Superconducting Accelerator Magnets

Book Description

The main topic of the book are the superconducting dipole and quadrupole magnets needed in high-energy accelerators and storage rings for protons, antiprotons or heavy ions. The basic principles of low-temperature superconductivity are outlined with special emphasis on the effects which are relevant for accelerator magnets. Properties and fabrication methods of practical superconductors are described. Analytical methods for field calculation and multipole expansion are presented for coils without and with iron yoke. The effect of yoke saturation and geometric distortions on field quality is studied. Persistent magnetization currents in the superconductor and eddy currents the copper part of the cable are analyzed in detail and their influence on field quality and magnet performance is investigated. Superconductor stability, quench origins and propagation and magnet protection are addressed. Some important concepts of accelerator physics are introduced which are needed to appreciate the demanding requirements on field quality in large storage rings. The operational experience with the superconducting HERA collider serves as an illustration. Finally superconducting correction coils and practical construction and fabrication methods of accelerator magnets are discussed. The physical and technical principles described in the book are substantiated with a wealth of experimental data on multipoles, persistent- and eddy-current effects, quench performance and much more.

Field Computation for Accelerator Magnets

Book Description

Written by a leading expert on the electromagnetic design and engineering of superconducting accelerator magnets, this book offers the most comprehensive treatment of the subject to date. In concise and easy-to-read style, the author lays out both the mathematical basis for analytical and numerical field computation and their application to magnet design and manufacture. Of special interest is the presentation of a software-based design process that has been applied to the entire production cycle of accelerator magnets from the concept phase to field optimization, production follow-up, and hardware commissioning. Included topics: Technological challenges for the Large Hadron Collider at CERN Algebraic structures and vector fields Classical vector analysis Foundations of analytical field computation Fields and Potentials of line currents Harmonic fields The conceptual design of iron- and coil-dominated magnets Solenoids Complex analysis methods for magnet design Elementary beam optics and magnet polarities Numerical field calculation using finite- and boundary-elements Mesh generation Time transient effects in superconducting magnets, including superconductor magnetization and cable eddy-currents Quench simulation and magnet protection Mathematical optimization techniques using genetic and deterministic algorithms Practical experience from the electromagnetic design of the LHC magnets illustrates the analytical and numerical concepts, emphasizing the relevance of the presented methods to a great many applications in electrical engineering. The result is an indispensable guide for high-energy physicists, electrical engineers, materials scientists, applied mathematicians, and systems engineers.

Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets

Book Description

This open access book is written by world-recognized experts in the fields of applied superconductivity and superconducting accelerator magnet technologies. It provides a contemporary review and assessment of the experience in research and development of high-field accelerator dipole magnets based on Nb3Sn superconductor over the past five decades. The reader attains clear insight into the development and the main properties of Nb3Sn composite superconducting wires and Rutherford cables, and details of accelerator dipole designs, technologies and performance. Special attention is given to innovative features of the developed Nb3Sn magnets. The book concludes with a discussion of accelerator magnet needs for future circular colliders.; Broadens our understanding of design and performance limits of high-field Nb3Sn accelerator magnets for a future very high energy hadron collider Offers beginners a concise overview of the relevant design concepts for a new generation of superconducting accelerator magnets based on Nb3Sn superconductor Illustrates the complete process of accelerator magnet design and fabrication Provides a contemporary review and assessment of the past experience with Nb3Sn high-field dipole accelerator magnets Identifies the main open R&D issues for Nb3Sn high-field dipole magnets This work was published by Saint Philip Street Press pursuant to a Creative Commons license permitting commercial use. All rights not granted by the work's license are retained by the author or authors.


Book Description

This book presents the basics and applications of superconducting magnets. It explains the phenomenon of superconductivity, theories of superconductivity, type II superconductors and high-temperature cuprate superconductors. The main focus of the book is on the application to superconducting magnets to accelerators and fusion reactors and other applications of superconducting magnets. The thermal and electromagnetic stability criteria of the conductors and the present status of the fabrication techniques for future magnet applications are addressed. The book is based on the long experience of the author in studying superconducting materials, building magnets and numerous lectures delivered to scholars. A researcher and graduate student will enjoy reading the book to learn various aspects of magnet applications of superconductivity. The book provides the knowledge in the field of applied superconductivity in a comprehensive way.

Nb3Sn Accelerator Magnets

Book Description

This open access book is written by world-recognized experts in the fields of applied superconductivity and superconducting accelerator magnet technologies. It provides a contemporary review and assessment of the experience in research and development of high-field accelerator dipole magnets based on Nb3Sn superconductor over the past five decades. The reader attains clear insight into the development and the main properties of Nb3Sn composite superconducting wires and Rutherford cables, and details of accelerator dipole designs, technologies and performance. Special attention is given to innovative features of the developed Nb3Sn magnets. The book concludes with a discussion of accelerator magnet needs for future circular colliders.

New Techniques for Future Accelerators III

Book Description

A fundamental step towards gaining a deeper understanding of our world is to increase the resolution of the investigative instruments we use; i.e. to increase the energy, and hence to decrease the wavelength, of the particles which constitute our probes. Almost any substantial progress in our understanding of the fundamental laws of Nature has been obtained when a new generation of accelerators has allowed us to achieve a new energy range. The new results have generated new questions, thus encouraging us to construct new machines to reach even higher energy levels. The relative energy gain from one generation of accelerators to the next is progressively increasing. The energy ga in suggested by the theoretical predictions at the time has usually been much greater than the value allowed by our technical capabilities. But this smaller energy gain permitted by accelerator technology improvement has generally been sufficient up until now to bring about a substantial increase in our knowledge. Hence a large increase in accelerator energy is very important, and we know that this result can essentially be obtained by developing some new device or some new approach.


