Book Description

Finally, here is YOUR blueprint to discovery in astronomy. Today's non-professional astronomers with well-equipped observatories - advanced amateurs, colleges, institutions - are now contributing more than ever to fascinating discoveries throughout space. These private facilities now contribute thousands of observations and discoveries yearly into the scientific database. One such endeavor is that of supernovae searches, exploring distant galaxies in wait for these rare stellar explosions seen from millions of light years away. But where do we look? Current sources were lacking to detail the process of discovering and reporting these events, as was a study plan with suggested objects for monitoring. SUPERNOVA Search Atlas and Guide fills this void with over 300 carefully selected galaxies, photographed from the Arkansas Sky Observatories over a three year period. This study guide takes the guesswork out of discovery and provides the ultimate blueprint for your next discovery.

Cookin' In The Woods

Book Description

Bound Edition! An intriguing side-effect of having a great sense of smell is the ability to figure out "what's in" various meals that others have cooked. Likewise, it makes it easier to figure out how to make those dishes BETTER than the ones found in most cookbooks by changing ingredients or cooking methods. "Cookin' In The Woods" is a simple compilation of many very easy-to-make, last-minute, recipes that will have your friends and family begging for the recipe. In fact, that is exactly how this little cookbook came about: Never using any written guide, I have always had the knack to repeat excellent meals that all enjoy. Once finished, I usually get asked for the recipe and have never had such a thing - until now. You will notice that there are NO desserts here...only filling, satisfying and wholesome meals for all appetites. "Nothing Sweet....." These are my favorites and I hope that you enjoy them as much as thousands of my taste-testers have over the past 50 years!

Fireflies From Orion - The Poetry of P. Clay Sherrod

Book Description

I firmly believe that all people are poets; also I think that most poets never write for anyone but themselves. Writing poetry will save a bright mind a fortune, for you will never need a therapist when you write from your heart. The work is highly personal, emotional, and sinks deep into the very essence of the soul of the writer. That being said, I hope that you read and enjoy Fireflies From Orion, this being a selection composed of over fifty years of my writing prose. There are sad poems, happy poems, spiritual writings, emotion-evoking all poetry should be. Fireflies is poetry truly from the heart, not written to appease the strictest school of composition, not please those with whom iambic pentameter is a requirement along with every line to will not find that in Fireflies. You will find raw poetry, prose of both regular and irregular rhythm, words that hopefully will paint pictures and evoke memories in your mind from times long ago, now gone

The World's Last Peanut

Book Description

Many changes in one's lifetime are for the better; some are glaringly not. Progress of our modern world has led to the shadow of ""Political Correctness"" - every word written and spoken must be weighed lest someone will be insulted. No longer can we have a candid conversation for fear of banishment if we so much as use the wrong word, wrong idea, or thought that will offend someone. In this little book, is a very curious selection of tales and thoughts - philosophies perhaps - that are true stories that should offend no one. Yet in the course of these writings, when presented as opinion in newspapers around the United States, each of these has found someone who has been overwhelmed with my careless use of my imagination or choice of words. Hopefully you will find value, fun and humor in this ""Curious Collection of Politically Incorrect Opinions and Thoughts. If you do not find value, fun and humor in your readings, then you might want to change political parties. Or stay in bed.

Fission Population

Book Description

As early as 2030 the Arctic Ocean could lose essentially all of its ice during the warmest months of the year-a radical transformation that would destroy virtually all of the Arctic ecosystems and disrupt or destroy many northern communities, if not many communities along the coastal areas of Earth. Even now concentrations of Greenhouse gases are rising dramatically - because of mankind's industry as well as human overpopulation leading to the destruction of the cycle of photosynthesis. The human of Earth seems to be leading its own extinction. Has the cycle reached its "critical mass" and now unable to be reversed? Will popular social efforts such as "Going Green" help in any way whatsoever at this point in a global evolutionary crisis? In only a few - perhaps two - generations of the human race might we know the answers to whether the human race will have a planet capable of sustaining life without ever leaving this world.

Human Population and the Case for Global Warming

Book Description

Massive country-sized glaciers fall magnificently into the polar waters around them, one by one, eroding the great masses of ice that we have come to know as "polar caps" of Earth. Great shelves of prehistory in frozen state are finally giving way to the warming blanket of air surrounding our planet, the results of which are going to be catastrophic for future generations of all living things. The cause of the glacial erosion is very simple: human population explosion and the results of human demand and consumption. Today it is likely to be unstopped. The nonsensical "going green" movement should have begun in the early 1960's when scientists first sounded the alarm about this potential global disaster; suggesting even more ludicrous plans such as "The Green New Deal" is nothing but political is not a solution, only diversion from a solution. In fact, the problem is so large that possibly no effort short of the elimination of the human specie will stop the cycle.

The Observer's Guide to Astronomy: Volume 2

Book Description

How can you find new minor planets, comets and novae? How can you use photoelectric detectors to derive the temperatures of stars? And how can you predict future eclipses and occultations of stars by minor planets? The questions asked by serious amateur astronomers are answered in this authoritative and wide-ranging guide, first published in 1994. For each topic, sound practical methods of observation and the scientific background are given to lead you to better observations. Guidelines also show you how to record and catalogue your observations using the recognised professional terminology and classification schemes. From the simplest pencil drawings of the moon to observations of the most distant galaxies with state-of-the-art CCD cameras and photoelectric photometers, this guide is packed with practical tips for all types of amateur observations. It will develop the observational skills of the keen novice and satisfy the more demanding needs of the experienced amateur astronomer.

The Cambridge Guide to Astronomical Discovery

Book Description

Excellent introduction to finding previously unknown comets, asteroids, novae and supernovae.

Supernova Search Charts and Handbook Pack/Set ICL

Book Description

This unique atlas contains 248 charts of more than 300 of the brightest galaxies, each specially prepared to facilitate the discovery of supernovae. The comparison of these charts with the field seen in a telescope enables any extragalactic supernova to be spotted immediately. The charts include 345 galaxies printed on translucent paper for use on a light-box, each one carrying an explanation of the constellation in which the galaxy lies, special characteristics of the galaxy, observing instructions, expected maximum brightness for the supernovae in each galaxy, and the reference for the sequence. A handbook accompanies the charts advising on their use, on how to make and record supernova discoveries, and reviewing the present understanding of supernovae. Published for an international market, these charts carry real potential for numerous discoveries of supernovae. Supernova Search Charts are is a must for both serious observers and the growing number of deep sky enthusiasts around the world.


Book Description

There are thousands of college, university, and private modern observatories worldwide, equipped with state-of-the-art high tech equipment that only two decades ago was available to the world's largest research facilities. For the advanced amateur, and the university astronomy class, there are research projects available in which the non-professional not only can contribute real science to the body of knowledge, but provide true opportunities of discovery throughout the cosmos. In this Supernova Study Guide, the author presents the foundation for one of the most exciting and rewarding of all research quests: the search for stellar explosions in other galaxies - the Supernovae, one of nature's most rare events. This represents the first such Guide in which the author provides 300 empirically-determined galaxy targets for supernova searches and combines this vital list with the tools and techniques, step-by-step instructions, for successful supernova searches and research.