy book SUN TZU PRO™, you will discover a comprehensive business strategy system that will help you solve this big challenge which you are facing with your business systems and business models. This comprehensive business strategy system gives you two strategy frameworks: [1] developing your business strategic plan that will help define and establish your unique business strategic position in your competing space, and [2] crafting your business strategy that will help you define and formulate your business strategy cycle. SUN TZU PRO™ was written by James Sonhill DBA who is the world leading authority on Sun Tzu The Art of War™ and competitive business strategy, the international bestselling author of more than 90 classic and modern business strategy books, and the founder of Strategy Institute of America™ that is currently offering 32 business strategy courses and 12 business strategy certification programs worldwide. SUN TZU PRO™ is one of his nine Sun Tzu Branding™ books which include SUN TZU AOW™, SUN TZU 360™, SUN TZU 1OX™, SUN TZU BIZ™, SUN TZU CEO™, SUN TZU ONE™, SUN TZU USA™, and SUN TZU MBA™. When you have both your unique strategic position and your practical business strategy cycle, you will become unstoppable and you will become successful in your business competition. SUN TZU PRO™ will give you everything you need to know about this comprehensive business strategy system that is adapted directly from the ancient wisdom and power knowledge of Sun Tzu The Art of War™. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

SUN TZU 10X™ shows you how to scale your business value ten times of your business competition so that you can quickly move up and expand your business and become a dominating force in your competing industry and marketplace. The ten strategy rules for winning ten times in this book are adopted directly from Sun Tzu The Art of War™. Using them in your business will make you ten times decisive and ten times effective in the way you lead and make business decisions and will make you ten times adaptive and ten times competitive in the way you perform and take business actions so that you can truly win and dominate your competition. WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOU: If you want to be able to expand your business and dominate your business competition, you have to have ten times of better or similar business value and business advantage of those businesses and competitors you are competing with. SUN TZU 10X™ can help you create this kind of business value and business advantage. In order to survive and succeed in any kind of business in the rapidly changing and highly competitive business world of today, you need to have a series of strategic strengths and competitive advantages that will make you ten times stronger and more advantageous than those whom you are competing with in the same competing industry. The author calls these overwhelming strengths and advantages SUN TZU 10X™ value. Without these overwhelming strengths and advantages, soon or later you will lose and your enterprise will fail no matter how long you have been in business and how adaptive you are. Your past success will not guarantee your future success. In this business strategy book SUN TZU 10X™, you will discover ten powerful strategy rules which you can apply to increase and scale up your Sun Tzu 10X™ value ten times of your business competition so that you can quickly grow your company and dominate your competing marketplace. These ten powerful strategy rules derive directly from the ancient wisdom of Sun Tzu The Art of War™. SUN TZU 10X™ was written by James Sonhill DBA who is the world leading authority on Sun Tzu The Art of War™ and competitive business strategy, the international bestselling author of more than 90 classic and modern business strategy books, and the founder of Strategy Institute of America™ that is currently offering 32 business strategy courses and 12 business strategy certification programs worldwide. SUN TZU 10X™ is one of his nine Sun Tzu Branding™ books which include SUN TZU AOW™, SUN TZU 360™, SUN TZU PRO™, SUN TZU BIZ™, SUN TZU CEO™, SUN TZU ONE™, SUN TZU USA™, and SUN TZU MBA™. When you can create and offer ten times of better or similar business value your competitors are offering, competing and winning and succeeding become much easier. You can learn how to create such ten times business value in this business strategy book SUN TZU 10X™. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu The Manager™ shows you how to develop business authority skills that allow you to increase your own business value and the business value of your employer and the team you lead and manage. To develop your business authority skills you need a realistic plan and a practical strategy that allow you to advance yourself from a worker position to a leader position. Practical strategy principles and strategy formulas in this business strategy book will help you become decisive and effective in the way you lead your team and make your decision and help you become adaptive and competitive in the way you perform your work and take your actions. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

