Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Book Description

This updated publication, produced for DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), is an overview of DOE's streamlined energy savings performance contracting ("Super ESPC") process. It is intended for Federal energy and facility managers, contracting officers, procurement staff, private energy service companies (ESCOs), and any others involved in this contracting process. A Super ESPC is an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract that allows a qualifying, preselected ESCO to pay the initial capital cost of energy efficiency improvements or renewable energy technologies at a Federal facility. The ESCO is then repaid over time from the Federal agency's resulting cost savings over the term of the contract, which can be up to 25 years. Among other benefits, Super ESPCs allow Federal agencies to obtain energy efficiency improvements and new technologies without having to go through the entire contracting process or having to pay the up-front costs of new equipment and services.

Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Book Description

This four-page publication describes the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) streamlined energy savings performance contracting, or ''Super ESPC, '' process, which is managed by DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP). Under a Super ESPC, a qualifying energy service company (ESCO) from the private sector pays for energy efficiency improvements or advanced renewable energy technologies (e.g., photovoltaic systems, wind turbines, or geothermal heat pumps, among others) for a facility of a government agency. The ESCO is then repaid over time from the agency's resulting energy cost savings. Delivery orders under these contracts specify the level of performance (energy savings) and the repayment schedule; the contract term can be up to 25 years, although many Super ESPCs are for about 10 years or less.

Super Energy Savings Performance Contracting

Book Description

As this document explains, Super ESPCs are similar to conventional ESPCs. They use the same general contract terms and provisions. However, they differ in two fundamental ways. First, a Super ESPC blankets a large geographic territory while a conventional ESPC is used for a specific site. Second, Super ESPCs substantially reduce the lead time to contract with an energy service company for energyservices.

Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts: Program Overview

Book Description

Authorized by the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), the Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) program was created to provide agencies with a quick and cost-effective way to finance energy-saving technologies. Under an ESPC, energy service companies (ESCOs) assume the capital costs of installing energy and water conservation equipment and renewable energy systems.


Book Description

Authorized by the Energy Policy Act of 1992 (EPAct), the Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) program was created to provide agencies with a quick and cost-effective way to finance energy-saving technologies. Under an ESPC, energy service companies (ESCOs) assume the capital costs of installing energy and water conservation equipment and renewable energy systems.

Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Book Description

Constrained budgets and increasing energy efficiency goals have led federal agencies to explore innovative ways to fund energy improvements, including the Department of Energy's Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPC). An expected increase in the use of ESPCs has raised questions about agencies' ability to ensure that the government's interests are protected. ESPCs can span up to 25 years and be valued at millions of dollars each. This book examines the extent to which agencies have used ESPCs and plan to use them; projects have achieved their expected cost and energy savings; and agencies have overseen and evaluated such projects.

Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs).

Book Description

Energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) allow Federal agencies to conduct energy projects with limited to no up-front capital costs, minimizing the need for Congressional appropriations.

Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services

Book Description

The current universal concerns about global energy security, competitiveness, and environmental protection make energy efficiency more important than ever. However, realizing large-scale savings has proven a significant challenge due to many barriers. 'Public Procurement of Energy Efficiency Services' looks at a largely untapped energy efficiency market the public sector. While the efficiency potential in this sector is substantial, the implementation of energy savings programs has been complicated by a number of factors, such as insufficient incentives to lower energy costs, rigid budgeting and procurement procedures, and limited access to financing. The book looks at energy savings performance contracts (ESPCs) as a means of overcoming some of these barriers. Because public facilities can outsource the full project cycle to a commercial service provider, ESPCs can enable public agencies to solicit technical solutions, mobilize commercial financing, and assign performance risk to third parties, allowing the agency to pay from a project s actual energy savings. The recommendations in this book stem from case studies that identified approaches, models, and specific solutions to ESPC procurement, including budgeting, energy audits, and bid evaluation. Such an approach also offers enormous potential to bundle, finance, and implement energy efficiency projects on a larger scale in the public sector, which can yield further economies of scale. ESPCs can also serve as an attractive element for fiscal stimulus packages and efforts by governments to 'green' their infrastructure, which can create local jobs, reduce future operating costs, and mitigate their carbon footprint. Lower energy bills, in turn, help to create fiscal space in future years to meet other critical investment priorities. Bundled public sector energy efficiency projects can help stimulate local markets for energy efficiency goods and services and 'lead by example', demonstrating good practices and providing models to the private sector.

ESPC Issues: DOE Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts

Book Description

To reduce the cost and environmental impact of the Federal government by advancing energy efficiency and water conservation, promoting the use of distributed and renewable energy, and improving utility management decisions at Federal sites. The mission involves helping agencies meet their federal energy management goals Reduce energy consumption - Standard building energy per square foot to be reduced by 30 percent in 2005 and 35 percent in 2010 relative to 1985. -Industrial/laboratory energy to be reduced by 20 percent in 2005 and 25 percent in 2010 relative to 1990. Expand use of renewable energy - 2.5% of Federal facility electricity consumption by 2005. - 2.000 solar energy systems by 2000; 20000 by 2010. Implement best management practices for water conservation in 80% of Federal facilities by 2010. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions 30 percent by 2010 compared to 1990.