Book Description

This book presents the basics of superconductivity and applications of superconducting magnets. It explains the phenomenon of superconductivity, describes theories of superconductivity, and discusses type II and high-temperature cuprate superconductors. The main focus of the book is the application of superconducting magnets in accelerators, fusion reactors and other advanced applications such as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), high-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS), and superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES). This new and significantly extended second edition covers the state of the art in the development of novel superconductors for advanced magnet applications, as well as the production of practical superconducting wires, tapes, and ultra high current cables used for high-field magnets. It includes two new chapters each devoted to MgB2 and Fe-based superconductors, and discusses the recently developed and world record-setting 45.5-Tesla magnetic field generated by a combination of conventional and high-temperature cuprate superconducting magnets. In addition, it discusses the status and outlook of all current and future nuclear fusion reactors worldwide. The chapter on accelerators includes the ongoing efforts to build high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC), the high-energy 28 TeV LHC (HE-LHC), the future circular collider (FCC) at CERN, and the just launched electro-ion collider (EIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory. The book is based on the long-standing experience of the author in studying superconducting materials, building magnets and delivering numerous lectures to research scholars and students. The book provides comprehensive and fundamental knowledge in the field of applied superconductivity, greatly benefiting researchers and graduate students wishing to learn more about the various aspects of superconductivity and advanced magnet applications.

Advanced Multipoles for Accelerator Magnets

Book Description

This monograph presents research on the transversal beam dynamics of accelerators and evaluates and describes the respective magnetic field homogeneity. The widely used cylindrical circular multipoles have disadvantages for elliptical apertures or curved trajectories, and the book also introduces new types of advanced multipole magnets, detailing their application, as well as the numerical data and measurements obtained. The research presented here provides more precise descriptions of the field and better estimates of the beam dynamics. Moreover, the effects of field inhomogeneity can be estimated with higher precision than before. These findings are further elaborated to demonstrate their usefulness for real magnets and accelerator set ups, showing their advantages over cylindrical circular multipoles. The research findings are complemented with data obtained from the new superconducting beam guiding magnet models (SIS100) for the FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) project. Lastly, the book offers a comprehensive survey of error propagation in multipole measurements and an appendix with Mathematica scripts to calculate advanced magnetic coil designs.

Superconducting Magnet Systems

Book Description

The renaissance of magnet technology started in the early 1950s with the establishment of high-energy accelerators. About a decade later in 1961, or fifty years after the discovery of superconductivity, high-field superconducting laboratory magnets became a reality. Conventional still the major beam-handling and experimen­ electromagnets, which are tal devices used in laboratories, operate at zero efficiency. To generate high magnetic fields in a useful volume, considerable amounts of power are needed. Superconducting d. c. magnets do not require any power at all. It is somewhat depressing to note that, sixty years after the first superconductor was tested, the experimental d. c. superconducting mag­ net is still the only large-scale equipment operated in laboratories. Al­ though there has been considerable activity in the area of superconduc­ tivity, superconductors are used on quite a modest scale in electronic and quantum devices, in medicine and biology, and in physical experi­ ments where high magnetic fields are essential. It is only recently that Type II superconductors have been introduced in power engineering (power generation, storage and transport) to replace pulsed accelerator magnets; for fast and economical transportation vehicles (levitated trains) where superconductors may ultimately replace the wheel; to make new means of en~rgy generation economically feasible, such as in magneto­ hydrodynamics and in fusion reactors; and for high-efficiency electric motors. High-field superconducting magnets are being proposed for de­ salination of seawater, for magnetic separation in the mining industry, for cleaning polluted water, and for sewage treatment.

Thermo-magnetic Instabilities in Nb3Sn Superconducting Accelerator Magnets

Book Description

The advance of High Energy Physics research using circulating accelerators strongly depends on increasing the magnetic bending field which accelerator magnets provide. To achieve high fields, the most powerful present-day accelerator magnets employ NbTi superconducting technology; however, with the start up of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2007, NbTi magnets will have reached the maximum field allowed by the intrinsic properties of this superconductor. A further increase of the field strength necessarily requires a change in superconductor material; the best candidate is Nb3Sn. Several laboratories in the US and Europe are currently working on developing Nb3Sn accelerator magnets, and although these magnets have great potential, it is suspected that their performance may be fundamentally limited by conductor thermo-magnetic instabilities: an idea first proposed by the Fermilab High Field Magnet group early in 2003. This thesis presents a study of thermo-magnetic instability in high field Nb3Sn accelerator magnets. In this chapter the following topics are described: the role of superconducting magnets in High Energy Physics; the main characteristics of superconductors for accelerator magnets; typical measurements of current capability in superconducting strands; the properties of Nb3Sn; a description of the manufacturing process of Nb3Sn strands; superconducting cables; a typical layout of superconducting accelerator magnets; the current state of the art of Nb3Sn accelerator magnets; the High Field Magnet program at Fermilab; and the scope of the thesis.