Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume V-4. Detail Work Plan

Book Description

The Detail Work Plan provides the basis for program management visibility and control of the task committed in the Statement of Work and will be used for schedule communications between Boeing and the FAA. The SST program schedules, developed during the Phase II-C time period to reflect current conditions in terms of long-range schedule objectives, are the basis for development of the Phase III plans portrayed in this document. The Phase III Master Phasing Plan Summary provides an overview of the Phase III program. Phase III schedule planning is supported by the additional detail of the Division Management Networks (DMN) employed by Boeing functional management to track internal progress on the program. Significant events have been extracted from the DMN and are reflected on the Activity Description and Schedule Pages and in the PMN's. These events are defined in the event dictionary and specific responsibilities for accomplishment are identified in the event dictionary.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii-proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Iv-6. System Safety Plan

Book Description

The Phase III System Safety Plan presented in this report is based on the concept that assuring a new airplane of superior safety attributes is fundamentally dependent on: Identification of hazards to which the airplane may be exposed; Incorporation of design features which eliminate or compensate for such hazards; and Implementation of a broad program of design reviews and tests to verify that such hazards have been identified and rectified, and that the airplane is, in fact, safe. A fundamental objective of the SST Program is to build a safe transport. Within that framework the objective of this System Safety Program is to provide for the elimination of all potential material failures and human errors which could result in injury or damage causing events. Attainment of this objective will be realized by the use of the most advanced techniques in design, fabrication, test, certification, training and airline support of the airplane. Safety will not be compromised to any degree to achieve any other program objective.

Supersonic Transport Development Program. Phase Iii Proposal. Boeing Model 2707. Volume Iv-18. Value Engineering Program

Book Description

This document defines the Value Engineering Program developed in response to Exhibit 3A, of the Request for Proposal for Phase 3 of the Supersonic Transport Development Program. It states the objectives of the program and summarizes the management policies and organization instrumental in attaining these objectives.