Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-7. Airframe Design Report. Part C. Design Criteria Loads. Aerodynamic Heating Flutter

Book Description

This report presents the Boeing proposal for structural design loads and environment on the B-2707 commercial supersonic transport. Information on Phase III planning is included to define an efficient program necessary for first flight of the B-2707 prototype. Flight and ground loads criteria, flutter and vibration criteria, and structural design criteria are presented. The design loads and methods of analysis together with load validation data are presented in Sec. 3.0. The effects of these loads on ride comfort of the passengers and crew are also included. Structural temperature analyses that define the effects of aerodynamic and engine-induced heating on all major structure are presented in Sec. 4.0.

Technical Abstract Bulletin

Book Description

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-6-2. Airframe Design Report. Part B. Component Design

Book Description

This book describes the production version of the B-2707. Minimal differences will exist between the production and prototype airplanes because of availability of materials, processes, and facilities. A general discussion is presented of the structural design. A complete description is included of structural design features of the wing, fuselage, empennage, control surfaces, and landing gear, including drawings of all major assemblies. A preliminary stress analysis discusses methods of analysis, stress levels, member sizes, allowable stresses, and analysis and description of fail-safe designs. An analysis of structure designed by sonic or high-temperature effects is included. A fatigue analysis, includes fatigue criteria and environment, analysis procedure, fatigue damage summaries, fatigue analysis results, and 1-g stress levels.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-9. Airframe Design Report. Part E. Structural Tests

Book Description

A comprehensive development and verification test program has been established for the structure of the B-2707 airplane. It recognizes the more demanding usage and environment to which the airplane is subjected, and the use of relatively new structural materials and processes. Additionally, it recognizes the problems of contemporary airplanes and provides testing of proper magnitude and timing to preclude recurrence of similar problems on the SST. Structural areas of concern have been covered by systematic development tests to provide the maximum information possible prior to final design. Toward this end, Boeing has conducted development tests of the SST structure and materials to establish reliable strength, fatigue life, and fail-safe concepts continuously during the past 8-years.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase 3. Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume 2-6-1. Airframe Design Report. Part A. Weight and Balance

Book Description

This report gives a detail weight breakdown of the proposed airplane and the design data and methods used in determining these weights. The report also includes moment of inertia, balance, and loading information. Supplement A provides weight data for the prototype airplane and Supplement B provides data for the domestic.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-10. Systems Report-part A. Environmental Control. Electric. Navigation and Communication

Book Description

The air-conditioning system includes a cabin air source and associated cooling equipment, passenger cabin and flight deck air distribution and exhaust system, cabin temperature control, cabin pressure control, equipment and compartment conditioning, and instruments to monitor ozone levels. The adverse weather systems include ice and fog protection and rain removal for the flight deck windshields. Fog protection is provided for the movable-nose side windows. Ice protection is provided for the engine inlets and air data sensors. The oxygen system includes a gaseous oxygen system for the flight crew members and portable first-air oxygen units for the passenger cabin occupants and flight crew members. The electrical system comprises all electrical equipment required for generation, control, conversion, storage, and distribution of electrical power. It also includes electrical and electronic wiring and circuit protection devices between the distribution buses and the utilization loads and the airplane internal and external lights. Radio navigation and communication design and performance requirements have generally been well-established through action by airline industry study groups; e.g. RTCA, ATA, ARINC, and are therefore discussed briefly. Inertial Navigation and Weather Radar are development items, not yet fully defined, and are discussed in detail.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Ii-5. Airplane Performance (pratt and Whitney).

Book Description

Performance data are presented for the Boeing Model B-2707 (P and WA) intercontinental and domestic supersonic transports. Complete data are given to show the effects of weight, speed, altitude, power setting, and temperature so that airline operational and route analysis studies may be made. These data augment the basic performance given in Aerodynamic Design Report, V2-B2707-3.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase 3 Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume 2-14. Propulsion Report - Part C. Engine Evaluation

Book Description

Throughout Phase II-C, as in earlier phases of the SST Program, The Boeing Company has maintained a program of design analysis and performance evaluation, with the coordinated participation of both engine contractors. As a result, the General Electric GE4/J5P powered B-2707 (GE) and the Pratt and Whitney Aircraft JFT17A-21B powered B-2707 (P and WA) airplanes are very competitive in terms of overall airplane performance criteria, and either would make an outstanding airline airplaned. The purpose of this document is to report the technical evaluation of the two engines. Considerations in this evaluation include engine/airplane matching and performance, engine design, installation compatibility, development plan, development risk, and growth potential.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Iv-11. Integrated Test Program

Book Description

Contents: Summary; Wind Tunnel Program; Materials and Processes; Airframe Structures; Airframe Subsystems; Propulsion System; Product Support; System Integration; Airplane Ground Test Program; Design Assurance; Production Tests; and Certification Plan.