Her Three Supernatural Husbands

Book Description

EVERY DAY THE SAME THING! Catherine works the same schedule every morning and night. Every day she worked hard to manage her business, her private life, and love life. Or lack thereof. She’s the average modern girl in a modern world, only she’s too busy to focus on fixing her lack of romance. UNTIL TODAY The unthinkable happens. While she’s swiping on Tind3r, the world fades away and she wakes up to find herself on Erlias, a world full of creatures from the human imagination. Three men appear, Gunther, Zion, and Silas, and all three claims to be her husbands! What is an Intirmate and what does it have to do with her? Why was she the one picked to be the Tatiana? And why does a single touch from one of the three men turn her legs to jelly?

Supernatural Husbands

Book Description

Being a single woman, desiring marriage but suffering failed relationships is the story of thousands of modern christian women today. Another common scenario is being a married woman sentenced to enduring the relationship, not enjoying it. Things don't have to be this way. Knowing to pray is one thing but knowing how to pray and what to say is where many women feel lost. SUPERNATURAL HUSBANDS is a prayer guide for singles-in-waiting, brides-to-be and wives that teaches you how to effectively pray for your future husband BEFORE marriage even before you meet him. This book also covers comprehensive areas of prayer that wives should pray for their husbands after and during their marriage. So much of what we have come to accept as 'the norm' is way below standard and our relationship dysfunction negatively impacts generation upon generation. So how will things change? The battle for love, relationships and marriage must be won on our knees in prayer, coupled with wise action. - Learn why WHY the mandate of intercession has fallen on the shoulders of women in this book. - Learn how to pray and intercede for your man from the position of victory instead of defeat. - Breathe fresh life into your own prayer life and receive healling from relationship hurt and past experiences. - Supercharge your prayers with the spirit of wisdom and revelation. - Release the power of God to transform your husband so that he is built up in faith, in spirit and in character. The prayers in this book target the identity, mindset, attitude, behavior, and sexuality of men and bring them into alignment with the will of God for his life and family. The more supernatural husbands we have out there, the happier our homes will become and the knock-on effect will be enjoyed by our children, families, society and the Kingdom of God on earth. ABOUT THE AUTHORS In over twenty years, Vivien Rose has experienced every stage of the relationship cycle. She has been single, married, separated, divorced, reconciled and a single parent. Today, as an Evangelist, Teacher and Intercession, her passion in ministry is to teach singles couples how to avoid unnecessary mistakes, how to discern the will of God for their marriage and walk in understanding and love with one another within marriage. She is visionary founder of The Two Shall Be One, a teaching and intercessory ministry called to revive the nations, one family at a time. CO-AUTHOR Rose Sunday is a Minister of God, who has faced and overcome the frustration and challenges which many singles-in-waiting deal with; such as delay, disappointment, and relationship break ups. Called to the ministry of intercession, both Evangelist Vivien and Minister Rose carry a burden for the revival of nations and restoration of men, women and families.

Supernatural Marriage

Book Description

The Surplus of Culture

Book Description

This multifaceted volume presents the elusive surplus of culture in the spotlight of theory and academic practice. Despite its overtly economic implications, the concept alludes to the added value of sense, common sense and nonsense which is represented as languages of irony, irrationality and absurdity potentially subverting traditional and mainstream “regimes” of culture. Consequently, the “moment of surplus” is inherent in critical interpretation in which supposedly well-entrenched notions suddenly reveal their implicitly shattering and subversive nature. The surplus of culture dwells at the risky intersection of untamed interpretation and tradition. It is the space of the “third” in which literary canons are re-visited, language reveals its hidden political agendas, the Orient reclaims its own cognitive perspective and established structures of cognition are questioned in the tragic-comic gesture of insight. The volume is a must for scholars and researchers in the fields of cultural studies, literature and arts as well as literary theory.

Her Three Supernatural Husbands

Book Description

EVERY DAY THE SAME THING! Catherine works the same schedule every morning and night. Every day she worked hard to manage her business, her private life, and love life. Or lack thereof. She's the average modern girl in a modern world, only she's too busy to focus on fixing her lack of romance. UNTIL TODAY The unthinkable happens. While she's swiping on Tind3r, the world fades away and she wakes up to find herself on Erlias, a world full of creatures from the human imagination. Three men appear, Gunther, Zion, and Silas, and all three claims to be her husbands! What is an Intirmate and what does it have to do with her? Why was she the one picked to be the Titania? And why does a single touch from one of the three men turn her legs to jelly?

Male Daughters, Female Husbands

Book Description

In 1987, more than a decade before the dawn of queer theory, Ifi Amadiume wrote Male Daughters, Female Husbands, to critical acclaim. This compelling and highly original book frees the subject position of 'husband' from its affiliation with men, and goes on to do the same for other masculine attributes, dislocating sex, gender and sexual orientation. Boldly arguing that the notion of gender, as constructed in Western feminist discourse, did not exist in Africa before the colonial imposition of a dichotomous understanding of sexual difference, Male Daughters, Female Husbands examines the structures in African society that enabled people to achieve power, showing that roles were not rigidly masculinized nor feminized. At a time when gender and queer theory are viewed by some as being stuck in an identity-politics rut, this outstanding study not only warns against the danger of projecting a very specific, Western notion of difference onto other cultures, but calls us to question the very concept of gender itself.

God, You Formed Me to be a Holy Husband But Something Caught my Eye

Book Description

God’s Husbands, it is time to return to your first love. The number one reason to return to God is your out-of-order lifestyle. It is causing children to develop confusing and un-Christianlike tendencies, hindering their own growth. Do you believe it is okay for Daddy to have a wife and a lover? Is it okay by God for Dad to divorce and marry two, three, and multiple times? Do you believe its okay for Dad to cause harm and unnecessary emotional stress upon his family? “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children; and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just” (Proverbs 13:22). Men of God, what lifestyle are you leaving for your sons and daughters? Ask yourself, is it Holy living? Why are there so many Christian women unmarried? Is it because single Christian men are afraid of commitment? God said, “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom ye have of God, and ye are not your own” (1 Corinthians 6:19). “But if they cannot have self-control, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to burn” (1 Corinthians 7:9).

The Story of Marriage

Book Description

ONCE UPON A TIME… Marriage was forever. It was a covenant that knit one man and one woman together. This weaving made both stronger, nobler, and more vibrant expressions of who they were created to be. They were better together than either had been on their own. The wedding ceremony was but a beginning. It was the gateway to build their happily ever after. Each choice and action was designed to construct the life their union represented. Husband and wife walked into the great unknown with hearts, hands, and voices intertwined to express the love of their Creator. How did we lose touch with this profound love story? In The Story of Marriage, John and Lisa Bevere invite you to rediscover God’s original plan. Whether you’re married, single, or engaged, your story is a part of His. Interactive book includes: - Daily devotionals - Questions for group discussion - Tools for mapping your dream marriage - Steps for writing your story well

The Nineteenth Century

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