SUN TZU 360™

Book Description

The translation of Sun Tzu The Art of War™ in this book is the only translation in the world that has 360 strategy principles. These principles are timeless, universal, proven, and practical. They strategically form a comprehensive strategy system that can be used in any businesses and any competing industries. This book reveals main ideas and hidden secrets in each strategy principle. Understanding these ideas and secrets will grant you realism to this powerful philosophy of victory. Mastering and applying Sun Tzu The Art of War™ will give you upper hand and competitive edge you need in order to compete and succeed both in business and in life. WHAT THIS BOOK CAN DO FOR YOU: SUN TZU 360™ can truly give you access to the power knowledge of Sun Tzu The Art of War™ which you can use to empower yourself and improve your competing skills for decisive leadership and effective decision making as a business leader and business decision maker. As an entrepreneur, a businessperson, a business leader, an executive or a manager, your team and organization depend your ability to lead them and make effective decisions that will turn weaknesses and disadvantages into strengths and advantages and will bring them outstanding results. This is why SUN TZU 360™ is critical for your leadership and decision making skills. In this business strategy book, you will discover 360 proven strategy principles and their ideas and secrets which you can apply to lead your team and business organization and even outmaneuver your competitors. These 360 proven strategy principles will help you build your business strengths and competitive advantages which you need in order to survive and succeed in the rapidly changing and highly competitive business world of today. SUN TZU 360™ is the foundation of business survival and business success. This business strategy book is the only book in the world that has 360 timeless and universal strategy principles of Sun Tzu The Art of War™. These 360 proven strategy principles help form a comprehensive strategy system which you can apply in all aspects of your business so that you can win and succeed in your competing industry. SUN TZU 360™ was written by James Sonhill DBA who is the world leading authority on Sun Tzu The Art of War™ and competitive business strategy, the international bestselling author of more than 90 classic and modern business strategy books, and the founder of Strategy Institute of America™ that is currently offering 32 business strategy courses and 12 business strategy certification programs worldwide. SUN TZU 360™ is one of his nine Sun Tzu Branding™ books which include SUN TZU AOW™, SUN TZU PRO™, SUN TZU 1OX™, SUN TZU BIZ™, SUN TZU CEO™, SUN TZU ONE™, SUN TZU USA™, and SUN TZU MBA™. For this reason, SUN TZU 360™ should be your No.1 business book of choice when it comes to your strategic planning, your business strategy, and your victory over your business competition. Give this book a try and you will discover how its 360 practical strategy principles can help you improve your skills for decisive leadership and effective decision making. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu The Art of War™ Green Edition is a profound wisdom and fundamental knowledge for competitive thinking of today whether in business, politics, or anything else in between. Its strategy principles and formulas are timeless and universal as well as proven and practical. This book has a comprehensive translation of Sun Tzu The Art of War™. It is the only translation in the world that has 360 strategy principles which are easy to read and understand. Mastering these proven principles and practicing them will make you decisive and effective in the way you lead your people and make your decisions. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu High Achiever™ offers you a simple strategy model called Sun Tzu Achiever Model™ which you can use to plan and establish as well as defend and advance your strategic position so that you can obtain your upper hand and competitive advantage for becoming a high performer and a high achiever both in your business and in your personal life. The knowledge and Sun Tzu Achiever Model™ in this book will help you become decisive and effective in the way you lead and make your decisions as well as adaptive and competitive in the way you perform and take your actions so that you can accomplish more and achieve more and become a high achiever. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu Achiever Planner™ is designed to help you practice and apply on a daily basis proven strategy principles and formulas you have discovered in some of my Sun Tzu business strategy books. You use this innovative personal strategy planner as your central decisionmaking system for decisive leadership and effective decision making as well as for adaptive performance and competitive action taking. You use this central decisionmaking system to help you achieve your goals and accomplish your mission and mainly help you make money and create wealth. Sun Tzu Achiever Planner™ will give you the upper hand and edge you need to win and succeed. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu The Planner™ is designed to help you apply and practice on a daily basis strategy principles and strategy formulas of Sun Tzu The Art of War™ which you have discovered in many of my strategy books. You use this innovative personal strategy planner as your central decisionmaking system to help you develop your business authority skills and help you establish your business strategic position and craft your business strategy cycle for business success. Using Sun Tzu The Planner™ will make you decisive and effective in the way you lead and make your decision as well as adaptive and competitive in the way you perform and take your actions. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and