Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction Technology Summary. Phase 1. Summary of GE4/SST Acoustic Suppression Research

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A development program for a commercial supersonic aircraft and engines was sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration during a five-year period from 1966 through 1971. The unique propulsion system, an afterburning turbojet, required acoustic suppression techniques to reduce its noise levels to those federally regulated for subsonic aircraft. An acoustic suppression research program was conducted by the General Electric Company to develop technology applicable to prototype and commercial supersonic engines. Primary emphasis was on jet noise suppressor development through model and engine testing. Various systems were studied including ejector pumping, simple mechanical primary and secondary suppressors, fluid injectants, multi-element tube nozzles, acoustically treated ejectors, highly segmented annular plug nozzles, etc. A research study on fundamental jet noise generation and reduction mechanisms was conducted at the General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center. In addition, investigatory tests were conducted for identification of total system noise. Application of a choked inlet and an open A sub 8 exhaust cycle were studied for noise reduction. Source turbomachinery noise generation and suppression through treatment application were investigated. This report summarizes the acoustic and aerodynamic technology with emphasis toward development of guidelines for future applications.

Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction Technology Summary. Phase I.

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Studies were performed to conclude and refine elements of work begun under the Supersonic Transport Engine Development Program. Three programs were completed in the area of turbomachinery noise: the screening of proposed materials for high temperature acoustic treatment and the extension of suppression design methods to the flows and temperatures typical of turbine exhaust conditions; investigations of multi-stage compressor tip treatment using multiple circumferential grooves; and the prediction and demonstration of the effects of increased turbine axial spacing on noise generation. Detailed analytical studies were made of data from conic and suppressor-type jets, both cold and hot flows, selected from the GE4/SST program. Correlations of aero/acoustic interrelationships were made, and elements of the noise generation mechanisms showing promise for future advanced concepts were identified. Scaling of small model jet noise data to engine size was established, using scaling techniques and accounting for site differences and the added sources present in engine data. (Author).

Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction Technology Summary. Phase 1. Summary of GE4/SST Acoustic Suppression Research

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Contents: Jet Noise Suppressor Configurations and Parametric Studies (Concluded) -- Acoustic ejectors on tube and conical nozzles, and Annular plug nozzle suppressor model studies; System studies -- Choked inlet - GE4 engine, Exhust nozzle open area schedule - GE4 Engine, and Tubomachinery noise on GE4 engine; General Electric Corporate Research and Development Center's Fundamental Jet Noise Work -- Supersonic jet noise suppression results and prediction methods.

The Supersonic Transport

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Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction Technology Program - Phase II.

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The Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction Technology Program, sponsored by the Federal Aviation Administration, was conducted as a follow-on effort after cancellation of the SST Program to finalize selected noise technology areas and summarize results of the SST Program. Using initial effects of the SST Program, as summarized in Phase I of The Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction Technology Program, the Phase II contract was issued to the General Electric Company (and Boeing) to continue this important work. The overall program objective was to provide additional acoustic technology necessary, to design high speed aircraft systems, recognizing future acceptable noise levels. General Electric's effort was divided into the acoustic technology areas of jet noise reduction, turbomachinery noise reduction, and aircraft system integration. Jet noise reduction technology work was achieved through analytical studies, model tests, and J79 engine tests. Selected suppression systems identified during the SST Program were further refined (multispoke/chute suppressors or annular plug nozzles). Novel advanced concepts of suppression were identified, and extensive aerodynamic (static and wind-on) performance tests and hot-jet acoustic tests were performed.

A Quantitative Assessment of Advanced Take-off Trajectories for Supersonic Transport Noise Reduction

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This thesis (a) establishes the design trades and limitations of supersonic transport propulsion systems in terms of take-off noise reduction, (b) identifies the attributes, quantifies the potential, and assesses the impact of advanced take-off trajectories designed for noise reduction, and (c) formulates a reduced-order model to scale these results for supersonic transport of different size classes and cruise Mach numbers. The propulsion system design trades established in this thesis show that clean- sheet engines do not enable supersonic transport to meet current subsonic transport noise limits when using conventional take-off trajectories. The impact of derivative engines on the cumulative noise levels is found to be small (1.4 EPNdB). In fact, regardless of whether a clean-sheet or derivative engine is selected, a Mach 1.4 business jet is shown to exceed the current cumulative noise limit by at least 15.5 EPNdB. Further noise reduction of the jet noise dominant engines is prevented by the fan size constraint imposed to limit wave drag during supersonic cruise. Advanced trajectories are proposed to reduce take-off noise by capitalizing on excess engine thrust and improved aerodynamic efficiency at higher take-off speeds. These novel trajectories use (i) automatic continuous control of thrust and high-lift devices, (ii) increased take-off speed, and (iii) reduced cut-back altitude, compared to conventional trajectories currently used for subsonic transport. For the aircraft examined, although these trajectories reduce the 65 dB-A community noise contour area by 63.8%, they only reduce cumulative certification noise by 10.6 EPNdB, which is insufficient to meet current subsonic transport noise limits. Additionally, advanced trajectories with the lowest community noise do not yield the lowest certification noise, which warrants re-examination of supersonic transport noise standards. On the contrary, engine NO[subscript x] standards are representative for supersonic transport using advanced take-off trajectories and thus do not need to be modified, as the impact of these trajectories on the mass of NO[subscript x] emissions during climb-out is small (16.1%). Last, a first-of-its-kind reduced-order model for supersonic transport take-off noise scaling shows that, as cruise Mach number increases, supersonic transport take-off noise levels increase while the thrust cut-back noise reduction potential decreases. This scaling rule enables equally stringent standard setting for noise certification of supersonic transport across a broad range of size classes and cruise Mach numbers.

SST Technology Follow-On Program - Phase I, a Summary of the SST Jet Noise Suppression Test Program

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Supersonic aircraft require propulsion systems that are significantly different from those for present subsonic aircraft. The higher jet velocity of the supersonic aircraft engines will generate more noise during the actual takeoff run than conventional jet transport engines. An applied research program was conducted at The Boeing Company from February 1966 through March 1971 to investigate jet nozzle systems which will suppress jet noise levels from the supersonic transport with minimal thrust loss. These efforts applied to the two prototype supersonic transports being developed at that time as well as the commercial version of the SST that was to follow. The research program indicated that 12 to 20 PNdB noise suppression can be attained with less than 10% thrust loss by using multielement jet nozzle concepts. This report summarizes the test results pertaining to suppressor nozzle noise and thrust characteristics.