Book Description

Sun Tzu Strategy Playbook™ puts everything you have discovered in previous business strategy books into a perspective that will help you develop your authority skills, establish your strategic position, and formulate your strategy cycle for improving and advancing your strategic position. This book is designed to make you the centerpiece of everything you do as a decisive leader and an effective decision maker of your own organization. Proven strategy principles and strategy formulas in this book can help you gain necessary strength and power you need in order to win and succeed both in business and in life. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

Sun Tzu Pro(tm)

Book Description

Sun Tzu PRO(tm): Strategy Playbook is designed to wrap up everything you have learned in Sun Tzu 360(tm) and Sun Tzu PRO(tm) which are two of our business strategy courses we have been offering worldwide. The information in this book gives you competitive knowledge. And this knowledge is very practical for your success both in business and in life. Using it will make you decisive and effective in the way you lead and make decisions and will make you adaptive and competitive in the way you perform and take actions. This competitive knowledge will make you unbeatable and victorious in the way you compete and succeed in your business competition.

Sun Tzu Strategy Playbook(tm)

Book Description

Sun Tzu Strategy Playbook(TM) puts everything you have discovered in previous business strategy books into a perspective that will help you develop your authority skills, establish your strategic position, and formulate your strategy cycle for improving and advancing your strategic position. This book is designed to make you the centerpiece of everything you do as a decisive leader and an effective decision maker of your own organization. Proven strategy principles and strategy formulas in this book can help you gain necessary strength and power you need in order to win and succeed both in business and in life.


Book Description

Sales: Sun Tzu Closer™ Playbook shows you how to practice strategy principles and strategy formulas that you have discovered and learned in Sales: Five Elements In Four Steps so that you can become a true sales professional and Sun Tzu Closer™. You will be able to make more sales and close more deals when you understand how buyers make their buying decisions based on the five elements of sales in four strategic closing steps. These five elements of sales and four strategic closing steps make up a comprehensive strategy-base sales philosophy and a comprehensive strategy-base sales system that you can use to close anyone in any sales circumstances. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu PRO™: Strategy Playbook is designed to wrap up everything you have learned in Sun Tzu 360™ and Sun Tzu PRO™ which are two of our business strategy courses we have been offering worldwide. The information in this book gives you competitive knowledge. And this knowledge is very practical for your success both in business and in life. Using it will make you decisive and effective in the way you lead and make decisions and will make you adaptive and competitive in the way you perform and take actions. This competitive knowledge will make you unbeatable and victorious in the way you compete and succeed in your business competition. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

Sun Tzu Biz(tm)

Book Description

Sun Tzu BIZ(tm): Business Strategy Playbook shows you how to develop your business authority skills, how to establish a realistic strategic position for your business, and how to craft a practical strategy cycle for your business strategic position. This business strategy playbook gives you practical strategy principles and formulas you need in order to compete and succeed as a small business owner, a small business woman, or a millennial entrepreneur. Correctly applying these proven strategy principles and formulas will make you decisive, effective, adaptive, and competitive in the way you lead, make decisions, perform and take actions.

Sun Tzu 10x(tm)

Book Description

Sun Tzu 10X(TM) Strategy Playbook To Win 10X shows you how to apply the ten strategy rules you have discovered and learned in Sun Tzu 10X(TM) 10 Strategy Rules To Win 10X so that you can dominate your industry. You dominate your industry by creating and offering ten times of better or similar business values your competitors are offering. Correctly implementing these ten strategy rules will give you ten times of competitive advantage, ten times of effectiveness and competitiveness, ten times of power, and ten times of values you need in order to successfully compete and win ten times in your business competition.


Book Description

This complete guide gives you a glance of how many classic and business strategy books the author has published over the years since he discovered Sun Tzu The Art of War™ and has embraced this amazing wisdom and powerhouse knowledge as his success philosophy both in business and in personal life. Sun Tzu The Art of War™ is the ultimate wisdom that can give you the upper hand and competitive edge you need in order to survive and succeed under any challenging circumstances. This complete guide of Sonhill™ strategy books can help you find proper strategy books for your situation. I would collect all of these applicable strategy books if I were you. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and


Book Description

Sun Tzu The Authority™ shows you why you should focus on trading business value for money rather than trading time for money. Time is indispensable and limited where business value is dispensable and unlimited. To create business value and trade it for money, you need to have business authority skills that let you transform from the idea of trading time for money to the idea of trading value for money. To develop these business authority skills, you need to have a realistic masterplan and a practical strategy that allow you to advance yourself from being a worker to being a business authority. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and

SUN TZU 2030™

Book Description

Sun Tzu 2030™ gives you a real success blueprint you can follow today to achieve and accomplish anything you want in business and in life, starting from where you are now and moving forward to secure a stronger position in your industry that will give you many advantages for years to come. This success blueprint is based on a fundamental idea that naturally you have a strategic position which you need to carefully plan and establish as well as strategically defend and advance from where it is now to where you want it to be. The more you can defend and advance your strategic position the more unstoppable and more successful you become. For more information on our business strategy books, business strategy planners, business strategy courses, and business strategy certification programs, visit our websites: and