Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-2. Mockup Plan

Book Description

The use of mockups for design development provides for discovery and solution of configuration problems prior to release of production drawings. Mockups are therefore constructed early in the program to aid in design development and to verify design concepts.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-7. Airframe Design Report. Part C. Design Criteria Loads. Aerodynamic Heating Flutter

Book Description

This report presents the Boeing proposal for structural design loads and environment on the B-2707 commercial supersonic transport. Information on Phase III planning is included to define an efficient program necessary for first flight of the B-2707 prototype. Flight and ground loads criteria, flutter and vibration criteria, and structural design criteria are presented. The design loads and methods of analysis together with load validation data are presented in Sec. 3.0. The effects of these loads on ride comfort of the passengers and crew are also included. Structural temperature analyses that define the effects of aerodynamic and engine-induced heating on all major structure are presented in Sec. 4.0.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume V-4. Detail Work Plan

Book Description

The Detail Work Plan provides the basis for program management visibility and control of the task committed in the Statement of Work and will be used for schedule communications between Boeing and the FAA. The SST program schedules, developed during the Phase II-C time period to reflect current conditions in terms of long-range schedule objectives, are the basis for development of the Phase III plans portrayed in this document. The Phase III Master Phasing Plan Summary provides an overview of the Phase III program. Phase III schedule planning is supported by the additional detail of the Division Management Networks (DMN) employed by Boeing functional management to track internal progress on the program. Significant events have been extracted from the DMN and are reflected on the Activity Description and Schedule Pages and in the PMN's. These events are defined in the event dictionary and specific responsibilities for accomplishment are identified in the event dictionary.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-6-2. Airframe Design Report. Part B. Component Design

Book Description

This book describes the production version of the B-2707. Minimal differences will exist between the production and prototype airplanes because of availability of materials, processes, and facilities. A general discussion is presented of the structural design. A complete description is included of structural design features of the wing, fuselage, empennage, control surfaces, and landing gear, including drawings of all major assemblies. A preliminary stress analysis discusses methods of analysis, stress levels, member sizes, allowable stresses, and analysis and description of fail-safe designs. An analysis of structure designed by sonic or high-temperature effects is included. A fatigue analysis, includes fatigue criteria and environment, analysis procedure, fatigue damage summaries, fatigue analysis results, and 1-g stress levels.