Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-5. Airplane Performance (pratt and Whitney).

Book Description

Performance data are presented for the Boeing Model B-2707 (P and WA) intercontinental and domestic supersonic transports. Complete data are given to show the effects of weight, speed, altitude, power setting, and temperature so that airline operational and route analysis studies may be made. These data augment the basic performance given in Aerodynamic Design Report, V2-B2707-3.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Propulsion Performance Specification (general Electric).

Book Description

This specification establishes the requirements for the performance and method of calculation for the B-2707 (PW) propulsion system. The Pratt + Whitney Aircraft JTF17A-21B engine performance data is the primary data for the production propulsion performance specification. Supplement 1 of this specification defines the prototype propulsion performance and method of calculation by showing the specific differences between the production and the prototype engines.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-12. Propulsion Report-part A. Engine Inlet and Controls

Book Description

This document includes the summary and three major sections of the propulsion report describing the engines, supersonic inlet, and the propulsion control systems. Studies conducted during Phase II C have resulted in significant improvements to the Boeing Model 2707 propulsion system. Optimum sized engines with improved thrust and fuel consumption characteristics are available from General Electric and Pratt and Whitney Aircraft. The four separate and interchangeable propulsion pods are mounted below the lower surface of the horizontal stabilizer at such a position that the engine exhaust will not impinge on any part of the airplane. The pod location and shape provides optimum lift effect on the airplane.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase 3 Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume 2-14. Propulsion Report - Part C. Engine Evaluation

Book Description

Throughout Phase II-C, as in earlier phases of the SST Program, The Boeing Company has maintained a program of design analysis and performance evaluation, with the coordinated participation of both engine contractors. As a result, the General Electric GE4/J5P powered B-2707 (GE) and the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft JFT17A-21B powered B-2707 (P and WA) airplanes are very competitive in terms of overall airplane performance criteria, and either would make an outstanding airline airplaned. The purpose of this document is to report the technical evaluation of the two engines. Considerations in this evaluation include engine/airplane matching and performance, engine design, installation compatibility, development plan, development risk, and growth potential.

Technical Abstract Bulletin

Book Description

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Airframe/engine Business Agreement (general Electric).

Book Description

Contents: Supersonic Transport Aircraft System Responsibility Agreement; Engine deficiencies; System Deficiencies; Correction of System Deficiencies; Additional Applicability; Changes; Data; Ancillary Agreements; and Duration of Agreements and Admendments, Business Agreements; Working relationships; Product support requirements; Transportation; Hardware requirements. Business Agreements including: Working Relationships; Product Support Requirements; Transportation; Hardware Requirements.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Coordinated Inlet/engine Test Plan (general Electric).

Book Description

A preliminary plan outlining the test program for the full-scale SST inlet and controller with the GE4/J5P engine is presented in this document. This plan will be prepared in greater detail as the B-2707 Program advances. The over-all scope of the test consists of the following two major test programs: Testing in the full-scale SST inlet and controller without the engine in the supersonic tunnel, and Testing the full-scale inlet/engine combination with flight-type inlet and engine control systems in the supersonic and transonic tunnels simulating, to the maximum degree possible, the B-2707 flight envelope.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Iv-3. Sonic Boom Program

Book Description

The calculation of sonic boom characteristics of the Boeing Model 2707 is described; configuration geometry and pertinent aerodynamic data are detailed in the Aerodynamic Design Document, V2-B2707-3; sonic boom data, as related to airplane performance, are presented in the Airline Performance-GE, and Airline Performance-P and W Documents, V2-B2707-4 and -5. Consideration of sonic boom has been fundamental in the design of the B-2707. The configuration has been optimized to obtain the best sonic boom characteristics at all Mach numbers, commensurate with minimum drag, and structural weight considerations. This is evidenced by the fact that despite increases in fuselage size for improved passenger accommodations, the airplane essentially meets the FAA objectives for domestic and international operations.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-10. Systems Report-part A. Environmental Control. Electric. Navigation and Communication

Book Description

The air-conditioning system includes a cabin air source and associated cooling equipment, passenger cabin and flight deck air distribution and exhaust system, cabin temperature control, cabin pressure control, equipment and compartment conditioning, and instruments to monitor ozone levels. The adverse weather systems include ice and fog protection and rain removal for the flight deck windshields. Fog protection is provided for the movable-nose side windows. Ice protection is provided for the engine inlets and air data sensors. The oxygen system includes a gaseous oxygen system for the flight crew members and portable first-air oxygen units for the passenger cabin occupants and flight crew members. The electrical system comprises all electrical equipment required for generation, control, conversion, storage, and distribution of electrical power. It also includes electrical and electronic wiring and circuit protection devices between the distribution buses and the utilization loads and the airplane internal and external lights. Radio navigation and communication design and performance requirements have generally been well-established through action by airline industry study groups; e.g. RTCA, ATA, ARINC, and are therefore discussed briefly. Inertial Navigation and Weather Radar are development items, not yet fully defined, and are discussed in detail.